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Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday Fun: Happy National Hot Sauce Day!

Friday Fun: 
Happy National Hot Sauce Day!

So, this is not to everybody's taste. I get that.

But I did want to celebrate the day.

I must say... I am not all that picky about where my hot sauce comes from. I just know it spices up any meal.

Nor do I care what kind of a container it comes out of... as long as it is clean.

Hate going out to dine and find myself stuck with a dirty dispenser. Oh, no, honey, no.

That's why I always bring with me a container of wet wipes. And if it's real bad? I get out the Clorox Wipes, too. 

You, uh... you ever see a dude with some stuck in his beard? Oooh. No! That nasty! Who knows how long that's been there? 

Now, you? You may put your hot sauce wherever you like. I do not judge. And don't worry about missing your target or spilling some. I'm a big boy. I know how to clean up real good.

Me? Sometimes I keep my hot sauce all bottled up. Keep it all for myself. I mean, I can eat a whole meal and go without. Go without, for days and days. That's just the way I was raised.

But a guest of mine? 

Oh, no... if he want some... he can have it. As long as he brings a little something for me, too. Kind of like a housewarming gift? Oh, yeah, baby... you know how to get my house all nice and warm, don't ya? Everybody likes a warm house.

Oh, now, I know some folk don't like when people go all overboard and just start squeezing out hot sauce on everything... hell, you get a group of guys together and you gonna end up with more hot sauce than you can handle... trust me.

Been there. Done that.

After a meal like that? You find you might need to give your taste buds a rest. Let 'em recover... cuz too much of a good thing, am I right? Yaz, yaz... you know what I mean.

Oh! And don't get none in your eyes. Stings like a sommamabeyotch. It will make you cry. 

And avoid them ghost peppers, honey. They will make you cry, too. 

And... one more warning.

You get that stuff on my carpet or my brand new sofa? You gonna be getting a cleaning bill in the mail, fool!

So, be careful when shaking that stuff out. 

Don't pound on the bottom too hard. Or it will just shoot out everywhere... and then... 

...well, then you got yourself a mess to clean up, now don'tcha?


I hope your brought your appetite.

--- ---

Enjoy the day. 
Have a lovely weekend.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque 

P.S. It was this, or Happy National Blonde Brownie Day... and trust me, you do not want to know what came up when I started googling pics for that!

Hot Sauce - Bootsy Collins

Hot Sauce - Thomas Dolby


Jimmy said...

I read the half aloud to my husband. We were cackling and howling. Marvelous post, Upton.

Now, pass the sauce!

Xersex said...

you know how much I love man sauce!
let me add some here are fake. I am not fooled!

#5, #9, #11, #15, #17, #37, #60, #62, #88.

Take a look here

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

This may come as a surprise to you, but I don't like hot sauce. Can't take it. Really. I think it just ruins the meal because all I can think about is that my mouth is on fire.

Now, about sucking dick, I have discovered that I really, really like it and that -modesty aside- I'm good at it. I've had some very earnest requests for repeats.
I think there's very few things that are as hot as making a man cum by sucking his dick. How he tenses and moans and groans and breathes hard. Oh, yes.
Oh, and I swallow.


p.s bootsy collins? Yes,please.

Hot guys said...

Well these dudes are shooters! 💦

anne marie in philly said...

I don't eat hot sauce. and I have only swallowed once in my life. yeah, you don't want to get man cream in your eyes.

SickoRicko said...

You are sooo creative! (Not to mention, prolific.)

whkattk said...

LOL. Great post in honor of the day. I hosted an anniversary party for our J/O group and, do you believe it??? I had to tell them no hot sauce in the pool! Then we had a cast party and one guy spilled hot sauce all over our couch. Didn't even bother to clean it up. Frickin' Neanderthal! Have a great weekend, Upton. Kisses.

Mistress Maddie said...

I've been told to supply goggles with my hot sauce.

Xersex said...

In my opinion, not swallowing is so unnatural! when a dick is about to cum, a force pushes me to stick my mouth to that cock and not leave it until I have the last spermatozoo in my stomach >>> mouth.

Anonymous said...

Damn! After all those pics, I have to shake out some of my own hot sauce! Thanks a lot...I'll enjoy it tho! Thank you!

Gary M. said...

Another wonderful group of photos you've collected. My favorite thing in the world...being covered in cum. Savoring every drop of that "hot sauce". Nothing saddens me more than cum being wasted when there are so many of us starving perverts out here. LIKE ME!

Hot guys said...

I actually believe many people think like Xer above 🙂

Deliciousdeity said...

Wonderful stuff, but I must say if I see a porn video and a guy gets splooged in the eye I have to turn it off hahahaha. It's happened to me and yes, it stings like a bitch.

By the way I heard from a nurse (who lives on the same floor in my block) that if ever your eye is irritated, use an eye cup filled with cow's milk. The stuff we drink has the same PH level as the fluid in one's eyes. Irritation free! Cheers!