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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's Pride and Joy Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Pride and Joy Quiz

Okay... time to get out your brag book. No, it's okay... 

Look, I know we are all taught not to brag, to remain humble, but I am giving you total permission to be so full of yourself that there's not even room for pie! 

Yes, time to toot your own horn, dears. So, do it loudly! 

What makes you proud? What are you proud of?

We're also going to be sharing what it is that brings the most joy to our lives. 

So, get ready to reflect and genuflect. Ready?

Now, for these first two questions: divide your life in two halves; first half and second half.

1/ Name three things/events/accomplishments from the first half of your life that make 
you feel proud.

a/ Moving to Minneapolis 

b/ Star & Tribune, Critics Choice, as a director, for a production of Lanford Wilson's Fifth of July (even if I didn't deserve it)(and... I didn't).

c/ Finally coming out of the closet. 

2/ Name three things/events/accomplishments from the second half of your life that make you feel proud. 

a/ Rescuing Tuxedo (my cat).

b/ Taking care of my Dad (Alzheimer's).

c/ Taking care of the boyfriend after his bike/car accident.

3/ Any difference between items in the first half and the second?

Yes. I think I grew up. Or at least the welfare of others became more important to me. Maybe I've become less self-centered?

4/ What goal are you currently working on that you hope one day to be proud of?

Singing and playing piano. I now have 54 songs down. I still suck, but I don't care. Gonna do it anyway. I think storytelling is as important as the music. And my confidence is building. 

5/ Who brings you the most joy these days? Why?

A tie between the boyfriend and Tuxedo. 

I get to see them at the same time. 

The boyfriend helps me keep it real and makes me laugh. I simply enjoy spending time with him, no matter how little we do. In fact, less is more.

And Tuxedo is still a work-in-progress, but we are making headway. This weekend, he climbed up on the bed and slept with me - twice. And I got to hold him for 20 seconds. And no scratches! Baby steps. 

6/ What activity brings you the most joy these days? Why?

Writing this blog. Helps me keep it real and gives my life constant focus. I have a sense of community, of belonging to something larger than myself and the three people I physically see. Also, I'm picking up a skill I let go dormant. 

I am enjoying everything more these days. Covid-19 is a terrible thing, but it sure brought my life down to the basics. And I rather like it that way.

7/ What object/item brings you the most joy these days?

My piano. I don't know what I would do without it. Of course, the same is true of my laptop. 

They both make it possible for me to surprise myself... like, oh, I am capable of articulating that, or I understand the basic structure of this song that I have always loved... that sort of thing. 

They have me reading more books, blogs, and articles, or researching more, or memorizing and listening to more music. 

It simply demonstrates to me that I am never going to stop being a student; that I am going to continue to learn. That hunger never goes away. And it keeps me open to new perspectives. 

8/ What season of the year brings you the most joy? Why?

Summer, hands down. I was going to say it was a tie with the Xmas season, but, no... give me summer. I become all about the sun. Being outside. I have a real hunger for that. I even like mowing the lawn, if the sun is out. Blue skies... I need all that. 

If all goes well with the vaccines, I won't be blogging every day, come summer. (Hee hee.)

9/ What could you be doing to bring more joy into your life?

Ordering groceries on-line. True. Grocery shopping... I love and hate it. 

Meditating. Because, even though my life is much smaller and there is less to stress out about, I still lose my cool. Still find myself beyond frustrated. Still find myself angry. 

I can catch it, most of the time. But every time it happens, it just sucks all the joy out of everything. I instantly have to stop enjoying and examine what are the consequences of my anger? Who did it effect this time? How could this be prevented?

I could go back on Prozac or something. But that stuff absolutely kills my creative spark. 

So, I dunno. I feel stuck. I need to find some natural solution. 

Meditation? Been there. But I wasn't exactly disciplined about it, so... maybe I should try that again. 

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Okay, that's enough about me.

Your turn. 

You know what to do; leave your answers in the comments section or answer them on your own blog and post a link. Love learning more about you and your POVs. 

Thanks for reading. 

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Proud - Marshmello

Proud - Heather Small


Xersex said...

I usually NEVER answer these kinds of questions, but yours are so well done that I really want to answer. As you ask us, I will not be humble, and I ask forgiveness if I may seem presumptuous to someone.

1. la mia intelligenza e la mia cultura e la mia sensibilità
2. - Having discovered the love for dogs,
- love of sex and my sexual ability to please myself and others
- a certain inner balance.
3. I have become more confident in myself.
4. none in particular (I'm single).
5. my ordinary life (music, bloglife expecially).
6. listening to music, my blog and comment other's blogs, like here in this moment, for ex.
7. CDs and computers and books
8. Autumn, without esitations. Summer is too hot and winter too cold. And let me say Spring has no the same colours that Autumn brings us.
9. To have a boyfriend.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohhhh another test! Yay
Ok, so let's see: I'm proud of having managed to leave home early and support myself. Also, graduating from college. I'm still working on the second part of my life, but my goal is to have my own home. I think I'm more focused now. I'm growing up, I guess.
These days I really enjoy being around the people I love. They're not perfect, mind you, but neither am I. I'm also enjoying music more. I'm playing my records more and more. Also, writing my posts. I like the online community we have created.
And I'm looking forward to Spring. I've noticed I really like plants and taking care of my little garden. Spring and summer are gonna be fun and experimental.


Jimmy said...

I will answer these questions though I'm one of those who does need praise or recognition at the completion of a task.

1. Multiple scholarships to colleges. My parents were more proud, but in the end they put me in a tiny private college hidden away from the world because of the Vietnam war.

2. I created a garden that would have been appropriate to an early 20th century house I owned. It included a collection of 156 rose bushes. None were bred after 1922. The garden was listed with the Heritage Rose Foundation through a website called "HelpMeFind" for plant collectors.

3.Not really. I didn't grow up until I was thirty. That was when I drew the plans and then built my own house which was based on the house where I live now.

4.Not to sound macabre...but my goal is preserving the house I live in now. I inherited the house from my mother. Both of my parents died in this house and I plan to do the same. I want to leave this house the way it was found and bought. The decor is 1940's-50's.

5. I get the most joy from my husband of 33 years. He cracks me up with his goofy humor (smile). Not a mean bone in that boys body.

6.I'm shut in with the pandemic so not much going on. But, when this crap is over,...I want to go fishing.

7. I am not a 'thing' person. I do take care of things. I drive a twenty five year old car that looks showroom new. People have followed me home and want to buy it.

8. Winter! But remember I live in South Florida.

9. To be able to be out with my friends again. Eat in restaurant/Bars again. To Dance!

Bob said...

1/ Name three things/events/accomplishments from the first half of your life that make you feel proud.
A] Coming out. It was relatively easy, for the most part, though it started with my best friend saying he didn’t care that I was gay, I was is best friend …and then he never spoke to me again The best was my father who, when I came out to he and my mother, didn’t hesitate or pause or stop to think, but just said, ‘Your my son and I love you very much.’ After that nothing else mattered.
B] Creating an exhibit for an art gallery in SF called ‘Drive By Shootings,’ at a time when there were actual drive-by shootings in the city. But this was art and controversy and thought and provocation a;; rolled into one.
C] Shaking the Etch-a-Sketch and flying three-thousand miles across the country to start a life with Carlos.
2/ Name three things/events/accomplishments from the second half of your life that make you feel proud.
A] Being able to be in the room, after spending the last few days with her, as my mother passed away. It gave me comfort to be there and I know she felt comforted that her family was there to say one last goodbye.
B]Our pets, all of whom are rescues, They came to us unwanted, and became the most wanted … oh, not like felons or anything, just we wanted them a lot!
C]Learning and growing and changing in my relationship-turned-marriage, and in my life.
3/ Any difference between items in the first half and the second?
I agree with you, I became less “ME!” and more “Us!” in terms of Carlos and family and people.
4/ What goal are you currently working on that you hope one day to be proud of?

Getting a book published. It’s a hard thing to let go of and put out there because you pour your soul into it and someone says, “No thanks” and it kills you.
5/ Who brings you the most joy these days? Why?

Carlos. He infuriates me and loves me and makes me mad and happy and laugh and cry and think and … all of it.
6/ What activity brings you the most joy these days? Why?
Since this lockdown business, it’s being at home with Carlos and the pets and not feeling trapped. Putting it like Dorothy … “If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard; because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."
7/ What object/item brings you the most joy these days?

Books. I have been reading more of late, and rereading some old favorites. I love getting lost in a book.
And Tuxedo the Great.
8/ What season of the year brings you the most joy? Why?
I’ll take Spring-Summer-Fall, when you can be outside, in the yard, around town, someplace new.
9/ What could you be doing to bring more joy into your life?
Learn to calm down, be more relaxed. Meditate, pause. Relax. I’ve been doing that more since lockdown and want to keep it up if, and when, life gets back to some kind of normal.

Mistress Maddie said...

Omg!!!!!! I know at least one of those handsome boys holding the lap top!!!

I would have to give some thought to some of these...but then and now ....nothing makes me more proud and happy then showing love and support to the animals of the planet and joining to very good groups and foundations.

But then also nothing felt or made me more proud then when i went off in a Julia Sugarbaker rant on some gat girl in school gave me a hard time about gay and used the f word. Let's say, im not the one who was in tears and being spreaded...but i did have the hall in laughter. Never had a issue with her again.

Summer by far brings me the most joy and I feel more alive then

And what would bring me more pleasure now. To be honest....seeing the Lad again and soon.Its been almost a year soon because of covid.I can't wait to wrap our limbs around each other. Have a long make out session. And to be completely honest I can't wait to fuck his bubble butt. You asked.

whkattk said...

1. A. Escaping from an abusive home. B. Claiming I'd never return - and didn't. C. Managing to get hired in the theatre
2. A. Getting through college on my own. B. Getting published. C. Designing my own house.
3. The first half taught me I could make it on my own...the second half that I could let someone in and accept help if I needed it.
4. A semi-autobiographic novel in the works for 10 years.
5. My wife. We've matured together, we give each other the space and enough love to be ourselves.
6. Floating naked in the pool, hitting a nude beach.
7. My Fire tablet. It's enabled me to read with this bum eye.
8. Summer. Because I can be outside and naked.
9. Yoga. If it wouldn't put so much pressure on my bum eye....

SickoRicko said...

What a nice post! I'm proud I'm a good listener and I really like fall and spring.

anne marie in philly said...

1 - I survived an abusive home and several (catholic) schools, I survived cancer, I AM SOMEBODY

2 - successful career, knitting, almost 30 year marriage


4 - nothing I can think of at the moment

5 - cats and spouse

6 - knitting; doing for others (like you and charities) and myself

7 - the laptop

8 - autumn with the color changes

9 - I want for nothing, therefore I have joy. once this damn virus is gone, I want to see more of my friends.