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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Weekend Onesie: Flexible Joy

Weekend Onesie: 
 Flexible Joy

Above all else, our sense of happiness needs to remain flexible.

Happiness is where you find it. And, as the saying goes... wherever you are? Well, there you are.

I've noticed a number of posts from bloggers already longing for summer. And I get that. I adore summer and cannot wait for it to get here, especially this year.

I know the vaccine is not going to be a fix-all, but at least I can sit under my tree at the prairie this year without fear of some looming plague wreaking havoc on my life.

However... reality check: it's only the end of January. 

Here, in Minnesota? We have at least two, if not three months of winter to wait out.

So... for me? I need to concentrate on finding my 'happy' where I can. And, for me, that involves living in the moment.

So I treasure that those flames I get to watch in my gas fireplace. In a few months time? They will be a memory.

I treasure playing Civ5 on-line with my youngest sister in Wisconsin. Come summer? Well, we will both be busy doing something else. 

And thermal socks? I adore them. The thick ones are sexy as hell. But, no... I won't be wearing them this summer.

Are any of these things my favorite thing in all the world? Nope, though I do appreciate them now.

And while I am almost certain to be writing a post in the next few weeks yearning for summer... I know I need to put off feeding that desire for as long as possible. I can accomplish that by altering my perspective regarding what brings me joy. 

So, this weekend? Look at what you are doing. And if that thing brings you joy? Focus on that. Quantify it. Hold it close. 

Let's keep our thoughts and feelings as flexible as possible and embrace our 'now'. 

For, come summer? 

Those things and activities will be as distant as summer seems now. 

--- ---

Wishing you all the best. 
Be safe. Be strong.
Be healthy.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Feel This Moment - Pitbull 
feat. Christina Aguilera 


anne marie in philly said...

my, that man sure is flexible! and hung!

Hot guys said...

Love that song! 🙂 Well, at least Xtina's parts! 👅 Brings back memories... It's a throwback! 👍🏻

whkattk said...

Well said! Right now, in this exact moment, I am relishing the rising/steadying barometer and the calming of my muscles. I will enjoy the 10 minutes I get of standing in the direct sun. I will relish whatever series we decide to binge on today. Or maybe it will be a movie or two. And, I'll really relish the homemade corned beef sandwich I'll have for lunch. Kisses!

a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} said...

Sending some warm sunshine 🌞 from the Bahamas 🇧🇸

SickoRicko said...

What a spot-on post; very insightful. I need to practice what you said more often.

Cali-Boi said...

Man, that first guy is an incredible hang! DAMN!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

To tell you the truth, I'm also looking forward to a vaccine. It's not going to solve all our problems, but I'll make me less jumpy.
I'm kind of enjoying not having to drive to work. Especially with all this snow...