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Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday Fun: Happy National Anne Marie Day (feat. Hairy Guys With Bushy Pubes!)

Friday Fun: 
Happy National Anne Marie Day 
(feat. Hairy Guys With Bushy Pubes!)

Anne Marie has spoken, and that woman gets what she wants!


Because she's everybody's favorite DJ and gal pal. And the woman deserves a day all her own.

Now, initially, I'd planned a socially-distanced parade with floats and a marching band, all of which was to be led by head majorette Pam Demic.

But it seems Pam pawned her baton and little white cowgirl boots and spent the money on gin and male strippers! 

Thanks a lot, Pam. 

(I assume my invitation got lost in the mail.) 

(Somebody gotta reign that girl in!)

So, the best I can do is to honor Anne Marie, our favorite filly from Philly, with a special photo parade of that thing she craves most: Hairy Guys With Bushy Pubes!

Enjoy, Anne Marie. 

We love you, girl.

--- ---

DJ Don't - Gerald Levert

Philadelphia Freedom - Elton John


todd gunther said...

Well, there will be no living with her now that she has a day all to herself! Thank you for thinking about her.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I agree with Anne Marie on this one.
That man in the first picture would be enough to keep me warm a whole weekend. I don't understand the obsession to shave it all some men have.
Don't they get ingrown hairs?
Also, I love Elton. I should go watch Rocketman again.


Xersex said...

everyone sees their charm and their eroticism. But whoever gives a blowjob to one of them will have a mouth full of hair.

Jimmy said...

This is my favorite day of the year.

Bob said...

"filly from Philly"!!!

And that's some cavalcade of bush!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for dudes who embrace their bushes and don't shave or wave them to oblivion!! Guys who do this today are so uniformly bland and boring and mistakenly think this makes their cocks look bigger. Yeah for vintage hairy men.

Mistress Maddie said...

Does that mean we can say fuck it and swear like drunken sailors and sing dirty sea shanties all day?!?!?!?!

I shutter to think what Anne Marie is doing while viewing this post.....

Happy st Anne Marie Day!

anne marie in philly said...

confidential to uptonking - todd is my spouse.

EVERYTHING LOOKS SO GOOD ON THE BUFFET! I don't know where to start! so many different and diverse menz!

it's going to take me some time to work my way through this appetizing collection. and I have plenty of dental floss for removing the short & curlies.

levert are homeboyz and we revere elton in this town!

GREAT BIG SMOOCHES for this day, king!

PS - it's also betty white's 99th birthday on sunday!

Deedles said...

You can't celebrate Anne Marie day without a little yarn woven, er, knitted in. Put some hats on these guys, they look cold. I shall also take note of the occasion by learning to say mf without pronouncing the "r"s . This little foul mouthed Carebear is my new spirit animal. Sorry, Dolly.

SickoRicko said...

Fun - and hot - post!

Travel said...
