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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's Would Your Rather Quiz 2.0

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Would Your Rather Quiz 2.0

Another breezy easy quizzy.

Well, it is spring, so let's keep it gay, keep it light!

Simple enough: choose and, if you're in the mood (I always am,) explain your answer.

Let's begin!

1/ Be too busy or not have enough to do?

This is a change for me. I used to fall on the side of being busy, busy, busy... always a few irons in the fire. 

But these days? On this side of things?

I would much rather sit around and whine about not having anything to do. 

Why? Because being busy involves doing things and if there is one thing I am not good at? Doing things. 

Doing men, on the other hand...?

Oh, yeah... I got that down, babykins.

2/ Be selected or volunteer?

Of course it depends on for what, but...

I like to choose what I do. So, if I'm not doing something voluntarily, whatever the thing, it's not going to get done very well. 

Oh, yeah. I admit it. I half-ass it every time I can get away with it. 

Well, not when it comes to the welfare of others or animals. But stuff that doesn't matter? Like that giant spreadsheet my boss wants me to configure so he can pull certain info from it? 

That is going to sit on my desktop until it one day quietly makes its way to the trash can in the upper left of my screen.

3/ Leave or be left?

I've done both. 

I would rather be left. 

Leaving is more painful, especially if the other person is unaware that there are issues. 

I'd like to believe I'm not careless with people, the way I used to be. But I'm not perfect. 

Still... I'd rather be the one in pain - because I know I can handle it, I know I can deal with it - than to cause pain. 

Of course, who knows? Maybe the other person will just be relieved I'm finally gone?

4/ Be chased or chase?

If we're talking about running, I would rather be chased. Fear of bodily harm? A great leg motivator.

If we're talking about romantic pursuit? I'm going to say neither. I don't play such games anymore. 

I remember all the drama of the early years, pining away for some sought after crush. Bah. What a waste of energy and time. 

These days? I am much more pragmatic about relationships. Can we help each other? Are we good for one another? What do I bring to the table, what do they bring? 

I'm not only not much of a romantic, these days... I'm also growing increasingly unsentimental.  

You want to show me you love me?

Take out the recycling.

If we're talking about sexual cruising?

Chase me. 

Trust me, you won't have to run fast or far.

5/ Be the center of attention embarrassed or stuck in a corner unnoticed?

Oh, put me in the corner. 

I'll just do more research. 

I love to watch others in action. Discerning motivation? Uncovering an unconscious tell or a bit of a secret? Rating posture, wardrobe, hygiene, size and girth? 

Oh, yes. sign me up.

Human interaction fascinates me. 

At this point in life? I don't want to be involved in any drama. Zip. That's for the young, the stupid, and the addicted. 

I'd rather sit back, observe, take notes, critique, be amused and entertained.

6/ Read or write?

Write. But...

It turns out you can't do one without doing the other.

No, this is absolutely true. Until you understand the form. Until you understand sentence structure, flow, verse, plotting, outlines, and the power of words? 

You can't write. You can try. Maybe there are those who come out of the womb knowing... but if you want to learn how to write, then you must read. 

You need to understand the flavor of a given language. You need to find your voice. How do you find your voice? You listen and begin to recognize the voice of others. 

There is also a structure and a method to writing. Those need to be learned and understood. You can try to create your own, but I think Virginia Woolf jumped the shark on that one a long time ago, so, good luck. 

You can learn all that by reading other writers. I frequently find myself wondering... how did this person ever get published? There is a lot of dreck out there - dreck which, apparently, makes a lot of money. But to recognize the dreck, one must read the good stuff and in order to distinguish the two you must read a bit of everything.

And keep reading, because, like writing; you're never done. 

So... while I love and prefer writing. 

I really must read.

7/ Listen to a story or tell a story?


But if it's anything other than a fairytale, I'll get it all wrong. I always do. 

So, I think it's best I just listen.  

Oh, eventually, your story will trigger something in me that I'll want to share - only because I think it's on point and amusing or enlightening, but... 

I think it best you do most of the talking. 

That way I can just sip my G&T and and oogle the men standing behind you.

There will be alcohol? And men?


Then I'll just sit at home alone, thank you very much.

8/ Order in or eat out?

We're talking food, right?


This is new. Thank you (?) COVID-19.

I like to cook. Putter in the kitchen, cutting things up, throwing them in this appliance or that pan. 

It's fun. Oh, I'm not a good cook. Not fancy. But I do like my time in the kitchen. I actually like cleaning up after myself as I go. It's a sort of challenge. 

And I eat healthier that way. 

I don't like all the money involved with ordering in. The food always leaves me wanting. It's not fresh. It's not hot. 

And, while I do enjoy the odd evening out, that should be reserved for special occasions. Pre-pandemic, eating out had become so rote. And the food? So mediocre. I ate a lot of very mediocre meals. I paid for a lot of very mediocre meals. 

If I'm going to eat mediocre food? I'd rather do it a home. 

At least I'll have the satisfaction of having cooked it myself.

9/ Invite someone over for coffee or go have coffee at their place?

Hmm. Not very social. But... 

Come to my place. 

It will be clean. The towels fresh. Everything in it's place. 

What should be hot will be hot. What should be cold will be cold.

I've had enough uncomfortable experiences spending time at another person's house that I don't want to put myself through that anymore. 

And it's not only the time you spend that is fraught. When to leave can be just as nerve-racking. The whole experience? An anxiety inducing nightmare. 

So come to my house. Leave when you like. I only recall one time I had guests that wouldn't leave. They were playing albums from my, then, very extensive collection. I finally turned out most of the lights, told them I was going to bed and that they should show themselves out whenever they like.  

10/ Be undressed or overdressed for an occasion?

Both, problematic. 

But, I'll go with the lesser sin... over-dressed. 

Fuck 'em.

I know I look good.

--- ---

And that's enough of me.

Your turn. You know what to do; leave your answers in the comments section or post it on your blog and leave a link here. 

Until next time...

Thanks for reading... and participating!

Nothin' Suits Me Like A Suit - Neil Patrick Harris

Suits U - Cassa Jackson


Bob said...

1/ Be too busy or not have enough to do?
I say just enough to do; we get things done, work and home and such, but we always save part of the weekend for a relaxing day, either at home or with friends, or just the two of us out and about.

2/ Be selected or volunteer?
I have done both, but I think volunteering is better because the choice is totally mine.

3/ Leave or be left?
From a power standpoint, leaving is best because I make the choice, the choice isn’t made for me.
Both are painful, though.

4/ Be chased or chase?
Again, done both, And enjoyed both. But as a monotonous, er, monogamous human my chse or be chased days are over, and I’m good with that.

5/ Be the center of attention embarrassed or stuck in a corner unnoticed?
It depends. I am painfully shy in some situations and prefer the corner, or staying home. But in the right room, with the right friends, and right cocktail in my hand, I am an absolute riot.

6/ Read or write?
I do both. I read a lot, and a lot of things at the same time, and I also write quite a bit as a way to get stuff out.

7/ Listen to a story or tell a story?
I do love telling a story, when I’m not petrifyingly shy in a corner, but I am also a very good listener.

8/ Order in or eat out?
We cook. I love cooking and trying new things. We do eat out every so often, and I will stop for tale-out from one of our local eateries on my way home from work. But I like making a meal.

9/ Invite someone over for coffee or go have coffee at their place?
Probably have people at my house for a coffee chat … or go to the local bookstore and have a coffee there with friends.

10/ Be undressed or overdressed for an occasion?
I do like me some clothes …

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

*fans self*
Oh dear. A man in a suit ALWAYS gets me going. Especially if his dick is showing. Where was I? Oh, yes.

1. Not having enough to do is better for me. Too busy drives me cray. Also, who's the MAN in that question? Dear lord.
2. Volunteer. Like you, I'm not very good at doing things I don't want to do.
3. Been through both too. Leave. Been left only twice and it's bad.
4. Be chased. Like you, I don't run too fast.
5. I can be the center of attention. It's part of my job description.
6. Read. I have learned to like writing more with my blog, though.
7. Listen to a story. I love your stories, for example.
8. I can't cook, so ordering out is always a treat.
9. I think I'd invite someone for coffee. The whole 'step into my parlor' and all that...
10. I'm always a little overdressed. It's true.

And now I'm gonna look at these men again. Damn, they're hot.


whkattk said...

1. A little of both. It seems to swing one way or the other these days, and I can't seem to strike a balance.
2. Depends on for what. But, personally, i much rather volunteer for something than be selected and have to say "No."
3. Done both. Neither is fun but Leaving seems to be tougher.
4. Oh, both are great fun. Sadly, being chased a couple of times led to some very ugly stuff. One became stalker-ish, another...well, a fake attempted suicide.
5. Center of attention embarrassed. After all these years, I can handle it now and join the fun.
6. Write. But I love, love, love to read. Anything and everything.
7. Depends. i'll gladly listen if it's a good story.
8. I prefer to cook, thankyouverymuch.
9. Invite them here. I'm getting lazy in my old age.
10. I'm total casual these days. The dressed-up thing was tedious with the tuxes and stuff. Now if I'm underdressed, I really don't care. Fuck 'em.

Mistress Maddie said...

I like to order in too eat out!