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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunday Diva / Three From the Hip: Liza Minnelli

Sunday Diva / Three From the Hip: Liza Minnelli

Judy Garland gifted the world three beautiful, talented children. And miracle of miracles, one of them ascended to the same heights and attained a degree of success to rival her own. 

In my big gay church, this daughter sits at the right hand of the mother of us all. 

That's Liza with a 'Z'...

Like mother, like daughter. 

Proof that apples do not fall far from the tree?

Liza has always loved and appreciated her gay fans... hell, she even married a few of them! For she's always been in our corner, and we, in hers.

And yes, she helped make The Betty Ford Clinic and Hazeldon world renowned, but our girl was never down for long. The excitement, the glamour, the allure? They never diminished.  

Liza never stopped moving. A true dancer never does.

The gospel according to her? 

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Life!

"Dream on it. Let your mind take you to places you would like to go, and then think about it and plan it and celebrate the possibilities. And don't listen to anyone who doesn't know how to dream."

"I think that's the greatest gift one can have: point of view. You know? I've come to believe that if you have a bad memory of something, change it."

"The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow can kill you."

Cabaret - Liza Minnelli

New York, New York - Liza Minnelli

So Sorry, I Said - Liza Minnelli

And one last parting shot...

"Never stop moving, or you'll stop moving." 


Jimmy said...

Love Liza. My favs are her "Liza With A Z" concert, "Money" from Cabaret, and her opening of the Oscars in the early 70's. She. like her mother was a 'perfect storm'.

Hot guys said...

Liza = fierce! ✌🏻🙂

anne marie in philly said...

you can't get more gay than marrying peter allen!
I do think liza is as troubled as her mom was.
the first movie I saw with her was "the sterile cuckoo".

SickoRicko said...

I have loved her since the 1969 movie "The Sterile Cuckoo"!!!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Liza is fantastic!
Her playing opposite DeNiro in New York, New York and Cabaret are my favs....


BlkJack said...

First saw her in Caberet then A Sterile Cuckoo. Love Liza!