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Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's POV Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
POV Quiz

Our point of view changes as rapidly as everything else in the world. Thing is, we have several different perspectives to choose from. And, based what we observe, we form opinions - and that is what serves as the foundation for today's quiz - your opinions.

Take each of the very specific topics and let us know what you think, what you see, what you feel. 

And we're going to begin with where it all begins - with you.

So... what's your POV about...

1/ You

Obviously, I approve of my overall performance, although there certainly is room for improvement. 

We hear over and over again about how important it is to love and accept ourselves, and I must say, I've always struggled with it. As lazy and incompetent as I frequently am, I do think I am my own harshest critic. But that's getting better because I also think I've made huge strides as a human being (so there's a little less to be critical of.)

It's an odd juxtaposition, huh? Like driving with two steering wheels. On the one hand, we must be critical of ourselves. On the other hand, if we don't pat ourselves on the back on occasion, who will? No wonder people grow discouraged. Or confused and conflicted.

I like myself. I am very aware of how weird I come off in the eyes of others. My choices? Not for everybody. But putting aside all my naughty habits and bad choices, I've turned out alright. I grew up, finally. Behave in a somewhat responsible manner and do right by those I cherish. Could I do more? Sure. But I'm not superman. I rather enjoy and accept my limitations. I accept my lot in life, making the best of it. 

2/ Your Immediate Family

That would include The Boyfriend, The Ex, and my mother. They are my primary concerns. Reaching out a bit further, my two kid sisters and their families would be included. 

My relationship with my two older siblings is strained and I don't see them stepping up to the plate to alter that. Nor do I see myself making much of an effort to repair what is broken. 

As for those I do hold dear? Well, I worry. We're all getting older. My mother is more fragile. She dithers and her balance (and judgement) is at times questionable. The Ex seems intent on mimicking whatever her state is, despite being ten years her junior. 

I worry about The Boyfriend's health, but realize he's his own person and can do as he pleases. 

If and when the time comes to take care of any of them, I'll be there. That's my duty. Somedays? I don't see any other purpose for my being.  

I do wish I'd focus on creating more joy. But I'm a bit pragmatic when it comes to the day-to-day stuff - I think I get it from my long-suffering maternal grandmother.

3/ Extended Family

There's not much. I have a friend who's returned from Florida for the umpteenth time - sans his sort-of-partner. Their relationship was rather toxic, so it's nice to see him on his own. We have the best time together, but I rarely see him. 

The work wife. I sort of view her as my daughter. I want the best for her. And we make each other laugh - which is good for both of us.

I'd claim my friend Laura, but I never see her. I get the odd text from her, but that's it. She's a singer and always gigging. I've written several songs for her, but we never get together to share. 

My word! That's it. That's all I have. 

Well. that's all I deserve, I guess. I've not been one to keep friends. Also, I have a tendency to burn bridges. If I'm honest with myself? I have what I need and I don't really wish more. I haven't time. The immediate family (plus cats and dog) take up so much time, and, what with work and life maintenance, I don't have much to spare. I like my alone time. I need alone time to write and read. So, I guess I've made my bed - one which, I am only too happy to lie in. 

I cherish the few friends I have. And am very grateful for their participation. (They do put up with me, after all.)

In the end, it's my anger that keeps me apart. It's not the kind that results in violence. I'd never harm another. 

But it's difficult for others to deal with and, though I've tried various things - therapy, medication, etc. - I don't seem to be able to get a handle on it. It morphs and changes and I don't blame others for not wanting to be around it. 

So, I've made my peace with being the troll in the basement. I'll stay there, where I can't do any harm. 

4/ Your Neighborhood

Ugh. I used to love my piece of North Minneapolis, but it's becoming increasingly hostile and unlivable. 

I've become that old man that yells at speeding cars. I've become that old man that yells at kids not to litter. 

I wish I was someone who would get more involved, get out there, be an activist. But, that's not me. I sit in my basement and simply resent those around me. I really only care about a two block radius. Same for the area around The Boyfriend's house. The property management company I'm part owner of has houses in other parts of North Minneapolis, but I've stopped worrying about the state of their surroundings; things aren't improving. 

That said? I won't be here in five years. I'll move elsewhere. Whatever issues are at work here? They're not mine to fix. 

5/ Your City

I used to adore Minneapolis. It was like a large small town. Even though I had little money, I was everywhere when I was younger. I wanted to see and experience as much as possible. 

Now? It's dangerous. 

It's not just Covid-19. It's not just the aftermath of George Floyd. The degree of malice and the propensity for violence have risen to an almost intolerable level. 

I fear going out to eat. I fear grocery shopping. Everything now feels like a confrontation waiting to happen. People behave abominably. They're rude and inconsiderate. They're selfish. And I don't want to put myself in their line of fire. 

So, I look forward to leaving. The bad is starting to outweigh the good. 

I'll miss the museums, but then, that's what day trips are all about.

6/ Your State

Minnesota is a blue state only thanks to the well-educated people who live in Minneapolis and St. Paul proper, and, to a lesser extent, Duluth. You go in any direction from those epicenters? Ignorance and intolerance will greet you. 

It's frightening. 

With the exception of those three pockets of progressive thinkers, the state is mired in a sea of red. 

The recent Covid-19 Pandemic only called even more attention to exactly how bigoted and small-minded those who live outside the metropolitan areas have become. Example: the hospital beds in Minneapolis were filled to the brim, but not with people from the metro - but the unvaccinated idiots who live(d) in rural communities and refused to take Covid-19 seriously.

And we're losing our grip.  I truly fear what will happen with the next election cycle. Last election cycle? They turned Duluth red, ousting Collin Peterson, who'd held that seat for 29 years (and had become complacent and a bit sloppy.) (Another reason for term limits.)

The state is beautiful. So much green. Those lakes? Gorgeous. But good luck getting near one, as all the shoreline is taken up with private cabins and residences. Privilege has its advantages!

I don't hold out much hope. Minnesota may very well go the way of Wisconsin... 

...but at least we'll never be Iowa!
7/ Your Country

What a clusterfuck.

Good luck sorting out this mess. I feel for Biden. This? This is a political tsunami. What the orange ogre has not ruined in his wake, Covid-19 has made more difficult. Starting up a stalled economy? Not something that happens easily... yet, the media and the GOP seem to think it should be. Of course, they're both merely opportunists, calling attention to themselves, as per usual. 

And that's what's at issue here. There are those who care. About the welfare of others. Who wish to build a world where no one goes hungry, everyone has shelter, everyone has access to education and healthcare. 

And then there are those who only care about themselves and their bank accounts. 

The rich are running and ruining this country. I used to not understand this, but, during the time of Covid-19, I have come to see what's really going on. The circumstances brought about by the pandemic have brought these issues into sharper focus. 

We're as corrupt as Russia, but in a less barbaric way. We have not been #1 in ages and ages, in fact, we are now further out of step with the rest of the world than ever before. I think back to a time when I did not understand the scorn and derision heaped upon America by European countries. 

Now? I get it. I see it. This country was founded and built on genocide and slavery. We've been in denial for over 200 years. And now that were aware and talking about it, wanting to make amends, those still in denial want to silence all that noise. America is like the toxic alcoholic who still refuses to get help, despite what all their friends and relatives have been telling them for years and years. 

I'm not without hope, but I doubt this will be resolved any time soon.

And should the orange ogre or someone of his ilk return to power? 

Well, those will be dark days indeed. 

So, vote, kids. If the last election proved anything? Voting matters. 

8/ The World

Rather love Europe. I don't know the rest, very well. Yet. Canada and South America? On the list. I don't think I'll venture into Africa, the middle east, or the far east. What I know? Makes me uncomfortable. And I don't do well when uncomfortable. 

We are such a privileged bunch, here, in the states. Our wants are not needs. We're horribly spoiled, for the most part. I know I am. So, it's hard to remain aware of the inequities that exist on this planet. The casual cruelty alone is enough to cause one to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others. 

As for the future of this planet? Oh, dear. Humans have made a mess of it. I think the whole thing would be better off without us. 

I'm not worried about what I will witness in my lifetime... the deterioration of the planet? That's going to fall onto the heads of future generations. I do what I can to mitigate my footprint, but, as with anything else... I feel that ultimately, I'm fairly powerless. 

I adore that I'm more aware of the world and my place in it than ever before. I see these brave souls, jetting off to here and there to experience various things. Some of it is humanitarian in nature, but most of it is related to that 'influencer' nonsense. Still, they're doing what I'd like to be doing, though our missions are quite different. 

I want to understand. And it's a selfish desire, because, ultimately, I think only I would derive any benefit from it. It's doubtful I'm articulate or disciplined enough to actually share what I learn with others; my life certainly isn't set up to facilitate such. Still... I have a great thirst to evolve. To experience and understand. Yes, I realize, it's from my POV, through my lens, filtered via my oddly accumulated biases, but... the desire is there and, once I retire, I plan on pursuing doing just that. 

9/ The Universe

We're nothing, eh? 

Nothing like the vastness of which there is no end to put one in one's place. 

And that's a clue we need to examine... that vastness. If it exists - something with no end - something measureless - then what of time? What of our lives?

What are the possibilities that exist that we've not yet contemplated?

Could there be no end to 'us?' 

I like being aware of just how insignificant we are in relation to the universe. Puts things in perspective. No, it doesn't lessen the pain inflicted, the scarring, the mindless destruction we experience as citizens of this planet. Nor does it take away from the beauty created by the arts and this planet's amazing ability to manifest awe-inspiring sights and moments (despite all the damage being done to it.)

They say, "This, too, shall pass." 

So, in the end? What matters?

10/ The Afterlife

In the end? It simply ends.

You know... the way a movie ends. Sometimes, we're relieved, glad it's over. We weren't enjoying it all that much anyway. Other times, we want it to continue. Either we wish to sustain the emotional state we were enjoying or there's something that remains unsaid and we wish to know more.

In either case, what's left in its wake is a void - one created due to the discontinuation of what came before. 

That's death, for me. That's what I expect. 

Perhaps there will be pain in the final hours? An unexpected shock? It matters not because I very much doubt I'll be aware of it. We simply slide into nothingness. 

All the self-aggrandizing, hyperbole and drama surrounding what comes after life? It's such a waste of energy and time. Such foolishness. And people fear it. That's why they cling to such odd beliefs. And when a loved one dies? They make up all sorts of stories about what's become of them or, in order to comfort themselves, tell themselves they'll 'see them' again. 

To each their own. 

If you've a practical mind, you know that all you've truly got is the moment you're experiencing now.

So, make the most of it. 

As for those consumed with the idea of leaving a legacy, a mark? 

Folly. Utter vanity. It's all a matter of ego. Even those who create beauty if the form of the arts - in the big picture. In the end? It's nothing but a fully realized moment which eventually passes into nothingness. 

It's the movie, after the movie is over. 

I hope to leave without causing so much as a ripple. I also hope to leave with a better understanding of the 'why' of it all. 

I also hope to leave having truly lived - even for a moment. 

I won't depend on others to inform me. Or form me. 

I'll depend on the moment. 

For that is all we have. 

For that is all we need.

--- ---

Wishing you all the best.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section. Always good to hear from you.

Thanks for reading... and participating.

Feel This Moment - Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera

Nothing Really Matters - Madonna


Mistress Maddie said...

Oh this could turn into a long one.

You. Most days I like what I see and how I am. Perfect? Hell no, but who wants to be? I can't complain and I feel strong. When life has thrown a curve ball, I have weathered it all and came through.

Your Immediate Family. That would be mostly my mother and uncle. Secondary family starts with my half sister and brother, and tons of cousins.

Extended Family! Well, I have all my old and new friends, and mostly the clan...a close knit group of 3-4 best friends and very good friends, some just that, and some might be FWB'S.

Your Neighborhood. Youve seen snippets. Its a very friendly sort, quite and wooded. I love that it is not all built up and crammed.

Your City. LOVE! I like the most that it is very open and does not tolerate the closed minded and hate that goes on. If one goes to New Hope, you'd better not be closed minded.

Your State. Over all I enjoy living in PA. I hope it continues to stay blue and barely is. But so much to do and see. So many different locales, beaches, mountains, river towns, big cities, and quaint rural towns. And for the most part was have good weather with little worries of all the other disastrous weather.Outisde of weather it's mostly perfect for each season.


The World. I think the whole world is going slowly rather nuts. But given a choice there are places I'd sooner live then here. Pockets in Europe, Costa Rica, Norway, New Zealand, possibly Iceland. LOVE South America, but to visit. Some of the leaders there are getting nutty too. Africa... If was living in Kenya helping with a sanctuary of some sort. I couldn't agree more with your sentiment on your US assessment my dear. I adore you.

The Universe. Aliens? BEAM ME UP! BEAM ME UP! If I had to endure a anal probe or sex experiments to live with a alien civilization who are not hostile but live in a open an peaceful utopia...I'll endure the anal probe and experiments.

The Afterlife. Honestly...I don't know what I believe. I do think that are soul goes on to somewhere, but I not buying the heaven or hell thing. I just don't think we all rejoin loved ones, skip around in white and sing in a circle. Maybe we just float around, who knows.

whkattk said...

1. ME?? I'm very much still a work in progress. Especially as pertains to overcoming some severe depression. Childhood memories are rapidly becoming nightmares. YET...I know I have shared talent and have more still to give.
2. My wife makes me crazy at times, but I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. I could do without Her parents on the other hand. My brother is a lost cause (Trumper) and my sister...well, she's 75 and still makes very foolish decisions, needs people to take care of her.
3. I have a few very close friends whom I consider family. One lives up in the Pacific NW and we don't get to see her very often at all. But we phone all the time.
4. The immediate neighborhood is decent. It's small and we pretty much look out for one another, yet we're not up in each other's business.
5. The overall city? Not so much, anymore. Too big, too populated. As if the gaming properties don't bring in enough money, they keep doing things to rake in more money but ignore the effects on the residents.
6. Pretty much wide open. And all those wide open areas are filled to the brim with conservatives. That wouldn't be terrible but they've jumped on the Trump Train -and that is too much to bear.
7. Total cluster thanks to the BS 45's administration. But this one isn't making much headway due to the asshats still in Congress.
8. There are places I think would be quite lovely and wonderful And, when the wife retires, that's where we'll head. The planet is headed for troubles and I hope the younger generations figure a way to adapt - else it'll be curtains for the human species. And, maybe, that's not such a bad thing. Humans have been a plague upon the earth.
9. Vast and what we know about it is miniscule yet amazing.
10. Don't really know, now do we? Not for sure. I have my moments of wanting, wishing, my end would come. Because the here and now is almost too much to bear. Yet, I have no choice but to roll out of bed and make the best of what the day hasd to offer.

SickoRicko said...

As for "The Afterlife": You're born; you live; you die. End of story. There is no why, it just is. (Loved the Madonna video.)

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I love that Madonna song. I think Ray of Light is a fantastic record. I usually play it complete, beginning to end.
Ok, so here we go:
1. I'm pretty much a 'work in progress'. I need to be more self-aware. Too immature IMO. I like myself, but that does not make me blind.
2. My immediate family is chill. My sister and I are in the best terms we've been in years. We only argue when it comes to religion. LOL. My nephew ended up being a cool kid, too.
3. I really don't keep in touch with my extended family. My sister is in charge of the PR.
4. I live in a very white, very privileged neighborhood. I'd rather live in the city but it is what it is.
5. Chicago is cool. People call it Chirak but that's bullshit. It has the problems all big cities have. I'd take it any day over a small town. Ugh.
6. Illinois is a weird purple mix. Big cities are ok but small towns are hellholes. I never drive alone when I leave the city. And the Repugs are waiting to pounce because they hate the governor.
7. The United States? I agree with you. It's a clusterfuck of culture wars and white grievance. I also agree that the United States could be as corrupt as Russia just under the PC surface. It's a plutocracy.
8. Like you, love Europe and Latin America. May move away when I retire. Yes.
9. The universe? We are the ants, darling.
10. The afterlife? Which afterlife?


JiEL said...

I'm a French speaking man so what is «POV» meaning?