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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's Winter Intra-Holiday Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Winter Intra-Holiday Quiz

We're between holidays; Xmas is now over and New Year's Eve is on it's way.

So, let me know what you've been up to and what you plan to do!

It's ten questions, but ones I'm dying to hear your answers to. 

Let's get started!

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1/ What did you get for Xmas?  From whom? Did you have a favorite gift?

The Boyfriend got me two things on my wish list:

A Todrick Hall Youtooz Figure: Straight Outta Oz - now completely sold out and going for over six times what they were originally sold for. 

 A Coco Peru Plushie: should be here some time in January. So excited. These will be among my prize possessions and, if I was ever to die (not gonna happen), I would be taking them to my grave with me. 

I also got a Swiffer, a mini Hoover vacuum and an extension duster. Yes. I asked for them. I love cleaning. These came from my Ex (he knows me well and is even more of a clean nut than I am) and my Mom. 

2/ Did you buy for others? What was the best gift you gave someone else; your personal favorite?
I got smart. I had the Ex and my Mom make a list of things they wanted (needed), then I stole the lists and went on a mad shopping spree. It was fun and easy. And basic things like a new bathroom scale, a good broom, new bedroom pillows, cashews, printer toner... things I have no problem giving because I know they will get used. Yes... mundane. But buying essentials is good for the environment - cuts down on waste, which is what unwanted items tend to end up as.

Along the way I also grabbed things for all The Boyfriend's kittens, a couple of plush blankets, and a pair of panettone (one chocolate, one traditional) for him.

My two sisters, a niece, a nephew and my work wife all received items I bought on Small Business day at a pop up shop The Ex put together at the new art studio where his store is located. Pottery, natural soap, soy candles and artisan coffees; all put together, they made for super gift baskets.

I did do something I have never done before: I mixed up the gifts for my two sisters! And yes, it mattered a bit. I saw one on Friday and one on Saturday and didn't catch the mistake until it was too late.

3/ Did you have people over, did you visit others, or did you decide to stay in and keep to yourselves?

My Mom hosted both Xmas Eve and Xmas Day. 

Xmas Eve was the sister who is one year younger than myself (we are twins for 13 whole days!), her eldest daughter and son. Her middle child, a daughter, wanted to come and bring her family, but we vetoed that because the kids aren't vaccinated and neither is the hubby. The Ex was also there. 

Xmas Day was my youngest sister and her husband, The Ex, and The Boyfriend.

4/ Did you have a special meal on Xmas day? What was it?

My Mom made meatloaf for The Boyfriend, because that's what he requested. I made mashed potatoes and vegan cornbread stuffing. The Ex brought two homemade quiches. I brought a nice Sauvignon Blanc. We had homemade pumpkin pie and cheesecake for dessert. A good time was had by all.  

5/ What was your favorite song this holiday season? Why?

This one surprised me, but I found myself looking forward to hearing it whenever it came 'round on rotation at Love 105 this year: Donny Hathaway's, This Christmas.

It pretty much captured the energy and spirit I was feeling this season. 

Originally released in 1970 on ATCO Records, it initially found little success. However, fast-forward to 2020 and the song actually cracked the Top 40 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart (#39). Written by Hathaway and Nadine McKinnor, it's already got me thinking of a theme for next year's Twelve Days Before Xmas series.

Hathaway is primarily remembered for his duets with Roberta Flack (Where Is The Love, The Closer I Get To You.) An incredibly gifted vocalist, sadly, he lost his battle with depression on January 13, 1979.

6/ Did you watch any holiday-themed movies or plan to? Which? Any good?

Single All The Way (2021)
A gay rom-com with a great supporting cast (Kathy Najimy, Jennifer Coolidge, Jennifer Robertson, Barry Bostwick). I appreciated that one of the leads was a black man (an enticing Philemon Chambers), however - the film was so white (it got uncomfortable a couple of times) and so very, very privileged I couldn't disengage my BS meter and just go with it. Though it had its charms, featuring some occasionally clever writing, it was a bit undone due to its by-the-numbers plot.

Surviving Christmas With The Relatives (2018)
Another slice of white privilege, albeit a quirky one. Joely Richardson and Gemma Whelan play sisters at odds spending their first Xmas together in the family home (mansion) since the death of their parents. There's some nice eye candy in the form of a polish construction worker caught using the shower and Julian Ovenden, interesting customs, and a few cute situations to tide you over the cringe-worthy moments (of which there are plenty). 

Oddly, the writers chose this vehicle to address teen drug use/rehab or something like that. It barely holds together, but will hold your attention. The plot feels cobbled together and suspiciously convenient, but it was nice to see Miranda alumni Patricia Hodges and Sally Phillips again.  

Father Christmas Is Back (2021)
This might have made for a lovely black comedy had somebody died, which is what I was rooting for through the whole mess. Yes, another incredibly privileged white family coming together (four sisters) for the holidays at the family mansion (I'm sensing a theme.) John Cleese, Elizabeth Hurley, and Kelsey Grammar are the name stars in this pleasant, if a bit disappointing romp. No spoilers to be found here - suffice to say that it's not a bad movie... it's just not a good one. 

7/ New Year's Eve plans? Staying in or going out? What special activities do you have planned?

The Boyfriend and I will be at my youngest sister's house just outside of Madison, WI. It will be a low-key affair; staying in, drinks, food and movies. Maybe a board game. 

Last year, they went all out - costumes, decorations, a cheese and wine tasting, a huge meal, and then I did a set at the piano. It was very beautiful and a cherished memory. 

I was warned not to expect a repeat, except, I will be performing a set - with a focus on songs I've written this year along with four holiday sing-along classics. 

8/ Your drink of choice for New Year's Eve?

I know there will be champagne (my sister and brother-in-law have become wine aficionados) and I will partake, but...  need you ask? 

Gin Fizz - Beefeater Gin on plenty of ice with a can of grapefruit fizzy water. I have an over-sized martini glass sitting on their bar and plan to put it to good use. 

9/ Do you plan on staying up to watch the ball drop?  Will you  make it to midnight? Any kisses in the offing? Do tell!

I suspect we will be in bed by 10:30 pm, but may be up watching a movie. 

Kisses? Well, The Boyfriend will be there, so I plan on him planting one on me whenever we choose to usher in the New Year. 

10/ Any New Year resolutions?  (Even tiny self-made promises count.)

I want to write more. But am very lazy.

I want to sit down and actually notate all the songs I wrote this year. Many of them don't exist except on scraps of paper and in my head. They're not all winners, but there are a couple I am quite proud of and its quite a diverse lot. But I am very lazy.

I would like to sort through all the writing I've got in boxes. It's a task that feels overwhelming whenever I contemplate doing it, but needs to be done. Some of it is rubbish, but there are a couple treasures hiding among the garbage. But I am very lazy.

I would like to be kinder. And more generous with those closest to me. Sometimes I feel like a Grinch, a Scrooge. I get so bitter about my time. Selfish. I want to practice. I want to write. And that is lone wolf stuff. But there will come a time when I will wish I had been more available to them - finding that balance? Well... always a challenge, and one I am lucky to have. 

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And that's it... and enough about me.

Your turn! Let me know how you spent Xmas and what you're plans are for ringing in 2022!

Leave your answers in the comments section, or post them on your blog and leave us a link. 

Hope your holiday was spectacular.

And, as always... thanks for reading and sharing!

This Christmas - Donny Hathaway

Happy New Year - Judy Garland

1 comment:

Mistress Maddie said...

We're at the Twismix period I call it. Betwix Christmas and New Years.

What did you get for Xmas? From whom? Did you have a favorite gift? Since we don't exchange gifts much, it was simple. Two turtleneck sweaters and a stocking from the mother, and a coat and sweater, and new jock straps from the Lad. Not to mention all the sexual romps we have been having. Every reunion is like a conjugal visit.

Did you buy for others? What was the best gift you gave someone else; your personal favorite? My far my mother's peacoat I got her. I really like to get someone something they wanted and loved. Oc course I gifted my dick in the lad several times. He seems to never tire of opening it.

Did you have people over, did you visit others, or did you decide to stay in and keep to yourselves? It was just family and the lad. Seemed weird to have a empty seat at the table that my aunt would sit in. A family friend stopped in Sunday, and I saw a ex co-worker from a past job stop in too yesterday.

Did you have a special meal on Xmas day? What was it? I kept my aunt's tradition going and took the meal. Very simple. Roast Beef with Yorkshire pudding, potatoes and green beans.

What was your favorite song this holiday season? Why? You know I think my old vintage music, but as you saw from my blog, it's always Something About December from Christina Perri. Just a darn moving and beautiful song.

Did you watch any holiday-themed movies or plan to? Which? Any good? I was like a kid again and watch every single Rankin and Bass cartoon, some I had ever forgotten about, like Nester the Donkey and The First Snow with Angela Landsbury. Course my favorite is Rudolph and the one with the Heat and Snow misers. But every year I have got to see Christmas in Connecticut and A Christmas Carol. This year I saw all the old versions of A Christmas Carol.

New Year's Eve plans? Staying in or going out? What special activities do you have planned? We will be going to a small gathering of 10 at my good friends the Dame's house. A dinner is planned followed by copious amounts of champagne and drinks, silly non- sense. And the Dame's hubby will try to talk everybody into swinging. Never happens.

Your drink of choice for New Year's Eve? days a week, 365 days a year darling. But I will have several champagnes.

Do you plan on staying up to watch the ball drop? Will you make it to midnight? Any kisses in the offing? Do tell! Yes, and yes, always do mak eit well past midnight. The Lad will mostly like see my balls drop and my spear raise!!!! At midnight, I kiss everybody!

Any New Year resolutions? (Even tiny self-made promises count.) I have never gotten into New Year's resolution except to say never make any!!! My mother says mine this year is to stop cussing so fucking much but have no damn idea what the hell she is talking about.

My new year's wish would be to give you and bug kiss and hug! And maybe even grab a quick squeeze of the jewels!!!!! LOL!

I know I said it before, but I'm glad you returned.