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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's Easter Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Easter Quiz

1/ Favorite Easter candy?

None. I had one when I was a kid, but even the thought of that makes my tummy curdle. 

I do like, or did... chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. The cheap kind - they're basically just flat-backed ovals. You now find them at the dollar store. The chocolate tastes foreign and odd, like it's not actual food, and the marshmallow, depending on it's age, is chewy or really chewy. 

Yes, I have a thing for food that has the texture and taste of things one should not eat.

2/ Least favorite Easter candy?

There are so many I despise. I will mention two. Peeps. Just disgusting. And then there are those large sized pastel ovals that are supposed to be eggs. They have a hard, glassy outer shell and then inside is some kind of weird white fluff. The taste is awful, but the sensation of biting into one is a horror movie in my mouth.

3/ Do you buy Easter candy? Did you ever?

No. Not anymore. But there was a time...

When I was a child, I couldn't wait for the Monday after Easter, because that's when the Rx Drug on Main Street discounted all the Easter candy. They carried Russell Stovers products and there was one I coveted like crazy. It was this little green birds nest made of coconut with three tiny jelly beans sitting in the nest. I have no idea what the pastel pasty green stuff that covered the coconut actually was, but I could not get enough of the stuff. 

Pre-Easter they sold for $1.25 (too rich for my tiny allowance,) but after Easter? Ten cents. I would buy as many as I could and well... eat them much too quickly, I'm afraid. 

I think all that candy from my childhood? 

It's the reason I can't stand to eat more than a tiny bite of a sweet thing today. 

4/ Do you or have you ever colored eggs?

Oh, yes. As a kid. 

My mom was always very supportive if we wanted to be artsy craftsy. And I think she knew how to create egg dyes using food coloring and vinegar. I remember the smell being quite pungent. 

Later, we somehow afforded those PAAS egg kits. The little tabs of egg dye and all the cut outs and paper egg holders. I was a messy, sloppy kid, so had no skill for it, but my older sister was quite precise about the whole thing. I remember, in the end, the last few eggs, they always ended up charcoal grey because we'd mixed up the colors too much. 

And come Sunday morning, of course, those eggs were in our baskets. They remain one of the reasons that I can't become a full-fledge vegan - I simply love a hard boiled egg. And egg salad sandwiches (with very little mayo) are one of my favorite sandwiches to this day. 

5/ Did you ever host or participate in an egg hunt?

No. I don't recall ever being taken to one. And, as children, we didn't do them at home, either. 

Later, once my mother had grandkids, we had a hunt each Easter Sunday. The kids loved it. 

And, seated on the back porch with a glass of nicely chilled chardonnay in hand, I enjoyed watching it, too. Sort of.

Kids? So not 'my thing.'

6/ Where does it rank for you among the holidays?

It doesn't. Not anymore. 

It's an oxymoron of a holiday, what with it's religious aspect and then the bunny stuff. It's nonsensical. 

But if I must then, it's at the bottom of the list. I'm over the whole mythical religion bullshit. And the bunny does nothing for me, nor the candy... though I do (as I mentioned) love me a hard boiled egg. 

7/ Do you decorate your home for the holiday? Did you ever?

My father did. He loved all the holidays and he loved decorating. Not when we were kids, but later, when he had grandkids. 

He and my Mom would shop after ever holiday and buy up all the discounted decorations. And my Dad would just go over the top with the indoor decorations. 

It was very sad when he became too feeble to do it anymore. Mother tries to this day, but... it was a very Dad thing, you know?

As for me? Oh, heavens no. I can't be bothered with any of that stuff. 

I think I'm becoming less and less sentimental.

8/ Go to church? Did you ever? Did you get dressed up? Did your parents buy you a special outfit?

Yes. We certainly did. As kids, it was a fashion show of sorts - my mother went to great pains sewing the three girls identical dresses. Or she'd somehow find the money to buy things. I remember one year I had a little trilby hat with a vest and long sleeve shirt with suspenders. It's captured in one of my favorite childhood photos. I was maybe three? And it's a photo of me, outdoors, placing one foot forward and doing jazz hands and I think I'm saying 'tah-dah.' 

It kills me to look at it. Such a little chunky ham. 

And later... well, when my parents moved into the house across the street from me and Dad was failing and Mom needed a bit of community, so I went to church with them, to help with Dad. Was recruited into the choir, became a cantor, took the whole thing very seriously until points of fact started to simply pile up all around me like little lifeless husks. It was a very slow dawning. I felt... betrayed. Poisoned. 

And that was it. Religious soul search over. 

I still see it's value as a source of community, but the actual church and all the nonsense they brainwash people into believing... that's really unforgivable. 

What they do (especially to children) should be a crime. The propagandizing, I mean. The other? That is quite illegal. Thank... gawd?

9/ Do you look good in pastels?

Gawd no! 

I once made the mistake of buying four pastel long sleeve dress shirts for work. There was a pale blue, a pink, a green and a yellow... all pastels. 

I hated those damn shirts so much. None of my ties worked with them. I wore them each once, hung onto them for years and, after a great deal of handwringing, finally convinced myself that yes, I would never wear them again, and donated them. 

They were nice shirts, but... so not me. 

10/ Did you ever own a bunny or a baby chick?

What a terrible practice. Do you remember? When they would sell baby chicks as gifts to give kids for Easter? 
Ben Franklin and Woolworth stores sold them.  I can't imagine the horrible fate that most of them met. 

I was a farm kid, so, yes... baby chicks were a thing, but not as presents. They were a year round thing. 

And I did have two bunnies, Snowball and Midnight. They met a bad end and I don't like to think about it. 

I do hope people still aren't buying baby chicks or bunnies for kids at Easter. There really should be a law against that sort of thing. 

--- ---

And that's enough of me. 

Okay. Your turn. You know what to do. Leave your answers in the comments section or post on your blog and leave a link here.

That's all for now. Until next time...

Thanks for reading and participating!

Kandy Krush - Kim Wilde

Candy - Big Maybelle


Bob said...

1/ Favorite Easter candy?
Easy peasy: I am not a candy person. I like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and that’s it.

2/ Least favorite Easter candy?
I remember Peeps from childhood. Hated ‘em.

3/ Do you buy Easter candy? Did you ever?
Nope and Nope.

4/ Do you or have you ever colored eggs?
As a child, and it was fun, but, c’mon, unless you’re a kid or have kids ….

5/ Did you ever host or participate in an egg hunt?
We had them in our own yard as a kid. Never went to an “organized” hunt.

6/ Where does it rank for you among the holidays?
I don’t think of it as a holiday, religious or otherwise.

7/ Do you decorate your home for the holiday? Did you ever?
Nope and Nope.

8/ Go to church? Did you ever? Did you get dressed up? Did your parents buy you a special outfit?
As a child, with Mom and dad. We always got an Easter outfit every year that I doubt I ever wore again.

9/ Do you look good in pastels?
Does anyone other than a bridesmaid? And I question that.

10/ Did you ever own a bunny or a baby chick?
Nope and Nope.

whkattk said...

1. Black jelly Beans
2. Malted eggs.
3. Not anymore. Years ago, yeah.
4. When I was a kid, every year. Only a couple of times as an adult.
5. As a kid - never as an adult.
6. It's a holiday? Nope. It's a religious observance and I gave that up when I was 17.
7. No, and no.
8. As a kid because I was forced to. In HS, I got VERY involved in the church. At 17, I rebelled and never went back.
9. I do! Pinks and greens.
10. Bunnies. Yes. A rabbit as a kid (Sniffles, of course). Then as an adult, 2 dwarf lop-eared (Button and Stewart). Freaking adorable!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The only thing I like about easter is these men you've posted. Never been big on celebrating it, even though I was raised catholic.
It was just a chance to not do much. The only easter candy I like is chocolate covered nuts, btw.


SickoRicko said...

Anything with chocolate.

BrianB said...

1/ Favorite Easter candy?
As a kid, Coconut cream eggs. Each of kids would get an egg from my Aunt. They were about 5 inches across and at that young age they were huge. Hard as a rock and it took a week to get through them. It was like gnawing on a bowling ball! But I loved them. I found one in a store a couple years ago and tried it and the sugar shock was tremendous and it tasted awful!

2/ Least favorite Easter candy?
Fruit and nut cream eggs! When you got one of these from Aunt Elsie you would be pissed off for a week! And never had a thing for Peeps.

3/ Do you buy Easter candy? Did you ever?
Not typically but now and then picked up a Reeses peanut butter egg at a sales counter. After my Dad retired he set up a metal foundry and made molds for Brach's jelly beans.

4/ Do you or have you ever colored eggs?
As a kid but it was boring. I do remember a Ukrainian guy in art school who showed us how they color and paint eggs and have thought of him in recent days.

5/ Did you ever host or participate in an egg hunt?
Went to an Easter egg hunt at an amusement park as a little tyke. It was more fun to hide eggs for my brothers' grandkids when I would be at their place for Easter Sunday.

6/ Where does it rank for you among the holidays?
Not so much. As an adult the fun thing to do on Easter was get together with a group of friends and laugh our way through The Ten Commandments.

7/ Do you decorate your home for the holiday? Did you ever?
Not for easter.

8/ Go to church? Did you ever? Did you get dressed up? Did your parents buy you a special outfit?
Not anymore. We went as a family when I was a kid and had dinner at Grandmas. The girls all got new dresses for eater which I enjoyed because when they were all dressed up and came downstairs it was like a fashion show!. One of my favorite Easter family photos is the family at Grandmas crowded on and in front of the couch. My oldest sister is about 15 with a literal scowl on her face, Mom and Dad looking exhausted and the rest of us at the height of our sugar highs.

9/ Do you look good in pastels?
I have a couple long sleeved tees, kind of light bluish green and light lavender that I like wearing but I've never thought of if they look good on me.

10/ Did you ever own a bunny or a baby chick?
Ducklings from the feed and grain store. Only one grew to be an adult. I hate to think what happened to the others.
