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Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday Fun: Happy National Senior Citizens Day!

Friday Fun: Happy National Senior Citizens Day!

I don't know how many of you qualify as a senior citizen. 

At Country Kitchen you can order off the Senior Menu starting at age 55. Same with Denny's.

But typically, the starting age is 60 or 65.  And while some of the models pictured below do not yet qualify... they all will one day. For, if you're fortunate enough, aging is an inevitability. Which seems strange given how rampant ageism is here in the United States.

But then the U.S. seems to view older Americans as expendable - unless they have money and/or power. All too frequently these days I hear stories of corporations that place a target on the backs of employees who are of a certain age. Getting rid of long-term employees is an easy means of getting fresh blood and - most importantly - cheaper labor. Then the bigwigs - who are typically in that same age bracket, but not targeted because they have power and money... can turn to their board of directors and stockholders and tell them how much money their shrewd tactics have saved the company by showing these older workers the door. 

You know what else walks out that door? Tribal knowledge. Put a price on that, you cutthroats of industry. 

And the workplace is not the only culprit when it comes to age discrimination. 

I see it all the time on apps like Grindr. Profiles that openly declare, "No old dudes. Gross." It hurts the heart to read such things. Such a lack of empathy. I take comfort in the thought that, should they live long enough, they will one day become the very thing they despise. (Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?) But the very young are not alone in thinking that way.  

Older men are just as guilty. I remember feeling the sting of one self-declared 'A-Gay' with his terribly dyed spiky boy band hair complete with frosted tips, a spray on tan that made The Housewives of Beverly Hills look positively ghostly, hiding behind a pair of oh-so mod designer frames going on an offensive tirade about how tired he was of creepy old people hitting on him, with their crepe-like skin, deflating asses, aching joints, sagging chests, flaccid, discolored dicks and old man smells. 

I swear, if he had been standing next to me? I would have slapped the cheek implants right outta his fucking pinch-mouthed face. 

Instead, I simply blocked his profile so I wouldn't be tempted to challenge him. Though, more likely, it was so I wouldn't keep re-reading his asinine profile. 

I take issue with people like him. And older men who have age limits set lower than their own age. I also have to chuckle at those who have been '39' for more than a century. 

Ah, yes... only on the internet can we be ageless and evergreen!

Me? I appreciate bodies of all shapes and sizes. Every day, every single one of us is doing our best to defy gravity. All those lines? Those are earned. And they should be celebrated.

Fact is, older men need and deserve sex and love. It's a healthy necessity. Ejaculation helps keep the prostate gland in great shape, not to mention all of the psychological benefits that come when you... cum.

So here's in praise of older men. 

If you're lucky enough to become one... embrace it. Love you're badass self! You've earned it, baby!

Have a marvelous weekend.
Wishing you all the very best.
- Uptonking at Wonderland Burlesque

One Less Day (Dying Young) - Rob Thomas

It Gets Easier - Willie Nelson
(For Jimmy)


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohh So you can get free stuff at Denny's after 55? Who knew?
The thing is, do they card you? How do they know you're that age? I have questions.
And I could not agree with you more. Ageism runs rampant in this culture. Of course, it's due to a capitalist mindframe where there's always new blood needed and experience is expendable.
I always chuckle when I hear the 'eeeew the olds are hitting on me' line. As if they'll stay evergreen. Especially after they have fucked up their bodies when they're in their twenties.
Now, these pictures. Yowza!
I know, there's beauty in the pneumatic, taut bodies of younger men but there's something about a man of a certain age that gets me going. Yum.
And I love Rob Thomas!


anne marie in philly said...

I'll be 66 in a few weeks. SOME of us still have life and curiosity and wonder. then there are SOME (like donald dump) who are walking zombies.

and yes, I have ordered off the senior menu at IHOP and friendly's. I also take advantage of grocery shopping on tuesday (senior day) at my local market. 10% discount on all store-brand items.

whkattk said...

I earned every line, crease, wrinkle, and grey hair (especially the hair). The ageist attitude in the workplace did me in. Laid me off in 2011 - I was 58, the senior guy in the department. So, of course, I was the one who had to go. I blamed it on my disability as well as my age (and the salary).

We see this in all walks of life, though. Hollywood, television, and Broadway are filled with it. It's even a well-used trope: Out with the old, in with the new.

Have a great weekend, your badass self! xoxo

Mistress Maddie said...

DON'T get me started on this topic. It's why I have to time and never been on any of those sites. There all so stereotypical and most of the guys are so closed off, it's a shame. I have yet to be on any them.

I have friends of all ages and if out have no problem talking to anyone. I have overheard guys in the past talking about older men and say mean things or Im not talking to them...but much can be learned from them I find.

I'm am off to my friends pool today. They are my closest friends and are now moving away, so this may be my last time to see them. He is the one I sat for while he did his drawings.They are so fun and have been there lots. It's yet another blow to me lately.

Jimmy said...

When I see silver chest (or beard) hair on a black man, I could see myself having an affair and doing a 'Vita Sackville-West' runaway to France. Older black men are real turn on for me.

I have experienced ageism once in regards to taking an art class.

SickoRicko said...

Karma is a bitch, and I know from experience.

Tomass Hawkke said...

You're a breath of fresh air, uptonking.

justlikedads said...

Great gallery, not a one I’d kick out of bed. That said, give yourself some credit. You always put yourself down and think your body isn’t up to standard or something. Stop, you are fine.