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Monday, December 27, 2021

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 80 - HIS69, Part 9 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 80
HIS69, Part 9 of 20

The HIS69 imprint remained active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

We've got 11 more weeks to go!

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve!

All Dick!
Author: Dan Gilbert

All dick, all the time! Yes. This is a little tome after my own hard... er, I mean, heart. Never mind where the other half of Mr. Dark Haired Hunky has gone to, what is on display is certainly sperm-worthy. 
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Young Butt Full
Author: Scott McBride

A lovely bun pun! Looks like Starsky and Hutch are taking a bit of a break from the weight room to weigh in on another matter all together. 

Hutch: "Hey, Starsky... check out my awesome Pectoralis minor and totally shredded Infraspinatus. Have you ever seen such beautiful muscles." 

Starsky: "Yeah, their awesome, Hutch. But there's really only one muscle I'm interested in..."

Ah, fan fiction.

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Cummin' Out
Author: Grady Garrison

Cue: Diana Ross.

Well, it's a process and a very individualistic one. Some spring from the womb fully formed in a clam shell. While others only come out under the duress of acute media attention due to pending investigations into criminal sexual conduct (Hi, Mr. Spacey!)

However, as you can tell, due to the spelling of one of my personal favorite verbs - this epic novel and the worshipful kneeling chap pictured have only one thing on their mind. 

Huh, me, too!

I guess great minds think alike.

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Back Door Buddy
Author: Lon Stewart

This sounds like one of those products sold on air channels which feature only syndicated programming. You know, those late at night offers where you get two for the price of one if you order right away (kind of like Grindr.) If that were the case, I'm sure that The Back Door Buddy is a great way to relieve stress. And, from the looks of that Back Door Buddy bent over the pool table, one could also park a bike in it. 

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Rump Rider
Author: Jay Michael

I went to a gay rodeo once. This event was NOT on the program, and I, for one, was super disappointed. Fortunately, the mens room featured a 15 foot trough, so - after I quickly grew tired and disgusted with watching designer cowboys torture animals - I managed to fill my time and get my moneys worth (among 'other' things.)
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Big Mouthful
Author: Ed Morrison

Ah, something for the size queens. I must admit, on occasion, my attention can be fully captured once I lay eyes on a big one. So much so, that I will overlook other aspects of an individual, such as lack of a personality or that loathing look that crosses their face each time their eyes find mine - provided they have on their person a nice, primo slab of manhood. 

Who doesn't like to feel 'full?' That's why we overeat. That's why we go shopping, find something we like and then buy one in each color. That's why the clerk behind the counter at the liquor store knows us, not only on sight, but by name!

Yes, we love to fill it all up! That's why we continually fall for that old trope: more is better. Quantity over quality? I must admit, there was a time when that motto was my life's creed. But now? Oh, no, my dears. Sadder but wiser! Yes... there have been several occasions when moi's eyes were bigger than either of his holes. 

These days? Average is perfectly splendid, for me. I guess with 'experience' (and lawd knows, I could write a book) comes temperance. Having an appreciation for all the earth's offerings? That's how this old dog continues to earn new tricks! 

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The Hairy Throne
Author: Jeff Kincaid

This title amuses me, as much as it confuses me. Perhaps this is a euphuism I am not familiar with or one that never quite caught on. For when I think of 'throne,' I think of the one Queen Elizabeth sets her pampered bum upon, or I think of the white porcelain one those in developed countries are privileged enough to set theirs on. 

Which brings to mind the question: Are we talking about a hairy dumper? A pair of furry orbs? A hirsute love caboose?

If that be the case, then this is one throne that sits on you! 

(Someone best warn her majesty!)

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The Cumin' Thing
Author: Samuel West

Huh. Again. Stumped. 

What's with that spelling? Were they all out of the letter 'm' at the alphabet store the day this opus went to print? Or is this about a gay chef who lords over the kitchen of a Middle Eastern restaurant? What IS his secret ingredient? 

No matter. I may not know exactly what this title is supposed to imply, but the one thing I do know?

Quality control? Not a big part of the budget over at Surree Ltd. 

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Travelin' Trick
Author: Lyn Savage

I love me a man with a hotel room. It's like going through the drive-thru window at a fast food joint. 

Typically, finding it is never an issue; that's why we have Google Maps. There's usually a parking lot, so no problems there. There's an elevator that whisks you up to their floor and if you know your ABC's and numbers, before you know it you're standing in front of their peephole, tap, tap, tapping on their door. 

For them, it's like ordering room service, but without the tipping. 

Your expectations are already set, provided you've done your homework. Not only do you verify that they are who they claim to be (multiple, well-lit pictures help), but you've also Googled where they're staying in order to determine the quality of the accommodations. 

Now, I'm am not a snob - Motel Six? Oh, hell, yes. Been there, done me some of that! As long as there is a door on its hinges, I am good to go. (Heaven knows that may not be the case when I am done doing all the voodoo that I do do.)

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Hot Asset!
Author: George Kiva

Another favorite pun! Yes, those that know how to work it, earn it. Me? Never a must have, never a hot asset and not being blessed with an abundance of beauty, I learned to sell, sell, sell. No, I am not a natural born salesman, but I caught on to one thing mighty quick: sprinkles are for closers!

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Author: Ryan Powell

Take two words and jam them together...

It would seem, based on the illustration, what we have here is a bit of a naked musical appreciation club. I love having a soundtrack when I get my groove on. As Shannon used to say, Let The Music Play. When it's good (Chante' Moore's Love Supreme springs to mind) and all the planets align, it is a good time; the artist and the music become part of a cherished memory. But when it's not? 

Let's just say that, despite it having a couple of songs that are a part of my 'coming out' story, Whitney Houston's second album ranks as one of those albums that cause me to automatically put my 'stink' face on. My first post-coming out boyfriend insisted on playing it while we got it on, while my preference was The Eurythmics Savage album. 

What can I say? I Need A Man. And (I Love To Listen To) Beethoven.

And oh, yes, honeys... about week three of the relationship? I turned to him and said, You Have Place A Chill In My Heart.
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Ballsout Trucker
Author: Kenny Harris

Truckers are just the gift that keeps giving. I had no idea they were their own genre. Must have been part of that whole open road/kings of the highway mystique. These books came out around the same time as C.W. McCall's horrific little opus, Convoy, sparking a movement that would result in all sorts of trucker themed movies, including the Smokey And The Bandit franchise. It all left me cold.

However, the same cannot be said for truck stop and rest stop restrooms. 

Big rigs? Oh, yes. Bring 'em on. 

Although what I was really interested in was pulling trains!

We've seen this back cover before. It's the notice that due to a paper shortage, the paper being used was thinner, but not to worry, because readers were still getting the same amount of reading material. Its just that the books are not as thick as they used to be. 

Not that thickness is of great importance to their readers.

Well, at least not when it comes to books. 

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And that's all for today, my friends.

Next week we will take a look at the next twelve titillating titles.

And keep in mind, we have 11 weeks to go!

Thanks for reading.

I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross


whkattk said...

The titles and the cover art left no doubt, did they?

SickoRicko said...

I love the covers and the titles.