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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Diva / Three From The Hip: Grace Jones

Sunday Diva 
Three From The Hip
Grace Jones

In my own personal big gay church there are many wings. In one such wing reside those who have forged careers by marching to a beat only they can hear. They are originals - unlike any other. Their styles created archetypes upon which many careers were built, but it all began with them. They created it. They own it.

Enter Grace Jones.

Powerful. Fierce. Unequaled. Unsurpassed.

She created the mold and came tearing out of it with a force never seen before. She didn't command the stage - she owned it... and then destroyed it. 

Her music? Groundbreaking and unlike anything that came before it. The same can be said of her theatrical performance style and other-worldly/tribal costuming. A true trailblazer who began blending genders centuries before being gender fluid became a concept.

Her pristine, razor-edged persona was bigger than life - and, sometimes, even too big for her. She lived large, but she was also smart.

In her wake, she left you either enthralled or traumatized. But one thing's for sure...

Everybody knew 'Grace Jones was here.'

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropped from her lips.

The topic? Originality

“If you are a fan of doing the unexpected, and I am, then it is an advantage to be highly skilled at changing your mind. If you do not want to limit yourself, then be prepared to change your mind—often.”

“I can't run out of different ideas. I am different. When can I run out of me?”

“You can’t go through life without breaking promises. You need to break a few rules as well. Well, a lot of rules. 

Pull Up To The Bumper - Grace Jones

I'm Not Perfect - Grace Jones

William's Blood - Grace Jones

And one last parting shot...

"One creates oneself."


Jimmy said...

She IS fabulous! The one and only.

anne marie in philly said...

she is mos def an original; no one like grace.

Hot guys said...

A diva, indeed. 👌🏻

Fierce one, at that. 🔥

"Ladies and gentlemen, here'ssss GRACE." 🎵

Mark Greene said...

My girl Grace ! "Pull Up To The Bumper" is the jam. Let's not forget "I'm Not Perfect " She has a beautiful ballad "I've Done It Again." I am going to have to go into Grace mode today ! Thank you sexy!

Mistress Maddie said...

I was always a bigger fan of her style and wit, over her music. I enjoy it and can listen to her music, but by the third or fourth song it grates my nerves a bit. Her songs to me were better slipped in between other songs in sets.

SickoRicko said...

She certainly is a fabulous one-of-a-kind.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG love her!
Pull up to the bumper, baby.