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Saturday, January 02, 2021

Weekend Onesie: So, How's This Gonna Go Down?

Weekend Onesie: 
So, How's This Gonna Go Down?

Wow, with 2020 barely in the review mirror, we are all headlights forward, heading toward 2021and I have to ask...

So, how's this gonna go down?

January will, no doubt, be full of political drama, thanks to the orange ogre and his minions (not to mention a Hawley-most-foul). Deep inside? I have no doubt that right will win out, but there is that tiny monster on my shoulder whispering terrible things in my ear. 

And what of Georgia? Georgia: where people have a choice to get off their duffs and vote or end up being represented by two of the most corrupt politicians currently involved in politics (and given that #MoscowMitch and #LyndseyGrahamcrackers are both still very much in the game, that's saying a lot).

Come January 20th, I am fairly certain all my anxieties will fall away from my body, like ice on the wings of an airplane. But until then...

We have a bit of drama to witness. And the uncertainty involved feels crushing. The tension? More than I wish to endure. These days? My bones are feeling mighty fragile. And all one has to do is consider all the toxic gas we've had to choke on these last four years to know exactly why we might feel that way.

Oh. And did I forget to mention the whole Covid-19 drama and subsequent vaccine nail-biting inducing nightmare that is also still as alive as a virus at a Kirk Cameron sing-along?

Thank goodness we had the holidays to serve as a distraction. I sure did enjoy them, but they are now behind us, much like 2020. 

And so the countdown begins... 18 days to go. 

Let's face it, there are just way too many factors impacting possible outcomes for anyone to know exactly what our world will look like at the end of January.

But then, really, how is it any different than any other year? Sure, the stakes seem higher... but when has anybody ever known the future? 

Our best bet? Face it squarely and let your anxieties know who's in charge.

Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

When anxiety threatens? Just keep repeating it to yourself, over and over again like a mantra.

Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay healthy. 

Now, I know, and you know it's not that simple, but...

Make it that simple. 

We could all use a little simple.

--- ---

Wishing you all the very best. 
Grin and bear it.
Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay healthy.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Which Way Is Up? - Stargard


Jimmy said...

It's going to be bumpy, but damn worth it to get him out. Now(????), what to do with those crazy repugs in Congress who supported the orange monster.

Bob said...

I am hoping level heads, even those in the GOP, the few, will prevail and this lunacy will be over.
Until the midterms when I will go all the way out of my way to remind people who stood against progress and democracy in 2021.

anne marie in philly said...

@jimmy - execute them for treason?

18 days and counting...breathe...

SickoRicko said...

Very good post; very encouraging.

Hot guys said...

Really hope this year is better. We have to stay safe 'til it does get better. And it will. 😉

Mistress Maddie said...

Yes....I believe your right. January is going to be a bumpy month. Trump is promising protest crowds on the 6th and inauguration day.

But does 200 people make a crowd?

whkattk said...

With Ted Cruz joining Hawley, it's going to cause Congress to vote Up or Down on the election. I'm looking forward to seeing who votes for Trump. That'll give Uncle Joe and Mamala a really good idea about how tough things will be for them. Add Trump's armed goons in the DC streets that day and it'll be major theatre for the news shows.

Then, on the 20th, I'm taking bets: In which city will the Trump Party stage his inauguration?

From there, despite the CV-19, who knows where the story goes?