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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday Diva / Three From The Hip: Cyndi Lauper

Sunday Diva
Three From The Hip 
Cyndi Lauper

In my own personal big gay church, there is a wing solely devoted to those of a unique nature. Many one-of-a-kind treasures reside there. Among them?

Cyndi Lauper.

In the button-down, sit down, pipe down 1980's, Cyndi was a burst of energy; a punky, colorful, spike-haired sneer bent on lending voice to those who chafed against conformity. 

Hers was a voice unlike any other. Defying time, it's as powerful and controlled today as it was 40 years ago. 

A longtime proponent of the underdog, and a feminist, Cyndi gave voice to 'girl power' back when the Spice Girls were still toddlers. With the anthemic Girls Just Want to Have Fun, she gave us all permission to rock out with our true selves.

And as an ally of the gay community, Cyndi gifted us a song that spoke to many of us. One of her signature tunes, True Colors would provide comfort and courage to a generation terrified in the face of a plague those in power refused to acknowledge.

To this day, she continues to defy expectations or classification. The blues? Country? Dance? Broadway? No matter where she unpacks her pipes, the lady is right at home.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Speech

I've always felt, even as a songwriter, that the rhythm of speech is in itself a language for me.

You know, I do speak the Queens English. It's just the wrong Queens that's all. It's over the 59th Street Bridge. It's not over the Atlantic Ocean.

You can laugh when I talk, but not when I sing.

True Colors - Cyndi Lauper

I Drove All Night - Cyndi Lauper

Into The Night Life - Cyndi Lauper


Jimmy said...

At first, I couldn't heads or tails of her. But her music endured. And for me, her true talent wasn't exposed until she wrote the music which gave her a "Tony" Award.

Along with her music, I always link her with Air Stream trailers, and Hulk Hogan.

One of a kind!

Bob said...

For her music, her passion, and her compassion.

anne marie in philly said...

she's FAB! "girls just wanna have fun" will ALWAYS be in my playlist!

SickoRicko said...

I always enjoy your diva posts.

Bob said...

Smart. Talented. Ally. Passionate. Compassionate.
Thanks for the tunes.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Cyndi was the perfect bookend to Madonna when they came out. I think Cyndi did not do sexual as well as Madonna, but I loved her crazy style. Her videos are iconic.
I cannot think of punky, orange hair without thinking about her.
Into the night is a gem.