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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Weekend Onesie: Somebody's Knockin'

Weekend Onesie: 
Somebody's Knockin'

Oh, there's no question. 

I know quality when I see it.

And when it comes to matters of the heart...

...let the right one in.

--- ---

Saw this on the feed from my old bud a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} and knew immediately that it was the one I'd been waiting for. A perfect Weekend Onesie. There is so much to admire in this photograph: the model, the composition, the use of color. But then, that is also true of so much of the content at the(GAY)tekeepers, a blog chock full of refreshing perspectives. I pay my daily visit and it never fails to elicit some type of response... whether it be a contemplation on the aesthetics of beauty, a nagging personal matter, matters of the heart, addressing a societal issue, or some poignant political commentary. 

Yes, children, if one wishes to be 'WOKE' - this is the place to go. I love me a good education, and that is what I am guaranteed whenever I stop in... a big ole cup of wisdom with every visit. 

Children. The truth is knockin'... won't you let it in? 

(And, no... it's not the devil. I just like this song.)

 Somebody's Knockin' - Teri Gibbs


anne marie in philly said...

holy shit! that gentleman could be a statue model! and I like the song too.

Jimmy said...

I love that song. I'd forgotten it. Maybe the guy in the photo will knock on my door too!

SickoRicko said...

Oops! The second link takes me to MY blog.