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Monday, April 04, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 93 - HIS69, Part 22 of 44

Acquired Tastes XLIII 
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 93
HIS69, Part 22 of 44

The HIS69 imprint was active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 531 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan BooksManhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve.

The Coach
Author: Kyle Holland
Well, we've been here before. The amazing thing, though? As of yet I have not detected a single duplicate illustration. Those amazing drawings just keep coming, so clearly those in charge at HIS69 were not interested in cutting corners. They were very well aware of the marketing device driving sales. And aren't we glad? Those illustrations are what make these so collectible (sorry, authors.) They represent a part of gay history.

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Choice Beef
Author: P.H. Bennett

Fascinating title... one would assume it was about the neighborhood butcher, but no. It appears to be a book about an artist's model and an art student. And take a look at those denim cut-offs on blondie! They do, indeed, appear to be painted on!

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Chicken Delights
Author: Mike Ward

Sounds a bit like something you'd order off the take-out menu of your favorite Asian restaurant. Great illustration, though. I actually like the fact that the man in the door way has a stomach.

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Service, Stud
Author: Clay Caldwell

As services go, this one won't be found in your local yellow pages. (Do they still print phone books?)

I am not quite sure what the man holding the riding crop is wearing. It appears to be some wort of belted loin cloth. Not proper riding gear, I'm afraid, though those boots are almost the right height.

Makes me think of Madonna's obsession with equestrian sex play. No, she doesn't do it with horses, but she likes to treat her men as such. Makes for some scintillating choreography! 

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College Stud Rape
Author: Clay Caldwell

This is an interesting topic for discussion: rape as role play. Or as sexual fantasy. 

Rape is a very traumatic thing for those who have experienced it first hand. So, the reality? Not sexy. Quite the opposite. Yet the act of submitting to another's will or exerting one's will on others certainly does come into play when people are exploring their sexual kinks. You could argue that it's a gray area, but the fact is, the line is very well drawn. It's called consent. That's why we have have safe words put into place before moving into such a realm. 

I once had a regular fuck bud of mine move the needle of our role play into an area of coercion that hit far too close to home for my comfort. Because it wasn't discussed in advance (because I would have nixed it), I felt he'd violated my trust. I never confronted him. But when I left after that play date, I knew that I would not be back for more. When he approached me on-line to meet up again, I turned him down, without explanation. Our relationship was not such that I felt the need to involve him in my past personal psycho-drama, nor did I feel I owed him an explanation. And that, kids, is why you always discuss role playing scenarios with your sexual partner before diving in. 

Otherwise, one never knows what you might step in. And consent? Consent is paramount.

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Author: P.H. Bennett

A bit of a departure design-wise, again... they seemed to have reserved this for books in a series (the other being the High School Hunk series.) 

This term. I'm vaguely uncomfortable with it. I certainly don't think it would fly today, but then... what of Cher's #1 hit by the same name? Grays the whole thing up, doesn't it? Or do we accept it as a sort of 'grandfathered in' cultural artifact? The same way we view Aunt Jamima and collecting pickaninny dolls? I have a friend who collects old racial-stereotyped items and I remain, again, vaguely uncomfortable with the idea. It is history - and cannot be denied - but I don't know if it makes appropriate home décor. 

This illustration, however? The stuff of fantasy, but... well done, don't you think?

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Dangerous Trade
Author: Paul Gronowski

The gay detective. It's one of the oldest gay literary tropes, harking back to a novel called, The Gay Detective - a book that has been reprinted a number of times under various titles. 

This one appears to be mired in 1970's television action series mode. So many questions arise. Why is one of them barefoot? Why is the detective shirtless? That gun doesn't appear to be much of a straight shooter... though I bet both the gentlemen pictured are!

Enjoy a taste of this literary offering below. 

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Turned-On Chicken
Author: Samuel West

Chicken, chicken, chicken. I guess it's what's for dinner tonight.

Love this illustration. Reminds me of various swimming holes I have visited throughout my lifetime. Late night drunken skinny dipping? A bit dangerous, but lots of fun. 

Looking at this cover, it begs the question: If the water is knee-high for two of the young men, then... how is the third managing to do the American crawl right in front of them?

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Adventures Of A High School Hunk 
Book III
Author: Tom Hardy

Again, this deviation. This series, by the way, is a favorite of the owner and operator of Hommi Publishing. Claims the series is smoking hot. He's quite the connoisseur and a very good writer, himself - so I'd take his word for it. 

This title recently came up for auction on eBay and fetched quite a nice price. 

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S&M Truckers
Author: Clay Caldwell

Title aside... I haven't the slightest idea what is going on in the above illustration. Or where they are, for that matter. Does any of it make sense? Why is blondie on his back, holding his legs up in the air, but facing a wall? Or is that the back of a big rig? And I get that the man standing has a boot on blondie's chest - that's hot, if a bit uncomfortable - but that hand on his belt buckle? Where is that coming from and who does it belong to? 

Any clue?

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Secret Trade
Author: P.H. Bennett

Intriguing illustration. Love the tighty whities on the blonde in the mirror. Is he wearing a gun holster?  As for the hog-tied individual... I'm thinking we know what it  is he had to offer up for his part in this trade. Question is... will that rather ominous-looking bed post play any part in what's set to transpire?

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Chicken In Trouble
Author: Michael Scott

More chicken? Sigh.

Yes, looks like step-dad is at it again, going for a night raid. 

Hmm. Looks like junior there has decided to play dead. 

I dunno. I'm gonna go look over here, now... 

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And that's all for today.

Next week: another dozen scintillating, titillating titles. 

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

Half Breed - Cher


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, yes. The Cher reference... I'd like to read that book, TBH.
And I love the illustrations. I've said that before. I think the trucker is grabbing his dick, not his belt, Upton.
And there's a LOT of chicken in the titles. Whoa.


whkattk said...

Oh, my.... Some of that wouldn't float these days, would it?

FelchingPisser said...

Thank you for doing this series of imprints. I am pretty sure that books published by HIS69 were what I found under the front seat of my dad's car. I remember the pictures vividly--with that Tom of Finland knock off look. I doubt it was actually Service Stud (but something with a similar title and theme) was the first one that, as an early teen, I didn't just jerk to the cover, but actually read...