Acquired Tastes XLIII:
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 33
Barclay House Books
Part 2 of 2
Today, we'll take a brief look at Brandon House's gay-oriented titles published under their Barclay House imprint.

During their heyday in the late-60's, Brandon House published under a number of imprints, including: Hanover House, Command, Barclay House, and Essex House. The secret of their incredible profitāmaking was that they had their own printing presses, thereby eliminating a publisher's largest cost.

During their heyday in the late-60's, Brandon House published under a number of imprints, including: Hanover House, Command, Barclay House, and Essex House. The secret of their incredible profitāmaking was that they had their own printing presses, thereby eliminating a publisher's largest cost.
Author: Paul Wilson
Psycho-Sex Study
Well, it would seem I may have found out a bit about Paul Wilson, an Australian who also uses the penname Paul R. Wilson. Seems he is a bit of a sociologist and fascinated with true crime. He has written and co-written numerous books about a variety of subjects including: abortion, pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking, pedophilia, forensics, rape, murder, tandem murderers, public housing, policing, and crime as it relates to community; about 20 books in all. Secrets appears to be his very first work.
The lone photo I found for him? It was posted at LibraryThing. Well, I guess it could be him. I can't seem to find anything to compare it to.
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Boy On The Block
Author: Gene North
"An adult novel of men in the womanless world."
Author Gene North has over a dozen titles published on several imprints to his credit. I can confirm that six of those titles are part of this genre. The others vary between hetero swing/swap novels and those pseudo-psychological texts that were popular in the day; porn masquerading as social studies.
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Author: Jay Symon
Ooh... a vampire/gay sex novel. How... novel.
I wonder if this was a first?
As for the author, Jay Symon...
Guess who?
If you guessed Victor J. Banis (godfather of modern gay fiction and author of a zillion books), you guessed right.
What did you win?
No, I'm asking... what did you win?
Because me? Being no prize myself, I don't have any. Prizes. Sorry.
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Author: Victor J. Samuels
Psycho-Sex Study
Victor J. Samuels is the author of another Barclay offering, Anal Compulsion. The Victor J. part should be a big tip off about who the author really is... Yep, it's Mr. Banis, again, but this time he's writing with his life partner Sam Dodson.
So, umm. I've seen pictures of Mr. Banis. He's rather cute. Do you... do you think he and Sam did a lot of 'research' before writing this book? Maybe... written from a personal perspective?
Just a thought.
A dirty one.
(I don't have any other kind.)
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Author: Frank Fitzgerald
Psycho Sex Study
This is one of the great lost novels by renowned author F. Scott Fitzgerald. Unearthed when his grotto in South Minneapolis was demolished in 1969, Barclay House was fortunate enough to snag exclusive rights to this literary find. A forward, dedicated to wife Zelda, reveals the novel's origins. Based on his year spent convalescing due to a near lethal case of syphilis and years of guzzling bathtub gin, Gay Male Nurse tells the touching, heartwarming story of the relationship that develops between a famous author and his Jamaican night nurse. The novel reveals and revels in Fitzgerald's not-so-secret obsession with catheters and the practice of sounding. Critics hailed the book as 'exhausting', as it goes into far more detail on the practice of sounding than anyone with a sensitive stomach can muster.
The reason no on has heard much about this tome to penile poking is because Stephen Sondheim bought the rights in the mid-'70s, adapting it into a musical starring Don Knotts (as F. Scott),Ruth Buzzi (as Zelda) and Flip Wilson as the Jamaican night nurse. Unfortunately, the show ran into technical difficulties during out of town tryouts and the show never made it to Broadway. But don't abandon hope. Talk is that Jon Hamm is very much interested in doing a revival once this whole Covid-19 nonsense is taken care of. Our own Miss Maddie's name has been tossed about as a possible 'Zelda' with Titus Burgess as the Jamaican Nurse.
Okay, just checking to see if you were still reading.
No. This is the only book credited to Frank. Something tells me it is a pseudonym. I dunno. Something about it... just doesn't feel right.
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Author: Norman Bates
Psycho-Sex Study
So, last week, in my first post about Barclay House, I went on and on debunking the myth that Norman Bates was writer/director/transvestite Ed Wood, Jr. A man named Charles D. Anderson, an editor/staff writer over at Pendulum Books, has taken credit for all titles credited to Norman Bates. Although, there is a possibility it's just a pseudonym for Ed. Wood, Jr.
I mean, the man does have a reputation (of sorts) to protect, you know... if you consider Glen or Glenda an equivalent to Citizen Kane.
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Diary of a Gay Love Hustler
Author: 'Ricky' as told to Donald King
Psycho-Sex Study
So, the only author that I could find related to this book was British Museum Curator and historic embroidery aficionado, Donald King, who is, indeed, an author - of books on Victorian era embroidery and tapestries. But something tells me that old Don didn't drop everything he was doing at The Victoria and Albert Museum, hop a plane and fly to San Francisco for the chance to interview 'Ricky' while in between tricks as he was waiting for his results at The Red Door Clinic.
I really have to stop relying on LibraryThing as an only source. I think they enjoy pulling my leg.
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Bill Cook
Psycho-Sex Study
So, Bill Cook is credited with a novel called Office Boy. Here's it's description from Google Books:
"Bill Benson is the office boy at Barclay Products, Inc., where he works part-time as a "gofer" before and after school to supplement his family's meager income. On his first day at his new job, he meets the beautiful Sandra Jennings, unaware that this relationship will change his life forever. But as their new love blossoms, dark forces are gathering in the world. During a date at their favorite soda shop, they hear the radio announce that Pearl Harbor has been bombed by the Japanese in a devastating attack. Bill knows he must fight for his country, risking all that he holds most dear for what he knows is right, praying he will find his way back home to the woman he so deeply loves."
Please note: the office boy works at Barclay Products, Inc. A coincidence, no?
Office Boy was published by a 91 year-old man in 2015. Gay Teen Boys in 1970.
Here's his bio:
Bill Cook was educated in his native State of Connecticut. As the United States was at war when he graduated from high school in 1942, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps, where he served for three and one-half years. With the rank of 1st Lieutenant, he flew forty-seven bombing missions over Europe as a bombardier, navigator and radar observer with the U.S. 15th Air Force based in Italy. He was employed in various administrative capacities in Connecticut until his retirement to Florida in 1976. As a hobby, he has written numerous unpublished short stories for the enjoyment of his relatives and friends. At the age of 91, this is his most ambitious undertaking at storytelling.
I dunno. Interesting, though...
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Author: Preston Harriman
"Alan had spent his life avoiding love, fearful of the wrenching hurt it could bring. Then he met Tom and ceased to be afraid - almost."
Preston Harriman (who is sometimes Dr. Preston Harriman) has 28 works in the genre at various imprints to his credit. He strikes me as your run of the mill perv. His books explore bi-sexuality, incest. and analism. Favorite titles: AC/DC Lover, Analism Among The Rich, Oral Aunts, Anal Girl and The Prettiest Boy In Town; classics, all, I'm sure.
Preston Harriman is a pseudonym used by Harry Preston. His other pennames include: Harry Berch and Vanessa Cartwright.
Born in 1923, Preston was born and raised in South Africa. He was something of a child prodigy, writing and publishing books and stories by the age of 15. In 1948 he moved to the United States, settling in Texas and became a citizen. While in Texas, he began producing, writing and directing short films and became news editor at a local television station.
In 1959, he began working at MGM studios as an analyst (!) and rewrite man. The writers' strike in 1962 prompted a move to Detroit, where he began creating television commercials. After the Detroit riots of 1967, he returned to the west coast, where he began concentrating on writing fiction and non-fiction books. His Everything A Teenager Wants To Know About Sex And Should, was well-received and had seven printings.
In 1976, Preston would return to Dallas, TX, where he would create films for the U.S. Army.
He continued to write, including a well-recieved biography of Broadway and film star, Thelma White.
He died in November of 2009, at the age of 86.
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Well, that does it for the Barclay House imprint. Next week we'll move on to another publishing house, or a special spotlight topic.
Tune in then, folks.
And, as always, thanks for reading!
Into Your Arms - Ava Max
Some the titles crack me up! I dare say I agree with you that they did a lot of research before writing about Oral. And, why not??? LOL
"Talk is that Jon Hamm is very much interested in doing a revival once this whole Covid-19 nonsense is taken care of. Our own Miss Maddie's name has been tossed about as a possible 'Zelda' with Titus Burgess as the Jamaican Nurse."
Make. This. Happen.
Very interesting
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