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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's Life During Covid Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's
Life During Covid Quiz

Oh, no! Is this a pop-quiz? I didn't do my homework last night! 

Oh, wait. 

We're all adults. And this isn't science class.

Yeah, don't worry, I'm not here to test your knowledge of how the virus works or where it came from or which conspiracy theory really speaks to you personally.


I want to learn what you've been doing during the pandemic, how hopeful you're feeling now that the vaccines are more easily available, and how you view life after we reach herd immunity via vaccinations. What (and who) will you do? What won't you be doing?

Spill it, Helen!

Things are looking a bit more hopeful (don't you think?).   

Let's dive in...

1/ Have you been isolating? Starting date? How large has your circle of contact been? What activities have you continued to do?

Isolating since March 15th; the day they told me at work to pack my things. Sigh. A year, folks. SMH. 

My circle has three people in it: my mother, my ex-husband, my boyfriend. Twice, I have visited my youngest sister and her husband in Madison. I see my other younger sister when she drops in to check on my mom. That's it. A tiny life. 

I go grocery shopping. Used to be on Sundays, but too crowded, so now go Friday afternoon. 

I go running. I walk a lot. I have one place I order take-out food from, because I trust them. There were two, but I stopped using the other one because the delivery dudes didn't wear masks. 

Yep. A tiny life. 

It's been good... in ways. I can't believe it's been a year.  

Gloria Gaynor keeps singing in my damn head. 

2/ Are you going to get vaccinated? Or have you already been vaccinated? Which one did you get or do you hope to get?

I am in the process; one shot in. I just happened to pursue this rumor and lucked out. Got hooked up with a sympathetic lady at a clinic on the north side and she let me in. Second shot is on April 7th. So... my coming out celebration will commence on April 21st. Yes. Fireworks.

Yep. Something tells me this blog is going to suffer (more than it already is). 

I got the Moderna. and had no preference. I just wanted it done. 

3/ For those of you who are younger, on what date do you hope to be or will be full-vaccinated? (Keep in mind, the CDC recommends you wait 10 to 14 days after being completely vaccinated for the vaccine to become fully effective.)

Hmm. A bit redundant, but I'll answer. April 21st. (P.S. No. I am soooo not younger.) I will be free as a bird then... within reason.

I really lucked out. 

For a change.

4/ How effective do you think the vaccines are? Do you trust the science?

I believe they are 96% effective and trust science 100%. Science is my friend. 

Because... what else have we? 

Look, I spent half a century believing in SKY GOD. 

I think I can extend a bit of that magical thinking in the direction of science.

I trust Dr. Fauci. He's a good egg. If he'd been put in charge from day one I believe we'd all be further down the road with less dead. 

5/ How concerned are you about the virus variants (UK, Brazilian, South African)?

Not much. They are more contagious, but so far, they are the same thing... the same flu. 

I know they are still unsure whether a person who is vaccinated can carry the virus and transmit it to others... but, if my circle is all vaccinated, then that is much less of a worry. 

6/ After you are fully-vaccinated will you continue to: Socially distance? Wear a mask in public?

I plan to work from home until they drag my sorry ass into the office. Even then, I am negotiating that I get to WFH at least two days a week. And I am moving to a four-day week. 

My circle will not get much larger. I don't plan on travelling for another six months, perhaps longer. 

I might have the occasional 'special guest star', but will work to keep it brief and in as neutral an environment as possible. 

I will wear a mask in public (and may try it with my 'special guest stars', too... ooh, pandemic role play!). I have a pair of jeans that are so worn they are naturally doing that ripped look that everybody pays big bucks to attain. I took a seam ripper to the ass seam and made myself a discreet hole. YES! Pull up to the bumper, baby (but keep your mask on). 

I will keep my distance from others. Have always had issues with people in my personal space. Now, I have science to back me up. 

That's right... vampire rules, baby. You don't get to come in unless I say so!

I don't think much will change with my situation for at least six months and perhaps a year. I will be going to the prairie this summer, though. I need me some air and sun and... sigh... mens. 

7/ What activities will you resume once you are fully vaccinated? Which activities will you refrain from?

Sex is on the list. Not sure what that entails. Hope my anxiety doesn't ruin it. 

I have always been about wet wipes, cleanliness and hand sanitizer. So, I think I'll still be airing on the side of caution.  

I want to go to art museums. 

I won't be travelling. I won't be shopping for the sake of entertainment. I won't be going to concerts or events. 

No happy hours. No restaurants. Too soon. Though, I might sit on a patio for happy hour, maybe. But I would have to have a mask. 

No... my anxiety monster says that will not be happening.

I could see myself going to Chicago for a trial travel thing... late fall? We'll see how the virus plays out. 

And that's just it. If something alters the perceived course of this pandemic, all plans fly out the window. So, I think it's best not to get my hopes up too much. Not to plan on anything for awhile. 

Life will unfold and let us all know what is possible and what is not. 

8/ Did you or someone you know have Covid-19? How severe were the symptoms?

I did not. No one in my circle had it, either. I had a scare, but it was just a severe migraine. 

My youngest sister's husband got it. He was being forced to go into the office every day. He isolated, said it was like a bad flu and got over it in two weeks. He isolated upstairs and my sister isolated on the main floor. They have a big ass house. She brought him food, but they never saw each other. She was fine. Never got it. He fully recovered.

And the ex-husband has a tool of of cousin who got it twice. YES. Twice. The second time, he thought he needed to share it with his 85 year-old mother, whom, under normal circumstances, he never, ever visits. He's a terrible human being (MAGAT). His daughters both have babies... one year-old twins and a newborn. Dude never isolated and everybody got it. Even the babies. He's like, "I survived it, so get over it." He's lucky. And privileged. And an azzhat. 

We used to be close. Now? I hope I never see him again.

9/ What do you think of the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic? His recent Covid-19 Relief Bill?

Biden gets an 'A'. I was going to say 'A-', but why quibble? I need Kamala to step up and drive, though. Underserved communities and minority communities need to hear from her. It would be a win-win. I am a bit disappointed her profile isn't higher already.

I am surprised, actually - that our government was able to get its poop in a group. Based on what we witnessed while the orange ogre was in charge, I thought apathy and incompetence was the norm. 

Nice to see something work, for a change. Still holding my breath. But so much more hopeful. And the stimulus package? It's a step in the right direction. 

10/ How has this effected/changed you? How has it effected/changed the US? Our world?

I am scared. All the time. All the stuff I took for granted? Gone. 

My force field no longer works and, it turns out, I am not Sue Richards, The Invisible Girl. 

I've always been a loner. So, this is all in my wheelhouse. That said... I still need me some strange once in awhile. 

It's a nice coincidence that this is occurring at the same time spring has sprung. That's where my hope comes from... that time will take care of all of this.

But my world? It's small. It's going to remain so for some time. When life boils down to the basics you are given an opportunity to really appreciate and be grateful for what you have. And I am... grateful. For the small things that populate my life.

Like words, for instance. This blogging thing has been my saving grace. Yes, I use words as a shield, sometimes, but also as a means of expression. For me, that's flying... that's transcendence. To simply put words together and communicate  something. Create a picture. Share a story. 

So, thanks. Thanks to you, all. 

In a way... It's been a wonderful year.

--- ---

Well, that was a bit of a chore and a snore. 

Sorry. But some things must be written out in order to be sorted out. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to define ourselves and mitigate our hopes and fears. 

Wishing you all the very best. 

I hope that you don't mind me commenting on everything on your blogs. I don't mean to be a nuisance, just supportive. This is such an interesting community and I appreciate all that you share. Holding a mirror up to yourselves, the world gains a glimpse of you. I, for one, appreciate those glimpses. They help define what is human. And also, in the case of the members of this community... what is good. 

Be good to yourselves.

And, as always... thanks for reading.

And now? Doctor porn (There's soooo much of it out there!). Enjoy.

Life During Wartime - Talking Heads

Batten Down The Hatch - Snow Patrol


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ok, let's see: I basically started with you! Same day. My circle is my manfriend, my girl and basically that's it. Some people have come in (some repairmen, somebody visited) but I've stayed away. I never knew how much I enjoyed staying away from people.
I hope I get vaccinated soon. I went to look and I was way, way behind in that online tool they have. I hope it's by the end of April! I don't care which one I get. And yes, I think the vaccines are efficacious. I trust the science! I also think it's going to become a yearly occurrence for awhile because of the variants.And stupid people.
I think I'll continue socially distancing and wearing a mask. Just to piss off the COVIDiots. And for safety. Better safe, no?
I also want to go to museums. Miss them so much! No happy hours or restaurants or concerts or movies yet. Maybe next year. No traveling planned, either. Maybe later? And if you come to Chi? We could have a socially-distant museum visit!!
I know of someone who got it. I have not seen him in months, but apparently it was somehow severe. I think Uncle Joe's admin is doing well, considering they had to start basically from scratch and there's too many stupid people in the US.
This pandemic has changed me in some fundamental ways: I've discovered I'm not afraid of being with myself and I enjoy my solitude.
And like you, I've found something in Blogging I was not expecting: kinship. And I like your comments! You always crack me up and make me think.


Bob said...

1/ Have you been isolating? Starting date? How large has your circle of contact been? What activities have you continued to do?

I think we began around the last week of March, the 22nd maybe? And for the first several months our circle and Carlos and me. Then we had a couple over for Social Distance Dinner, and then had two couples over for Social Distance Dinner.
I think we went out to a restaurant here in our town at the end of September—our first time out—with our friends Neal and David.
We do shopping once a week; doctor’s appointments and such. but mostly it’s been the two of us and the pets.
And as a person who can be very social but doesn’t have to be, I haven’t minded it. I have minded not being able to take a weekend getaway, but once vaccines are done we may do that.

2/ Are you going to get vaccinated? Or have you already been vaccinated? Which one did you get or do you hope to get?

II think our Doc is a two-shotter. We’re scheduled for the first week in April and then the second …?Then it will be a trip to the mountains for sights and sounds.

3/ For those of you who are younger, on what date do you hope to be or will be full-vaccinated? (Keep in mind, the CDC recommends you wait 10 to 14 days after being completely vaccinated for the vaccine to become fully effective.)
End of April first of May??

4/ How effective do you think the vaccines are? Do you trust the science?

I trust scientists.

5/ How concerned are you about the virus variants (UK, Brazilian, South African)?

I hear about them, and then seem to fall by the wayside, so I’m not too worried.

6/ After you are fully-vaccinated will you continue to: Socially distance? Wear a mask in public?

I don’t think will change too quickly, until perhaps the Fall. I worked from home before, and will do some after,
And I have decided that, in cold and flu season, I will continue to mask it because there have been little to no cases of cold and flu in people I know since we started masking.

7/ What activities will you resume once you are fully vaccinated? Which activities will you refrain from?

Just day trips. Charleston, Asheville, food and drink and art and just being out.
I think, for the time being, though, I will refrain from the crowds; dinner earlier, museums on off-days; day trips on weekdays.

8/ Did you or someone you know have Covid-19? How severe were the symptoms?

Our friends David and Neal both had it in January. I did not. Neal got through okay, but David got pretty sick. Luckily, they both came through and have been shotted—not a word, I know, but I like it,

I have had friends who’ve had friends who had it; one such case, the man fell sick with COVID on a Monday and passed away on Saturday. Scary times.

9/ What do you think of the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic? His recent Covid-19 Relief Bill?

I agree with you. Much better than Thing #45.
And I think Kamala is starting a plan to help communities of color.

10/ How has this effected/changed you? How has it effected/changed the US? Our world?
The only change is being more aware of surroundings; of staying back from people; of leaving places where they aren’t masking. I will not live in fear but will live in caution.
My world won’t change; I have a few close friends who I will see, slowly, as things improve.
As for the larger world, I hope we don’t soon forget what we’ve been through and act like assholes should it happen again.


Jimmy said...

I've been in isolation since 3/10/20. My circle is me and my husband. No one has been in my house in over a year. We have groceries delivered but I do go to the butcher. I have had both shots and my husband is going today for his first jab.
I trust the science but with the covidiots not getting shots I worry about mutations a that the vaccine won't effect. I am going out to lunch for the first time tomorrow. Outside and distanced!
I was acquainted with one person when the outbreak began. He was a gay sheriff deputy.He died.
Since Biden has been in office, there is a calm. Also, the news on TV has gotten boring (good sign).
I must admit, at my age I feel my body has deteriorated from inactivity.

You are loved from at least one person in Wilton Manors and you could never be boring! I appreciate every word written by you here and on my 'bloggy thingy'.

Xersex said...

I didn't get COVID, and neither did my parents with whom I live.
I can't wait to be vaccinated, with any vaccine possible (I specify that in Italy in two days two people just vaccinated with Astra Zeneca died, it is not even known if due to the vaccine).

I know a couple of people who have had Covid and who have recovered. But I know other people who have died from COVID.

I think we will still have to wear the mask for a long time after the vaccine. One cannot get on public transport without a mask, also because people get angry.

What activities will I resume after the pandemic ends? Sex. I don't wait for anything else!

anne marie in philly said...

1 - mid march of last year; spouse & I were told to work from home. only friend I've seen is mistress maddie. been to the grocery store and the MD's office and the post office. we've had restaurant meals delivered.

2 - I got #1 on march 5; pfizer. #2 scheduled for april 2. spouse is on the county wait list (he's under age 65).

3 - we don't know when spouse's date will come up. right now the county is waiting on (1) supply and (2) getting the teachers vaxxed so that schools can reopen.

4 - I trust dr. fauci

5 - not really; hope those mutations infect the GQP covidiots though! (evil grin)

6 - BOTH! we have to protect ourselves amongst the GQP covidiots!

7 - spouse will go back to work in the office after he gets vaxxed. I'm unemployed since june 30, 2020; still looking for work. but we will tend to stay away from large crowds. I DO miss eating out at a restaurant and setting up meetups with blogger friends.

8 - no one in my circle has developed COVID, although I know that others have died from it (like maddie's aunt).

9 - 3 words: FAB! U! LOUS!

10 - I have become more cynical, even moreso than before. it's split the US into 2 factions: intelligent and ignorant. the world is a colder place.

whkattk said...

1. Oh, have we been isolating. A year ago when they shut down the city for 6 weeks. Very small circle of people, outside and distanced. Plus the in-laws (couldda done without that). Continued activities? Still sitting at my computer, writing.
2. Have the 1st dose...Moderna. 2nd on Mar 30.
3. I'm guessing April 15.
4. Sure I trust the science. I think the vaccine will be effective; but I also think (as Fauci said) we may have to get a yearly booster.
5. Not too worried about the variants. See answer #4.
6. I'll wear a mask as long as they tell me I should. But with friends who have also been fully vaccinated, at home, I think it'll be safe enough. Though I am eager to get back to the theatre to see some shows.
7. Theatre. Next year, looking forward to the Oscars again. Yes!
8. Yes. Some whose symptoms were very mild, one severe. One who died.
9. I think Uncle Joe has been doing a pretty good job of it. I think the funding should've gone to the unemployed and underemployed.
10. We will be permanently changed. How can you go through something like this and not be changed? But I did have to laugh at Chris Hayes when he said we've learned our lesson for next time and we'll do better. Poor naive man. We're in the middle of it, staring at another wave, and people are out partying for Spring Break, and gathering for March Madness. It's madness alright.

Anonymous said...

You can never go wrong with The Talking Heads. Its a real shame they imploded.

SickoRicko said...

Such a nice post!

It's good to express yourself, and you do it very well.

Keep doing it.

Mistress Maddie said...

Have you been isolating? Starting date? How large has your circle of contact been? What activities have you continued to do? I started last March 17. And the same 10 people have been in my bubble since, with exception to when Anne Marie and I had lunch. My running and walks and the marketing have been my only activites.

Are you going to get vaccinated? YES. Don't care. But Im sure my gin has been holding it off pretty good too.

For those of you who are younger, on what date do you hope to be or will be full-vaccinated? No idea. I can't even get on a list to sign up till my group open ups.

How effective do you think the vaccines are? Do you trust the science? I trust science. How effective? Who knows, I guess we'll find out.

How concerned are you about the virus variants. Very concerned. Especially the worst ones. The South American one is the one that claimed Mr DeWoofs, husband of Agnes apparently. Should more variants arrive and mutate that will not be good. Mother Nature is still not down with us yet.

After you are fully-vaccinated will you continue to: Socially distance? Wear a mask in public? Yes...we are told to do so here. And yes, I will still follow guidelines, but maybe just more loose. See some people I haven't seen for some time. I don't plan to travel abroad yet this summer, so many countries still aren't allowing US citizens in and can you blame them?

What activities will you resume once you are fully vaccinated? Which activities will you refrain from? Hopefully little day trips are over night trips I can resume. I still think I will refrain from too many hooks up as much as I enjoy sex. I will only have sex after they answer my questionnaire and Pam Demic does background checks on them.

Did you or someone you know have Covid-19? How severe were the symptoms? Yes. Anita Moorecock had it and still is not right he says. Unfortunatly the ones I know that got it all died. Including a couple who had continual threesomes through the pandemic. Where did that get them now? We all can't believe they were that selfish and dumb. If I...I who is continually horny can control urges.... then anybody should be able too.

What do you think of the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic? His recent Covid-19 Relief Bill? MUCH BETTER!!!!! As he said the pandemic would be his first thing to deal with and what a novelty .....h DID and IS.

How has this effected/changed you? How has it effected/changed the US? Our world? Well I now know I can handle long periods of time with myself, but I don't think some things will ever go back to the environment ....that is the part that saddens me. I almost enjoyed seeing Mother Nature take back control of the plant and the animals reclaiming quickly the land. And sadly we learned nothing from that lesson.

I surmise once the pandemic is over....Pam Demic will be off to who knows where.....