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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Happy Boxing Day! From Wonderland Burlesque

Happy Boxing Day!
From Wonderland Burlesque

"Extra... extra..."

So... December 26th is traditionally Boxing Day in England and Canada and Australia and Jamaica... 

Boxing Day is a centuries-old gift-giving day that originated in Britain. 

Yes, boxes are a big part of Boxing Day traditions. It was custom on that day for tradesmen to collect their Christmas boxes; gifts of money or goods in return for reliable service all year. 

I, of course, didn't get the memo. 

So, I'm going to celebrate it as I envisioned it... 

I remember seeing the film, The Main Event at a drive-in movie theatre. Naturally, I was the only one watching the movie. But from that moment on, I knew, just like all little boys across the galaxy... 

...that I wanted to be Barbra Streisand. 

Needless to say, that has not come to pass. I've had to settle being me. But that doesn't mean that I don't long to get in the ring with a still-pretty-hot Ryan O'Neal and jump around in a pair of satin hot pants to a an out-of-this-world disco medley. 

So, here it all is... for what it's worth. My vision. 

My Boxing Day!

Holidays are what you make them, darlings.
The most important thing?
Celebrate you!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

The Main Event - Barbra Streisand

Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J


SickoRicko said...

Nice post!

Deliciousdeity said...

Being close to the border, I should have known you'd be aware! Hahaha! Who didn't want to mix it up with a 70s Ryan O'Neal?

whkattk said...

I wouldn't know what to do with any of those guys --- unless they took off the gloves. I'm not much of a fighter....
I remember the film. I thought it was loads of fun. But it's VERY rare that Babs disappoints me. Kisses!