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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's 'What's Cooking?' Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
'What's Cooking?' Quiz

Oh, dear. Another quiz that feels a bit like market research. But, it comes from a sincere place. I was rather curious, given our current state of affairs w/r/t Covid-19 - exactly how has it impacted our daily lives - in particular: our eating habits. 

If we're being smart, we are all finding ourselves more isolated these days. Eating would be an easy way to cope. So, since we all know what's eating us (the orange ogre and his minions, Covid... and, perhaps a significant other???) I thought, why not take a look at what we're eating. 

1/ Are you still going grocery shopping? One store? Multiple stores? Do you have someone who will shop for you?

I typically go once a week, on Sunday morning. Sometimes the boyfriend needs something and I will drive him somewhere, but I sit in the car.

I shop for my Mom, as well. She gives me a list on Thursday. She hasn't been shopping since March 15th of 2020. I feel bad for her, as shopping - especially grocery shopping - is something she really enjoys.

The ex still shops every day, so... if I am in need of something, I will ask if he could pick up the occasional item. And that's it. My whole world. 

2/ Have you noticed any difference in how you feel while grocery shopping? Anxiety?

I dread it. I have to give myself pep talks and there is always a sinking moment on Saturday night when I realize I have to go shopping the next morning.

It's the other people. There are signs on the floor... one way aisles. No one pays attention. So, on occasion, I find myself talking out loud, complaining, as I'm observing various people. And I don't tolerate people who don't wear masks. Fortunately, where I shop, that hasn't been an issue. But that one-way aisle thing? Yes, it bothers me, fiercely. Rules. The Joan Crawford in me likes rules. (And discipline)(SMACK!)

The other thing I dread is checking out and the way the person at the register handles my stuff - typically not an issue - having my stuff handled. I mean, it is going in my mouth eventually (though, typically, you have to kiss me first). Unfortunately, they don't have self-checkout at Aldi's, which is something I totally prefer. And it's only the checking out that bothers me.

I pay for my Mom's food these days, because I refuse to be one of those people telling a cashier to ring this and that separately. 

But separating and packing the food after is a chore. They have a nice counter that runs the length of the store for you to do this, but it takes me forever and the boyfriend is waiting, having done all his shopping rather quickly and I feel in the way and rather stupid - like a flustered old person (which, technically...).

By the time I get to my car, I am done. As in - I am so frustrated and exhausted that if the slightest thing happens, I will lose it and have a meltdown. So, I concentrate on breathing and I make myself slow down. That helps. But by the time I get home?

I need a nap. A lie down.  Yes, I am a total snowflake.

3/ In light of Covid-19 and our somewhat minimized lives, are you purchasing anything that you hadn't pre-Covid? Overall, are you buying more, less, or about the same amount of food?

Buying a lot of bag salads. Those pre-cut, pre-washed salad kits? I have a Caesar salad mix I love. In the summer I was eating one every day.

Yes, I am lazy. And sometimes, just not in a mood to cook. I will open the pantry door and the cupboards and the fridge and the freezer over and over and over again, trying to land on something to make. It depends on my mood. 

Sometimes, I haul out all my little appliances and will make a full breakfast - pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs, vegan sausages. I love my rice maker. I love my air fryer. I love my toaster oven. But turning on the oven...? Oh, no. That is a bridge too far. I only put out like that on the first date.

I am buying more groceries than usual. But nothing I'm not planning to eat. Eventually. I'm plan ahead, a lot.

Maybe it's anxiety? Maybe because I am not eating at restaurants?

Well, that, and my fear of the zombie apocalypse.

4/ Have you ever had your groceries delivered? Amazon? Schwans? Local store delivery? What was your experience like?

The boyfriend has Amazon Prime. So, yes. We have had all sorts of vegetarian cheeses and plant-based products delivered. And booze! Yes. You can have your gin delivered! And, technically that is plant-based, so... yay. 

I think their prices are a bit higher than where I go to shop, so, it is not an option for me on-going. But it was/is fun. And easy. I don't like that they substitute something if they are currently out of what you ordered. But, better than not getting anything at all? Not sure about that.

Long time ago, I used to get Schwans. It's all this prepared frozen food items... a tad expensive. I only did it for a year. The food? Meh. It was fine. But... I like livelier stuff, I guess.

And I have never used a local delivery service. Don't trust them. Just a feeling.

My opinion of grocery stores is not very positive, I'm afraid. They're so impersonal.

5/ Here, in Minnesota, restaurants are re-opening at 50% capacity. Are you currently going out to eat at all? If not, do you miss it? Is there a type of food you miss?

Nope. No plans to. Don't seem to miss it, either.

I have work friends that do go out and they bug me to join them, but... nope. I will wait.

I miss happy hour, in a sense. I have been doing virtual ones with my sister and brother-in-law. They are fun. Not as fun as real ones, but fun, considering the alternative is none at all.

The nice thing about happy hour at home is... no driving. No Uber. I dunno.

Maybe this is the wave of the future?

6/ Restaurant take-out and delivery service has been consistently available. Have you taken advantage of it? Which and what kind of food? Is this unusual for you?

Before October, the boyfriend and I would order Asian food, a pizza, or veggie subs. We stopped ordering from the pizza/sub place because the driver refused to wear a mask. Then infection rates skyrocketed here and we quit altogether. We've only ordered once since. I don't miss it. On the weekends, I have more energy to cook and it's fun, since I'm less tired and my time is my own.

I doubt we will return to ordering out once this whole Covid-19 thing becomes a thing of the past. Just the thought of other people - people I don't know - touching my food? Doesn't sit well with me these days.

7/ Grocery stores frequently offer a number of deli options or prepared food options. Have you taken advantage of them?

Again. Not keen these days on other people touching my food. I'm not insane about it, but I simply don't see a need for it. That food handling chain? I have no control over those folks... and while I know Covid-19 isn't spread through food... other things are, and I can't afford to be ill at all these days.

You know... I have always felt that way about grocery store delis. This is nothing new for me. That cole slaw always looks suspect. And having had bad deli potato salad once... I am not interested in trying it again. They do offer a number of really great salads, and other things. And it certainly is a viable option. Especially if you don't cook... but you never really know how careful they are in the kitchen, now do you? Or how long that salad has sat in that case.

Yeah, sorry... not for me. (I am such a Debbie Downer... sigh.)

8/ In times of anxiety and stress, comfort food can play an important role in reducing those feelings. What is your go-to comfort food? Have you added anything new to your repertoire?

Mashed potatoes. Still my go to. Even instant! (Eek, I know!) (Lazy, remember?)

Rice and beans. Vegan chili. Homemade potato soup. Homemade vegetable soup.

Oh... I have added something new, besides those bag salads! So... this is weird, but...

Pigs in a blanket.

Aldi's (where I shop) has some great vegetarian/vegan options. One of the things I love are their soy dogs. They taste exactly how I remember cheap hot dogs tasting. Which is a weird thing to cherish, but... well, have you met me?

During the Thanksgiving and Xmas holidays, Aldi's was pushing their brand of crescent rolls. Crescent rolls are sort of the poor man's croissant. But they are vegan.

I cut a soy dog in fourths and cut a slice of vegan smoked gouda diagonally and roll it all up in a crescent roll. No... I know they are not good for you. This is not health food, by any means... but it is fun, in a sixth or seventh grade sense of the word. I don't know why... but I get a kick out of them. And I don't have to feel too guilty about them, either.

For some reason, they put me in a good mood.

9/ Have you made any significant or minor changes to your overall diet? Any foods that you miss?

I tend to avoid dairy as much as possible. An exception... we had a cheese tasting as part of our New Year's eve activities. But that was a special occasion.

I don't buy dairy for myself anymore - as in, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Although I do eat eggs. They are a great source of protein.

If something calls for milk, I simply use water or fruit juice and hope for the best.

Oh, and I stopped eating potato chips. I used to love those Old Dutch ripple chips. Thought they were great. And when the pandemic began, I would treat myself. But they got old fast... as in, I lost my taste for them.

Now I eat nuts or dried fruit.

I still like oyster crackers, though. (I sound like such a fuddy duddy.)

10/ Spending time in the kitchen... are you cooking more, less, or about the same? Trying new things?

Definitely more time. 

Although, what I do at home is make a big batch of something and then freeze individual sized servings. Last week I had like six different kinds of meals frozen. It was all there, waiting for me when I came back for visiting my sister. So, feeling out of sorts, because I'd been taken out of my rut, I relied on them last week. 

I watch the news or listen to the radio while I cook. It makes me really happy to be in the kitchen doing stuff. Vital. Alive. Like a 1950's housewife.

11/ Any new concerns about your eating habits? Too many sweets? Too much coffee? Are there any bad habits that went away?

Coffee is an issue. Those first two cups go down so well in the morning, I keep thinking... more is better, right?

That is so not true. 

I did have an issue with those potato chips. I gave myself permission. Also snack crackers. But, after a few months I realized, that rather than accept and adapt to my new circumstances, I was simply trying to fill up the empty spaces with snacks... because I deserved them. Ha!

Over that!

That said, I am actually drinking less these days than I was at the beginning of the pandemic. 

I have two cocktails on Friday and Saturday night. But they only have half a shot of gin in them, so really, I'm only having one drink those nights. I enjoy it more that way. I get a tad tipsy and then it wears off before I go to bed. I sleep better, too.

So, all said... I do think it's important to treat ourselves during these trying times. 

(I've just re-read my answers. Who is this person writing my blog? Seems a bit dull, if you ask me. I'm not taking him with when I go to Cancun, I can tell you that much.)

(That vaccine had better hurry up. And it better work, too!)

--- ---

Well, that's all for now.

Okay, your turn. You know what to do. Leave your answers in the comment section, or post on your blog and leave a link. I love to hear what's cooking!

And, as always...

...thanks for reading.

Lost In The Supermarket - The Clash

Shopping - Pet Shop Boys


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG I love the Pet Shop Boys.
Ok, on to the quiz. Full disclaimer: I can't cook. But I manage.
I go grocery shopping. Masked and in-and-out. I do Trader Joe's and ALDI. I alternate them because each has some of my fav products.
I try not to stay for too long in the supermarket. And I go masked. And I don't touch too many things. Which is hard, especially because I always buy fruit.
Bag salads basically make up 50% of my diet, so... no shame.
I have never had my groceries delivered. I use them as an excuse to leave the house.
The only prepared/deli food I kind of like is those grilled veggies they sell at Trader Joe's. I've also tried ALDI's carnitas.
My go-to comfort food is probably chicken soup? I know, lame. but it's one of the things I learned to make in the crockpot, so yes.
I am eating more of those bag salads and also more grains (lentils, etc). Which may be good. I don't do dairy, though. I stopped drinking milk and stopped yogurt and string cheese, which I loved.
The less time I spend in the kitchen, the better for all involved.
Oh, too many sweets. I discovered I like fig newtons. Go figure.
And no eating out. I have not sat down in a restaurant to eat since March last year. Delivery? yes. Pick up? yes. Dining in? No.
Now I'm hungry.

Hot guys said...

"Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?!" 😏

I just had to... 🤷‍♂️😜

Jimmy said...

1. Home delivery
2. n/a
3. No
4. yes, same day service
5. No and YES!
6. 3 x week
7. No
8. Potato chips and cheap onion dip
9. No
10. same
11. no

Bob said...

1/ Are you still going grocery shopping? One store? Multiple stores? Do you have someone who will shop for you?
We shop at our local grocer once a week. About every five weeks we do a Costco run for meat and milk, butter, bread, paper goods etc. that last five weeks.
2/ Have you noticed any difference in how you feel while grocery shopping? Anxiety?
I get annoyed, well, pissed off at those who refuse to wear a mask, and those who don’t know WTF six feet means.
3/ In light of Covid-19 and our somewhat minimized lives, are you purchasing anything that you hadn't pre-Covid? Overall, are you buying more, less, or about the same amount of food?
We’re still buying our normal stuff. We don’t eat a lot of processed or pre-packaged foods so we have a list of what we like, though we are allowed to stray from it! Woo hoo!!
4/ Have you ever had your groceries delivered? Amazon? Schwans? Local store delivery? What was your experience like?
We’ve never had groceries delivered.
5/ Here, in Minnesota, restaurants are re-opening at 50% capacity. Are you currently going out to eat at all? If not, do you miss it? Is there a type of food you miss?
We have been to two local places, doing our part to help our local small businesses, Both are very good at keeping people apart, and the staff are in masks and gloves. We do go early, though, to avoid any type of crowds.
6/ Restaurant take-out and delivery service has been consistently available. Have you taken advantage of it? Which and what kind of food? Is this unusual for you?
Again we don’t have food delivered, though we have done take-out pizza or Mexican food every so often.
7/ Grocery stores frequently offer a number of deli options or prepared food options. Have you taken advantage of them?
We do some deli stuff, mostly meats and cheeses for sandwiches, but, again, our local stores have their employees if masks and gloves and cleaning all the equipment so we feel safe there. Cole slaw or packaged salads and shiz? Never.
8/ In times of anxiety and stress, comfort food can play an important role in reducing those feelings. What is your go-to comfort food? Have you added anything new to your repertoire?
Chicken and rice. A good hearty soup. Comfort foods to me.
9/ Have you made any significant or minor changes to your overall diet? Any foods that you miss?
Not really. As I said, we cook a lot, taking turns, so we have our staples we buy, and then when one of us has an idea for something different, we buy for that.
10/ Spending time in the kitchen... are you cooking more, less, or about the same? Trying new things?
We’re maybe a little bit more because we aren’t going out as often as before, But we both love to cook so it’s not a bad thing.
11/ Any new concerns about your eating habits? Too many sweets? Too much coffee? Are there any bad habits that went away?
There was at the beginning of this mess, because we were home all the time and, well, there’s always food there. But once able to work at least part time things have gotten back to normal.
We have one, maybe two cups of coffee day, and I don’t care for candied sweets so ….

Xersex said...

what a marvellius set of pics & gifs!

anne marie in philly said...

1 - we grocery shop at one store; spouse does the shopping 1x/week as I recover from my leg surgery.

2 - don't feel a thing while shopping. masks are strongly enforced by our governor.

3 - same amount. we bought special foods for the december holidays only.

4 - no delivery; we like to pick/buy our own.

5 - we get take-out/delivery from our local mom-n-pop joints (no chains). we do miss dining in a restaurant, but we satisfy our cravings with take-outs/delivery. I DO miss the pineapple martinis at bonefish grill though. I DON'T miss the husband's fave chinese buffet.

6 - we were getting takeout/delivery before COVID hit, so nothing has changed for us. we have all kinds of restaurants in mah hood; plenty of ethnic options.

7 - not into that section of the grocery store. we prepare our own food.

8 - campbell's healthy request tomato soup with either pasta or shredded parm cheese & croutons.

9 - since we are both over 60, our appetites are smaller. I actually lost 10 pounds last year to less food/smaller portions.

10 - more time; spouse works from home and I am unemployed. we have tried a couple of new things, but mostly stick to the old reliables.

11 - my sweet tooth will always be my downfall.

whkattk said...

1. Multiple. Well, 3. No one to shop for us. We brave them ourselves.
2. Sometimes it gets a little bit hairy; people not following the one-way traffic signs, not following distance rules. But, they do make sure people are wearing the masks.
3. About the same amount and pretty much the same things.
5. Nope.
6. Nope. We really do prefer to do our own cooking. We rarely ate out pre-CV-19
7. Nope. Again, we're pretty handy in the kitchen.
8. Oh, yes. Kettle Chips. Ice Cream. The poundage is racking up.
9. None.
10. The same. We always try new things. Lots of ideas from the cooking shows.
11. Way too many sweets...some of those recipes we like to try are adding poundage.

SickoRicko said...

Jerry does the cooking, I do the cleaning. We just started ordering groceries online and picking them up. Thai takeout is always on the menu.