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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Weekend Onesie: Cancel Culture


Weekend Onesie:
Cancel Culture

This week, one of the repercussions dealt in light of the insurrection the previous week has been the banning of the orange ogre and those of his ilk on a number of social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube. 

In addition, Parler, a social networking service favored by the evil one's minions was removed for download by a number of providers before ultimately losing its service provider. 

The extreme right decry these moves as censorship and evidence of what they term 'cancel culture', both of which impede their first amendment rights; their freedom of speech.

But their argument is as faulty as their continued beliefs that the election was stolen from them (they lost fair and square) and that Hillary Clinton and a bunch of Satan worshippers are operating a child sex trafficking operation in the basement of a pizza parlor (a building with no basement).

Pointing out the idiocy of such beliefs has proven futile. Facts don't faze this group. You might as well talk into the wind. 

And as for those, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who had the audacity (and poor taste) to whine about losing massive amounts of followers (in Sarah's case 50K) once Twitter gave the boot to some 70,000 violent, threatening, racist, extremist, QAnon-related accounts... one can't help but wonder if that is something they should be calling attention to and why they would want those type of followers in the first place.

To those folks, I would like to say: If this is cancel culture in action? 

Then I'm all for it. 

Just as you can't yell 'fire' in a movie theatre, you can't incite violence against elected officials, organize to storm our government buildings or conspire to interfere with our democracy. You engage in that type of atrocious behavior, you need to be silenced. 

The internet does not exist to promote hate. Hate is not free speech. Hate is ugly and violent and needs to be put in its place. 

So, tough noogies, Sarah Huckabee (#MommaTellsLies4ALiving) Sanders and all you other deplorables.

Those of us who believe in truth, facts, science, logic, empathy, diversity and that the basic needs and safety of all individuals need to be guaranteed?

We've spent the last four years at the mercy of your unending stream of lies, falsehoods, and faulty thinking. We've had to bear witness to your selfishness, your greed, your hunger for power. 

But this is not The Thunderdome. 

We do not battle one another like some post-apocalyptic warriors. The Wild West was tamed a long time ago. So holster your pea-shooters, kids, or your toys will be taken away.

We've been traumatized, not unlike the rest of the world, by your fascist, insidious, hideous ways. 

And we have had enough!

That's right, bitches...

You've been canceled!


Be best. Be gone.

--- ---

Special shout out to Sixpence over at (LO) IMPRESCINDIBLE
for today's photo. I found it while digging into the deep recesses of his legacy. 
(P.S. Don't worry... I cleaned up after myself.)

Have a lovely weekend, all.
Stay Strong. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque.

DJ Culture - The Pet Shop Boys


Bob said...

How pathetic to whine that you lost 50,000 racists and terrorists from your Twitter page.
It's not "cancel" culture, it's accountability.

Oh, and Sarah Huckleberry Sanders can fuck all the way off.

anne marie in philly said...


SickoRicko said...

Well said!

Xersex said...

nice video