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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas: 2000 Miles

Wonderland Burlesque's 
The 12 Days Before Xmas: 
2000 Miles

The 4th Day Before Xmas

This song, now a part of the holidays (even LOVE 105, here, in the states, has it in rotation), has a bit of a dark past. 

The Pretenders, led by American-born Chrissie Hynde, shot onto the scene in 1979 with great fanfare and the talent to back it up. Their first album was a huge success with both the public and the critics. Their somewhat lackluster follow-up came as a bit of a surprise. Yes... there was trouble in paradise. 

Seems that rock 'n roll favorite, heroin had become a permanent band member.

After bassist Pete Farndon's dismissal from the band and guitarist James Honeyman-Scott's death, Chrissie Hynde and Martin Chambers, a bit broken-hearted and worse for the wear, soldiered on as The Pretenders. 

After some initial shuffling of players, Robbie McIntosh (guitar) and Malcolm Foster (bass) were recruited and the band became a quartet once more. It was this line-up that recorded most of the tracks featured on the group's third album, 1983's Learning to Crawl.

2000 Miles, written by Hynde, was released as the album's second single on November 18, 1983.  It proved quite popular in the UK, peaking at #15 in December of 1983 and #30 in Australia. In the US, it was released as the B-side of the band's hit, Middle of the Road.

The song was written for James Honeyman-Scott, the group's original guitarist, who died the year before the song was released. "Robbie McIntosh plays beautifully on 2000 Miles," Hynde recalled. "Anything to avoid listening to my voice and my stupid words." 

The song frequently re-charts in the UK during the Christmas season and has become a bit of a holiday favorite - despite it's rather grim origins. 

Well, here's hoping your holidays remain free of grief and strife.
Indulge, my dears (but keep a lid on it.)
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque 

2000 Miles - The Pretenders


Mistress Maddie said...

Now im fans of the great Pretenders...and I never heard this one before.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I didn’t know that about the band, but yes. heroine.
I rather like Brass in Pocket.


whkattk said...

I was never a fan, per se. But we do have a couple albums on the shelf.

Happy Solstice! On our way to Naked Summer.