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Saturday, January 09, 2021

Weekend Onesie: Da Da Da

Weekend Onesie: 
Da Da Da 

My Weekend Onesie is a video this week!

Da Da Da - Trio

I happened on it when researching this week's Who Did It Better. This is the song that Pink Project mashed up with Falco's Der Kommisar to create Der Da Da Da. I felt it my duty to track it down,,, and so glad I did.

I must say, my jaw dropped and my mouth remained open when I first watched Trio's video.

Amazingly - in April of 1982, this was a major hit in 30 countries. 

It reached #3 in Canada. It reached #2 in Britain.


And fascinating, yes?

Like a installation piece at a modern art museum. It's a time capsule.

I... can't... stop... watching... it...

--- ---

Have a lovely weekend, dear ones.
Life is getting better and better. 
Let's remain grateful for all that we do have!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque


Bob said...

I, too, cannot look away, which makes me wonder if they aren't slipping subliminal messages into our brains????

anne marie in philly said...

the dudes are ugly but I remember the song.

SickoRicko said...

I remember that song!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The song really is an earworm!
I'm here typing this and humming it.