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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday Diva / Three From The Hip: Vanessa Williams

Sunday Diva / Three From The Hip: 
Vanessa Williams

In my own personal big gay church, there is a wing dedicated to what can only be described as...The True Divas. These are ones who may do many things in life, but from the moment they opened their mouths to sing they became the one thing they were meant to become: a true diva.

One such soul?

The sublime Vanessa Williams.

A born beauty with a voice like silk, she was an early achiever. With a single goal in mind, she rode the merry-go-round, justly nabbing the golden ring when given the opportunity. 

The lady broke ceilings.  

And, just as quickly, the ceiling fell on her. 

Scandal? You bet. But she handled it with dignity and grace, rising above what would have crushed others.

She may have lost her crown, but, once recognized, a true diva never leaves the stage. 

Our heroine simply went on with her life, to become what destiny always intended.

She sang her way into our lives and hearts, while living gracefully, her beauty undiminished. 

And that voice? It could turn on a dime, coiled and strong. Powerful one moment, lighting a quiet fire the next. 

She made us dance and she made us cry.

A #1 hit. A #3 hit. A #4 hit. A #8 hit.  

America knows a winner when they hear one, no 'Miss' about it.

Her talent? As undeniable as her piercing blue eyes. 

She went on to conquer Broadway and entertain us in our living rooms. 

Yes, she may have lost a crown long ago... but this diva? 

She still reigns supreme.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic: Lessons learned.

"Mom was a schoolteacher and I was her most challenging student. Throughout my life, Mom’s lessons have helped me survive it all: scandal, love, marriages, divorces, disappointments, children, death, failures, success. I’m still learning. Mom has yet to say, 'I told you so.' When Mom told me not to do something, I did it anyway. The thrill of the adventure, the adrenaline rush and the escape trumped all consequences and there were always consequences because no matter how quiet, sneaky and brilliant I thought I was, I couldn’t outsmart Mom."

"My parents were always supportive. They didn't say, 'Get a real job.' They believed in the arts, and they prepared me to be skilled. I'm lucky I can drop into these worlds - into a studio or onto a set or go on stage - and feel comfortable. Both my parents were educators, so interviews and college applications and shaking hands and looking people in the eye and feeling confident and knowing what you can bring to any project or audition - I've known about these things my entire life."

"Whether it's your family, friends, community that you connect with, don't be afraid to reach out. That's my biggest advice that I can say for anyone going through any kind of obstacle or trials or tribulations. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask questions. Ask for help, because you never know where you'll find it."

Work To Do - Vanessa Williams

The Sweetest Days - Vanessa Williams

 The Real Thing - Vanessa Williams 
(Ralphi Rosario Radio Edit)

And one more parting shot...

"The wiser you get, the more experience you have, and the more you see people for who they are as human beings, as opposed to figures you have to fight against."


Hot guys said...

She's had an interesting career 🙂 Always liked her!

Btw, remember her on Desperate Housewives, too. 😉

She was so much on that amazing show! 💛

Bob said...

I love Miss Williams. Took a scandal and turned it on its head, stepped over it, and kept going.

anne marie in philly said...

miss america! she got a dirty deal from the pageant people; FUCK THEM!

Jimmy said...

When I think of Williams,...I automatically think of the closing credits to "Priscilla Queen Of The Desert".

Mistress Maddie said...

The Goddess is here!!!!! Shut down this feature now, lol!!!!! Probably my all time hands down female star. I wasn't huge on her an ice queen after all...but I was in love with her the minute I heard Running Back to You with its retro groovy vibe. I do have all her albums....and she is one mainstream singer who knows HOW TO sing a Christmas carol properly. And don't even get me started on her in Soul Food or her performance in Ugly Betty as Wilhelmina Slater...LEGENDARY!!!!!

SickoRicko said...

A very beautiful woman.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Goddess, was she/ is she beautiful!!
Last I saw her was on Hulu's Bad Hair. And she can sing!!