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Friday, January 29, 2021

Friday Fun: Happy National Fun At Work Day

Friday Fun: 
Happy National Fun At Work Day

Work, work, work... who needs it?

Well... I do fo' one. I gots bills to pay. Don't we all?

'Less you born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Well, you better be out there hittin' the pavement, baby.

Oh, yes, yes... I tell you, honey. I have seen me some things! Working this corner of mine. Things that made me shake my head.

Made me shake a few other things, too, if you know what I mean! Heh, heh, heh.

But it's all fo' that almighty dollar, don'tcha know. Mmm hmm.

Lawdy! The things I have done fo' a dollar!

Was it my what?

My bliss? What you...?

Oh! My bliss! My bliss!

Oh, you gotta 'scuse me, honey, cuz fo' a moment there, I thought we were talking 'bout somethin' else. Somethin' else entirely...

Heh, heh, heh.... yeah...yeah... my bliss.

Well, I tell you what... I may not have enjoyed it all at the time, but, and here's the thing 'bout me... I always manage a way to find myself... a little something fo' myself. 

Know whatta mean?

Cuz, see... if you don't maintain 
your equipment? If you don't take care of the tools you need in order to complete the deed.? Then you ain't gonna be in no shape to be of no help to nobody. 

And in that case? Shoot. You... you better off just staying home, microwavin' yourself a nice bowl of oatmeal and watching some of that Netflix shit... mmm hmmm.

Cuz if you don't take care... and I am talking really, really good care... of what you got to work with?

Your assets, or whatever.

If you don't service yourself a little?

It's like that... that oxy-ma-callit machine thing.. on the airplane? Falls outta the ceiling when you 'bout to crash? Yeah, that thing. Well, they say you gotta put on your own mask first 'afore you can help anybody else... women, chil'run, old ladies... you gotta put on your own mask first. See?

Otherwise? What good are ya? Huh?

So, do yourself a favor... while you workin', doing whatever it is you doin' fo' a livin', earnin that almighty dollar?

You get some of that bliss stuff fo' yo'self while you pushing hash, scoopin' trash, grabbin' cash, before that plane crash... you get some bliss fo' yo'self.

Cuz one day? One day, that plane?

Oh... It gonna crash.

And when it do? You wanna be sittin' there suckin' on the oxy-macallit... thinking 'bout all the things you never got a chance to do?

Or do you wanna be sittin' there thinking of the things you did do?

Ex-specially them things you really shouldn't oughta be too proud of?

But, ya are, Blanche. Ya are!

Oh, yeah. You know what I'm talking about.

Them nasty things.

Yeah. You be sure 'afore that plane crash, you got yo'self a little something to think about. A little something... just fo' yourself.

Cuz that's the stuff you get to take with you when you crawl into bed each night... not them dollar bills. Hell, no... they just to pay the rent. But that bliss... that stuff?

You make damn sure you get some of that fo' yourself!


I know that car!

I know that car! I know him!

Oh, honey... I gotta run! I gots bills to pay... bills to pay! 

Talks to you laters. Buh-byeee...

--- ---

Have a lovely weekend.
And find your bliss.
Whatever you're doing.
Wherever you are.
- uptonking from Wonderland

Work From Home - Fifth Harmony

Working Girl - Cher


Hot guys said...

Think I've seen that it's that day on LinkedIn earlier today 🙂

Well anyways, these men sure do know how to have fun! 👅

Also, love me some Cher in my life! 🤎

anne marie in philly said...

since I no longer fun.

I never really had that much fun at work. work gave me $$ in exchange for my time/brains.

whkattk said...

Oh, you got that right. All of it. You don't take care, those tools gonna fail ya. Kisses!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Working from home does have some perks, but I have to say that I really, really enjoy those MEN at Work videos, Upton. There's something in a man in a three piece suit with his dick out that gets me going...


SickoRicko said...

Very hot post!