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Monday, June 13, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 103 - HIS69, Part 32 of 44

Acquired Tastes XLIII:
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 103
HIS69, Part 32 of 44

The HIS69 imprint was active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 531 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan BooksManhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

Came up short five times this week. So twelve titles this week with a only seven covers.

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Supermarket Boy
Author: Mark Andrews

I don't know that I've ever had a crush on a bag boy, although I have wondered if they find the time to steal away to the back of the store and jerk off. Whenever I see a young one, that's what I wonder. When was the last time they jerked off? And where? Did they clean up after themselves?

It brings a whole new meaning to "Clean-up on aisle 10. Aisle 10."

This is a great, pervy illustration. Love that zipper down the front onesie and that he doesn't wear anything under it. I guess, based on what's pictured, this store does indeed offer 'home delivery.'

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Hollywood Studlet 
Author: Ward Michaels
(Cover Not Found)

Who? Sal Mineo? Montgomery Clift? Dirk Bogarde? Dean? Brando? Hudson? Donahue?

My money is on... Paul Lynde. From what I understand, he was packing a monster in those polyester slacks. And... oh, yeah, I'd hit that. But, from what I've read, before doing so I'd be smart to lock my liquor cabinet and maybe place a swatch of duct tape over that sardonic sweetheart's mouth.

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Sucker For Leather 
Author: Dirk Van Damm

Oh, my... nipple clamps! On a chain no less.

Have seen them around, but never tried it myself. I do think my nips are somewhat sensitive - I sure like to play with them and for others to do likewise. And I do own a pair of nipple suction cups... which I wore a little too long the first time I tried them.

Yeah... that was not the most comfortable of weeks.

As for the chain thing? Meh. I like my nips pinched... but by human fingers, not roach clips. 

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Turned On Interns 
Author: Frank Stare
(Cover Not Found)

Call it a hunch, but I think the publisher must have been pushing his authors to write about something other than 'chicken,' 'leather,' 'truckers,' and 'hard hats.' This week we have three (possibly four) titles introducing locales or subjects not touched on either before, or very often.

On the internet, gay doctor porn is super popular, given how much of it there is to be found. I do at least one post a year featuring such porn and am always surprised that I don't have to use something I've used in the past - there's always something new. 

I've often wondered about interns. Especially sleeping in bunks, all in the same room. But the reality does not feed fantasy, for those poor souls are worked 'round the clock. Based on what I've seen, they are much too tired to even think about getting laid. But then... when push comes to shove and push meets bush, I guess anything is possible.

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Romeo And Romeo 
Author: Mark Andrews
(Cover Not Found)

I wonder if this is set in a classic time, adhering to the Shakespeare play it alludes to, or if this is about some community theatre production? In either case, it's a bit of fun, I'm sure. I mean, the audition process alone would be worth the price of admission. 

And both would involve men in tights and... well, we all appreciate that, now don't we!
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Choosing The Best
Author: Mark Deering
(Cover Not Found)

And speaking of auditions... why settle for community theatre when you can do gay porn?

This kind of job interview? Sign me up! No, I almost certainly won't get the job...

...but, in the short-term, I would enjoy the benefits!
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Truck Driving Stud 
Author: Dirk Van Damm

How many variations on this theme have we seen as part of this imprint's history?

High-Ball Trucker
Truckin’ Naked
Trickn’ and Truckin’
Trucker Sucker
Ballsout Trucker
Fast, Hard Trucker
Trucker’s Chicken
Truckstop Hunk
Trucker Comin’
Suckin’ Truckin’ Studs
Trucker’s Load
S&M Truckers
Trucker’s Trick
Big Truckin’ Stud
Trucker’s Tail
Horse-Hung Trucker
Trucker Sucker (Again)
Truck Driving Stud

We've covered 403 titles for this imprint. Using the list above, that means that for every 21 books published, one had to do with a trucker! Popular fantasy!

The linked titles are available for download for a couple of bucks at Hommi Publishing.

It's Pride month... go show him some love.

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Chicken Farm 
Author: Bolt Tanner

Well, I'm in a mood to make lists. How many titles out of 403 concern the concept of 'chicken?'

Door-to-Door Chicken
Chicken Chaser
Chicken Farm (by George Wilson)
Daddy’s Tasty Chicken
Cream of Chicken
Trucker’s Chicken
Chicken Lickin’
Tied Chicken
Chicken Trainer
Tricking the Chicken
Chicken Trick
First-Time Chicken
Daddy’s Chicken
Chicken Camp
T-Room Chicken
Chicken Trick
Teachin’ the Chicken
Runaway Chicken
Chicken Delights
Turned on Chicken
Chicken in Trouble
First-Time Chicken
Trapped Chicken
Chicken Ring
Chicken Lover
Chicken Hustler
Punk Chicken
Chicken Farm (by Bolt Tanner)

That's a lot of poultry - 28 out of 403. And that's pretty amazing, considering the term 'chicken.' doesn't appear in the title of a book until the 72nd one published.

As before, the linked titles are available for download for a couple of bucks at Hommi Publishing.

It's gay history!

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Freshman On The Floor 
Author: Mark Andrews

Someone's attending quite the gay luau. And it looks like blondie stands a good chance of getting... dare I say it? 

I dare! 


What the title has to do with the cover? I dunno, but would be fun to find out.

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Studlorn Column 
Author: Ward Michaels

Oddest title in the whole series so far... I think. 

Obviously the column is referring to a penis. But 'Studlorn?' What is that? A lonely stud penis? A stud with a lonely penis!

Isn't the English language amazing?

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Hard To Please 
Author: Roland Graeme

Ah, a military-themed tale.

For those do appear to be dog tags blondie is sporting. Hmm. I wonder what else he's sporting?

I hear barracks hold plenty of privates.

Whether you get to play with them? Well, that depends on how long its been since their last furlough.

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The Sport Of Shorts 
Author: Mark Andrews

And this is a new topic for this imprint.

Yes, having an underwear fetish is a thing. And if you are young and have a dick that gets hard, you, too, can sell your used underwear for big bucks. I had a tenant who had a web cam business and he would get all sorts of requests for his underwear, which he happily supplied - at a price. Men would also mail him underwear or undergear to wear and mail back to them.

I must confess... I have a thing for underwear.

I love 'found' underwear - drawers dudes leave behind at the prairie during the summer.

I also have a fantasy of being invited over to a young man's house, so I perv out and do their laundry - the main attraction being? I'd get to handle their underwear.

Underwear is such an intimate thing. I think that's why folks fetishize it with such a passion.

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And that's all for now.

Next week? Another dozen scintillating, titillating titles. 

Notice, I don't say 'covers.' That's because we are heading into territory where we will have even more titles with an author, but the cover will be MIA.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

On The Floor - Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohh Love JLo!
And is it me or the covers are getting more and more explicit? That is, without going full monty?
And nipple cups, huh?


redneckstdildopig said...

I never knew that. Thanks for the update

whkattk said...

Holy.... Truckers are a very popular thing, eh? Must be that solitary life on the road.