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Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday Fun: It's Safe Toys and Gifts Month!

Friday Fun: 
It's Safe Toys and Gifts Month!

Still not done with your Xmas list? Well, here are over 100 gift suggestions. 

Something for everyone!

Now, let's all hope that Shazam did the smart thing and didn't try to skate by on the cheap.

Yes, that's right, boys... when it comes to toys? It pays to pay more!

Inexpensive is not an adjective I want to hear when it comes to inserting my Mr. Happy into a toy. Nor is it something I ever want to hear when inserting something in my Mr. Make You Happy. 

Avoid anything that says 'Made In China.' (Not in MY man-gina!)

No, sir. It's first class all the way or it's got no class, when it comes to this gay.

Peruse the catalog below at your leisure. I think you'll find many a pleasure treasure.

Not all items currently in stock. Due to Covid, expect shipping delays.

For some, that might feel like a total cock block. But keep in mind its just a few days until the big holi-gay!

Note: I cannot and do not endorse all the activities below.  Some, I didn't care for, while others? It's a case of 'haven't been there, haven't done that.' 

And a few cases of 'hell-to-the-no!'

Happy (safe) shopping, my sweets!

Hope you're all celebrating your ass off!
(In more ways than one.)
Enjoy, my dears. 'Tis the season!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

The Man With All The Toys - The Beach Boys

Shiny Toys - Joni Mitchell


Jimmy said...

I could never understand the joy in sounding. But, a good toy is pleasurable.

SickoRicko said...

I way way too vanilla for 99% of this.

Mistress Maddie said...

The best gift I got last year was when the Lad got me made a cast of my own dick into a dildo. I couldn't believe how it worked but the company did a great likeness of my cock. So now when The Lad tells me to go fuck myself, I actually can.

He also got me the year before a flesh jack...and when no one is around, I can fuck myself and use the flesh jack and get great orgasms. He's ever so thoughtful.

Deliciousdeity said...

Love those out-of-context comic cells, YIPE!

whkattk said...

Fleshlight (or equivalent), dildo, and a vibrator: Yep, those would be on my Christmas list.

redneckstdildopig said...

Great collection of dildo shots. Love my dildos. Looking forward to this years gifts of dildos.