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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Update: Los Principales Destinatarios de la Casa del Novio

Los Principales Destinatarios de la Casa del Novio

I thought it well past time for an update on the principal occupants of la Casa del Novio.

When last we tuned in, Boomer had just joined the regular cast which included: LeRoy, Theo, Tuxedo, Mama Rose, and Mr. Beasley.

This year, we introduce yet another new cast member, albeit briefly - Babadook.


Babdook joined the cast in late spring. When Mr. Beasley joined the cast, he was part of a group of feral cats which included two other kittens - a black kitten and an orange and white kitten. The boyfriend had been keeping his eyes open for the other kittens and when a little black cat began hanging around the house, he decided to set a live trap with a can of tempting smelling cat food. 

It did the trick, and fortunately The Boyfriend was actually watching when he was captured. He was secured on the sun porch, much to the chagrin of the other cast members who would be denied access to its sunlit windows for three months. 

Babdook was terrified of humans - so much so that he developed a habit of peeing whenever put in a cage or kennel. He had the run of the sun porch and adapted rapidly, taking to the litterbox like a pro.

I spent hours with him, coaxing him to come forward with the promise of tasty treats. He responded well, and soon, I was able to pet him while he ate. He lounged in the window sills as I would play piano and sing and seemed to have made himself at home. 

Babadook (Sammy) In His New Home

Three months later, once he was fixed, vaccinated and dewormed, we were able to open the sun porch door. This proved an easy transition; turns out Babadook may distrust humans, but loves other cats. It was then that we were able to see the resemblance between Babadook and Mr. Beasley. They were definitely the same age and most likely brothers. They became fast pals. But then, that was true of Babadook and all his new feline family... except Boomer. 

Boomer had assumed the alpha cat status in the household and was something of a bully. He wanted to play, but the other cats wanted none of it. Babadook, surprisingly put him in his place within moments. And that was the end of Boomer's reign of terror. 

Babadook loves rubbing his head on other cats. In this way, he lets them know that he wants to be friends. The other cats took to him immediately. 

However, it quickly became apparent that Casa del Novio could not possible handle that many feline residents. My youngest sister and her husband stepped up and offered to take Babadook (renamed Sammy) into their home. They had been looking for a companion cat to play with their youngest, a tiny, cute, bob-tailed Lynx Point Siamese named Molly. Molly lives in Cambridge, WI, just outside of Madison, with her sister and brother, Natasha, a tuxedo cat and Boris, a black/brown Maine coon cat. 

As of this writing, Babdook's new owners are in the process of acclimating him to his new environment. I am going to miss the little guy.

It was sad to see him go, but necessary if we wish to continue to rescue feral cats. At this point, we've rescued nine cats, successfully rehoming five of them, with four of them remaining at Casa del Novio.


When we last visited Casa del Novio, Boomer had just joined the cast.

He made himself right at home, assuming the alpha cat role, usurping LeRoy's control of the household. Boomer is a bit of a bully. He remains incredibly food-centric, but there is now a controlled interest in all things food-related. He loves sitting on the counter, supervising all meal preparation. He used to try and involve himself, but now sits quietly watching a few inches from the going-ons. He remains curious about what lies in all cupboards and the refrigerator. He also loves following me about the house.

Boomer loves being petted, but, I think due to his size, does not like being picked up. He also will hop on the couch, but has no interest in snuggling... yet.

On Kitchen Patrol

Boomer has a bigger than life personality.

The other cats definitely view him as a bit of an outsider. He leaves LeRoy alone, wants to engage Mama Rose and Theo (who want nothing to do with him,) and does manage to 'play' with Mr. Beasley - although 'play' is not exactly what occurs. Boomer is a big cat. When he 'plays' with Mr. Beasley, he basically places his bulk on top of Mr. Beasley and proceeds to antagonize him with his mouth. Mr. Beasley doesn't mind it too much, but there are limits. 

Caught Stalking

Boomer had met his match, though. Twice. Once Babadook came on the scene, the hunter quickly became the hunted. But even before that event, Boomer did have someone who would play referee/sheriff and interfere when Boomer wouldn't take 'no' for answer. 


Tuxedo has come out of his shell. He no longer hides under the bed or spends all his hours in the bedroom. He loves hanging out in most of the house, now. His favorite places are the tiny cat beds that dot the dining room table like little islands, the sun porch and... the internet!

Tuxedo's favorite spot? On top of the household modem. We suspect he enjoys the heat it emanates. 

Tuxedo and Mr. Beasley

Tuxedo holds a special place in the household. No one messes with him. He remains above the fray. That said, when Boomer is acting up and not taking 'no' for an answer, Tuxedo will hop down from his perch and let Boomer know that it's time to back off. He does this with a simple warning meow. Whatever that communicates, Boomer is swift to pay attention and do as told. The boyfriend and I have witnessed this on a number of occasions. Boomer may think he's the alpha, but Tuxedo remains the sheriff of Casa del Novio.

Tux remains a bit standoffish, as is the nature of most tuxedo cats. But, I do have hope that this winter he will seek out additional warmth and snuggle with me on the couch. As is, he still sleeps right next to me all through the night when I am there on the weekends. 

Tuxedo remains our roundest of sons and he never fails to melt my heart when he steps forward, meows and wants a bit of physical attention.


LeRoy let go of the alpha position in the household readily. I suspect he really was never all that invested in the role. In retirement, he spends his days lounging in the various window sills and sleeping in his favorite tiny cat bed on the dining room table.

He continues to have a special bond with Theo, our Siamese cat and Mama Rose is rather fond of him, in a rather remote, regal manner. 

LeRoy continues to be plagued with sinus issues, which make him quite miserable at times. Sadly, there is nothing that can be done for him. And he has retained one job, leftover from his time as alpha cat... he is the one to remind us when it is time for breakfast and dinner - and he is never tardy.

He continues to seek out The Boyfriend for cuddling and now tolerates it when I pet his back. 

Mama Rose

Mama Rose remains queen bee. And she does not tolerate subjects who do not obey her rules. She spends most of her time in a bed on top of a cat tree in the dining room, or in a small round bed on another cat tree in the dining room, or... on top of the stove. 

Treat time?

When not in sleep mode, the top of the stove has become Mama's go to place. This is because this is where she eats her treats in the afternoon. Whenever I am there, she seems to believe that if she sits on the stove, there remains the possibility of treats.

I Believe Someone Mentioned
There Were Treats To Be Had

The bulk of her time is spent sleeping. If you remember, Mama gave birth to four little ones before she, herself, was even a year-old. This probably further damaged her kidneys that were not well-formed to begin with. So, Mama has earned  her rest. And so far, we have not had any other episodes requiring overnight stays at the E.R.

Sharpening Claws

You may also remember, that when we rescued Mama Rose and her brood, she was a bit malnourished. That is definitely no longer the case; Mama is a very healthy girl.

A Mama Rose Pie

When not sleeping, Mama will groom our youngest, Mr. Beasley. She has a love/hate relationship with Mr. Beasley. She plays Mama cat to him for the most part, though sometimes he brings out the kitten in her. However, she also lets him know that there are limits to her affections. She is definitely out of the having-kittens business, for good.


Theo remains the most elusive of our pride. He is definitely an observer, who only occasionally chooses to enter the fray. He loves his butt scratches and it has become his habit to seek me out whenever I lift weights in the basement. He seems to believe that this is the optimum opportunity for butt scratches between sets. This remains one of the few times he seeks out any attention. This is one of the reasons that there are fewer photos of him.

Observation Post

His favorite place to hang is in the doorway to the bedroom. From this vantage point he can survey the dining room and some of the kitchen. On rare occasions, he will stealthily stalk one of the other cats in order to pounce. He does not, however, tolerate this behavior in others. Tit for tat? Not this cat.

Mr. Beasley

Last time you saw Mr. Beasley, he was just a slip of a thing. Well, these days he's growing leaps and bounds. He's the common denominator among our feline residents; he's everybody's friend.

He remains the sweetest of cats, generous with the purrs and constantly seeking out human affection. He's definitely The Boyfriend's cat - which is why he will never be rehomed. I don't think the two of them could ever be parted.

He and Babadook took an instant liking to one another and Mr. Beasley enjoyed playing with his brother immensely. We had, at one point, discussed rehoming the two of them together, but that became a moot point, once my youngest sister and her husband came into the picture; they could take one or the other, but not both.

So, Mr. Beasley remains the household favorite. And he relishes his role as the young prince. 

Though Boomer is a bit much to take from time to time.

--- ---

And that's all for now.

We'll keep you posted on how things go. 

But, for now... things at Casa del Novio are running pretty smooth.

Please spade and neuter your household pets. We love animals, but there are so many in need of homes, we needn't needlessly bring more into the world. 

Also, please volunteer or contribute to your local animal shelter. They do such an amazing job giving food, safety, and shelter to animals in need. They remain on the frontlines and are a worthy cause, so give generously.

Thanks for reading!

Stray Cat Strut - Stray Cats


Bob said...

Gorgeous poets all, and glad you do what you do, rescuing and rehoming.
I will admit, the minute I set eyes on Mama Rose I started to tear up because he looks like our MaxGoldberg ... ♥♥♥

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

How do you call a bunch of kittie? A Kittenry? A Kittish?

So nice that the BF has given a home to all those poor kitties. I don't understand how people can get rid of their pets.

Theo is adorable!


whkattk said...

Boomer SO reminds me of the last feral we took in. Our little guy turned out to be a really great companion as my M.D. progressed. Very sad when we lost him. We're still trying to coax the latest far he's still quite wary.

SickoRicko said...

Thank you for saving them, and for sharing with us.

Mistress Maddie said...

If you ask me...all your cats are total hams!!!! Babadook looks like he might be my favorite...and Mama Rose looks so sweet...look at that face. And I adore Siamese Cats. Such beautiful cats. And my next favorite is Mr Beasley. Nice markings and he does indeed have the look of everybody's friend.

You both just good cat parents What a heartwarming post.