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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's You Might Grow Up To Be A Mule Quiz - Part 2

Wonderland Burlesque's
You Might Grow Up To Be A
Mule Quiz - Part 2

Yes, another quiz inspired by Bing Crosby's Swinging On A Star.

Just fill in the blank with the topic suggested: If you had to be a ____ what would you be? And why?

You can pick something you would like to be or something that reflects your current state. Just have fun with it.

We'll be covering a lot of territory - some random, some not so random - so don't worry or get too far ahead of yourself. If you don't see something you think would be a great topic as part of this series of quizzes? Hang on. There's more to come.

So, ask yourself...

If I had to be a ____, what would I be?

1/ A Color


I'm the color nobody really expects to buy or goes out looking for, except maybe in shoes. 

Frequently overlooked, I am everybody's safety color. They see me as 'better than nothing.' 

But there's also comfort to be found there. And an earthiness. 

Still. I think I'm the same brown all the paneling in the 1970's shared. There are still some who see my value, but most just want to paint over me as quickly as possible and deny I ever existed.

2/ A Scent


Oddly enough, I think I am a slightly vanilla-infused lemon, the kind of smell you get when you make one of those cake mixes that claim to be 'lemon.' 

The smell? Slightly, dull, not as sharp as you'd expect. Could pass for a bit earthy, but fact is it's nothin' but chemicals and additives. So a bit of a charade!

3/ A Shape

Obtuse Triangle

Off-kilter, threatening to collapse. Oddly unsettling. Possesses the the three elements to be an ordinary triangle, but somehow can't seem to get its act together. Self-contained. Not something you would ever put on a pride flag.

4/ A Texture


It's so like me. You know, how every now and then you have an itch to scratch? Well, I'm the perfect foil. The rest of the time? I'm this annoyance you know you best ignore or it will only get worse.

5/ A Flower


I'm easy to grow. Hardy, I don't require much maintenance, though I do like my water.

I bloom at the beginning of summer and last all the way until the first bitter frost of late fall. 

My shades may be limited to earthy oranges, burnt reds and brilliant yellows, but... hey!

You could do worse.

6/ A Tree Or Shrub

A Mighty Oak

I am here forever. And just keep growing larger. My branches? Gnarled. My trunk? Rough and harshly furrowed. Still, there's a strength there one must acknowledge. 

I produce. And hang on to my leaves long after they have any purpose. 

But I will be here, until some fool decides I stand in the way of something they want and cut me down. 

Oh, I will not go easily. And with what's left? 

It'll make a nice coffee table. 

7/ An Element Of Weather

A Distant Storm Cloud

If I am limited to only one... that is what I pick.  

On an otherwise brilliantly sunny day, I'm that cloud you catch in the corner of your eye. Is that going to develop into something? Hard to say. Seems ominous and puts a bit of a pale on your outlook, though.

But you can just ignore it. It's probably nothing. 

Still... there it is.

8/ A Fruit

A Pineapple

Name makes no sense. A spiky crown. Cut away that thorny outside. A lot of waste, but juicy on the inside. Offers up plenty. Less expensive than you think. Can be sweet, can be tart. Nothing else like it.

9/ A Food Dish

A Bowl Of Mashed Potatoes

Yes. Pure starch, Mom! 

You know... when you don't know what you're in the mood for? Well, I'm there to satisfy.

At first glance, you might think me bland. But, trust me, there's probably at least a bit of garlic in there to spice things up.

As nothing more than a side, I'm easy to pass over, but a great plate filler, all the same.

And comfort? I offer that by the spoonful. 

10/ A beverage

A Boodles Gin Martini, Up, Dry, Olives (Not Stuffed,) Side Of Ice

Like I could be anything else? 

In some ways... I am perfection. In others? Too much. I tend to sting. The upside is, I definitely make an impression. Whether or not it's what I intend? That's up for debate. 

I look best in a stemmed glass. Yep. Nothing fancy about me. In fact, you can see right through me. 

But, if I'm to your liking, I will leave you a bit dizzy and with a smile on your face!

--- ---

And that is more than enough of me!

Okay, your turn. Leave your answers in the comments section or post on your blog and leave a link here. 

That's all for now. And, as always...

Thanks for reading... and participating!

Swinging On A Star - Spooky & Sue

Swinging On A Star - Rosemary Clooney


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohhh cute!
A color? Orange. It's my thing this Summer.
A scent? Lavender. It calms me.
A shape? An octagon. I like even numbers.
A texture? Wavy.
A flower? Orchid. I'm a hothouse plant.
A tree? An elm.
An element? Lightning. Greased.
A fruit? A pineapple, too! It's my fav.
A food dish? Chicken Tandoori. Love it.
A beverage? A cocktail with Mezcal. I just tried something called Oaxacan Penicillin and I loved it.


Mistress Maddie said...

A Color- blue. Any shade, I love blues. I also like purple and brown. I used to use a lot of brown in my interiors.

A Scent- either honeysuckle or sunset rose. I like to smell like a nature naked wood nymph!!!!!!

A Shape- a Octagon. I have many sides.

A Flower- Ranunculus. I love the colors and the layers upon layers of flower petals. It small delicate yet bold. I love Marigolds too. There good at keep bugs away. perfect for planting outside where one sits.

A Tree Or Shrub- Magnolia tree. Big Beautiful and yet soft edged.

An Element Of Weather- Hurricane

A Fruit- blueberries!

A Food Dish- I think a nice burrito filled with chicken rice, herbs beans and cheese.

A beverage- You know me...GIN AND TONIC!

whkattk said...

1. Blue. Sky blue. Why? Who knows?
2. Lemon. It's a fresh scent. Or maybe new-mown grass.
3. A 45-degree matter where you put it, it points up.
4. Silk. Just love the smooth coolness it brings - yet it keeps you warm.
5. Lilac. Or its cousin, the desert sage called a Butterfly Sage.
6. Black Walnut. Beautiful.
7. Hmmmm. Maybe a breeze. A nice gentle breeze.
8. An apple - Granny Smith. You know, just a little tart. (Take that any way you like.)
9. Pasta. Versatile - goes with anything.
10. Iced tea. Quenches and satisfies.

Thanks for the Rosemary Clooney!

SickoRicko said...


Xersex said...

great pics!