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Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Wonderland Burlesque's Adore & Deplore Quiz Winter Edition, Part 2

Wonderland Burlesque's
Adore & Deplore Quiz
Winter Edition, Part 2

This is quite simple: five topics: what do you currently adore / deplore?

Today's focus is what's in the news.

Focus on the last six months. Think: recent events. Things that have made you ponder since late spring.

There's only five topics, so explain your choices, if you wish.

Let's dive in!

--- ---


The Ahmaud Arbery Verdict

A black man gets justice in Georgia. 

But he's still dead. So? 

Where's the shoorah?

Shit like this should not be happening in this country. Not today.

Stuff like this? It drives me and everybody with an ounce of humanity insane. 

What can we do? What can we say? How do we help fix this?

Talking about it is a way to start. 

But you just watch; the media and the the collective consciousness of this country is going to bulldoze right over this incident and act like it never happened. 

Like Matthew Shepard. 

Or James Byrd, Jr.

Or Yankel Rosenbaum.

Hate crimes need to be prosecuted as exactly that. And those that stand in the way of those laws or criticize them?

Run a mile in Ahmaud Arbery's shoes.

The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

That Gaetz and Gospar have the hubris to celebrate this young man who took a gun he shouldn't have had to a place he had no business being - shoots three, killing two people and gets away with it with not the slightest reprimand? 

Judge Bruce Schroeder needs to be censored, disbarred and impeached.  He's a menace to society and unfit for public office. He turned that trial into a mockery. 

If Rittenhouse is O.J. Simpson 2.0, then Schroeder is Ito 2.0. 

They both should be shunned and condemned for the cowards they both are. 

U.S. Politics

Biden's Infrastructure Package

He recently came to Minnesota to visit, appearing at a school, Dakota County Technical College. He introduced a young woman, Sarah Riviere-Herzan, who, once she graduates, plans on opening an all female construction vehicle repair firm. 

That's a dream I could support, and one Biden's infrastructure package does. 

This package? It brings to mind FDR's New Deal. It gets to the heart of what can keep blue collar workers not only working, but earning real money. And the whole country benefits. Who wouldn't like to drive on safer roads and over sound bridges? It's an idea whose time has finally come. 

We'll all benefit, for it supports the supply chain and all those white collar workers whose livelihoods depend on goods getting into the hands of consumers. And there will be more consumers because there will be more people working jobs that don't involve the flipping of a frozen hamburger patty. 

This is a win-win and Joe's greatest accomplishment, so far. Personally, I think it's underfunded and I hope, once the money is dispersed, it doesn't end up in the pockets of crooked politicians and their thieving friends.

I'd hate to see a repeat of The Great Covid Giveaway!


My sister is a resident of Wisconsin, a state that is so gerrymandered that she is convinced Wisconsin will never be a blue state. Ever.

I'm glad the Justice Department is taking on Texas in this regards. 

Thing is... this is happening everywhere. Even in someplace as blue as Minneapolis. It seems if someone doesn't like the fact that they lost an election, they can go about gerrymandering ensuring a different outcome next time around. 

This 'win at any price' nonsense? It's a desperate measure by people coming to realize that they are losing power. I am hopeful for the future, only because the old guard is dying out and the younger generations are better educated and more aware. I've never been more in favor of handing this country over to younger people. 

Old, privileged, white men. They need to go the way of the dinosaurs. 

Extinction for their lot can't come soon enough.

The Environment

Electric Cars

Electric cars seem to be catching on. Love that Biden's new infrastructure bill includes funds for recharging stations (though I hear the free public ones are rubbish and take forever to do the job.) Of course, those funds will be cancelled if a member of THE PARTY gets into office in 2024. 

Still, with manufacturers such as GMC going all in, we can feel a bit more hopeful. May be too late to do any good as far as global warming is concerned, but I would love to end our dependence on unstable, misogynistic, homophobic, cruel regimes like those found in the Middle East and Texas. 

Give 'em the finger and the boot! Go electric!

The Fate of the Splendid Poison Frog

The Spix’s Macaw, the Northern White Rhinoceros, the Baiji, the Pyrenean Ibex, the Western Black Rhinoceros... the list just goes on and on, unabated. 

It's heartbreaking. And terribly under-reported. 

Every time a species goes extinct, it serves as yet another reason to loathe human kind. 

We destroy their habitat. We disturb their lifecycles, their mating rituals. We're selfish and stupid and... never held accountable. 

We're terrible stewards, and I wouldn't hold it against nature if one day she retaliates and visits upon us a similar fate.

The Economy


People are retiring at such a rapid pace. And, despite all the cries for them to return to the workforce in order to save the economy... I think they're doing the right thing. Hand this world over to the younger generations. Let their young, bright, well-educated minds create new solutions without the old guard and their old way of doing things getting in the way. 

I'm witnessing this first hand at the company I work for. Not only have we diversified out work force and gone global, but we're also handing the reins over to younger people who have the skills, knowledge, integrity and drive to drive true innovation. 

It's exciting.

Especially since I'm also a stockholder. 

Yes... retirement!

Here I come, one day... sooner than I ever thought possible. 

Gas prices.

I despise that THE PARTY is trying to hold Joe accountable for gas prices. Really? Because facts seem to support the idea that we're getting screwed due to our over-dependence on foreign oil and the fact that OPEC is currently price gouging this country because... they can. 

Well, here's what the answer is not: we don't need to open up Alaska and our natural forest reserves to drilling and destruction in order to feed this nation's oil addiction. 

Electric cars. Let's start there. 

Ending our dependence on oil is the best thing that could happen to this nation and the world. 


The Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics

In many ways, China is much bigger threat than Russia. Russia is poorly run and unorganized. Their people? Well, just go to Youtube - they make the U.S. southerners look positively cultured. 

But China. Not only are a the human rights nightmare, but what they continue to do to the environment, unchecked, is a disgrace. 

And now they're sprinkling the world with shipping ports - which just happen to be near U.S. military bases. It doesn't take a seer to see where this is heading. 

For the world at large, China is a problem in need of solving. 

Calling attention to its sins? A start.

Russia on the Ukraine Border (Again)

I keep thinking they do this as a cover for something else. As in: what are they really up to? What are they doing behind the scenes. This reminds me of the orange ogre and his 'look over here' ruses. 

I must say, in this day and age, it takes pure gall to even contemplate taking over another country - especially when the one you're currently running is such a shit show. To say that Russia is terribly mismanaged and horribly corrupt is a bit of an understatement. 

Putin sees himself as James Bond, while the rest of the world see him for the narcissistic, two-bit crime boss he's barely managing to be. The man is a joke. A dangerous one.

That such ineptness will bring about WWIII and probable nuclear annihilation? 

Well, this country just spent four years under the heel spurred hoof of a similar ass. 

So just imagine all the damage and destruction a lifetime of Putin will bring.

--- ---

Well, that's all for today.

Your turn. Adore? Deplore? What's on your current list?

Leave your answers in the comments section. You know I love to hear from you.

And the wonderful thing about opinions? There are no wrong answers. It's all a matter of personal choice as filtered through our own very unique vision. So, share away. 

Until next time...

Thanks for reading... and sharing.

Where's The Shoorah? - Elton John

Cold, Cold Heart - Elton John and Dua Lipa
(PNAU Remix)


Bob said...

The Ahmaud Arbery Verdict
I'm with you. Happy the verdict came in like that but pissed off that another black man had to die because black.

The Kenosha Murderer Verdict
Despise. That trial was rigged from the jump. Simple fact: if that little dickless fuck didn't feel the need to carry a gun to prove his miniscule manhood and then go across state lines to guard a car dealership this never would have happened.

Biden's Infrastructure Package
The right likes to play him off like he's not getting things done but look at unemployment numbers and jobless claims and vaccine numbers. We're moving away from the last four years.

This should be illegal on BOTH sides. Nice to seethe DOJ suing Texas over their power grab.

Electric Cars
SC is way behind in this movement so I hope we catch up.

The Fate of the Splendid Poison Frog
If people don't see that when these other species die off, we're get close to the top of the extinction list, then we deserve what we get.

I have always worked so I wonder what life will be like when I don't???

Gas prices.
Again, the Right; every bad thing is Joe's fault, though they behaved differently under Thing 45. Good news is our prices have dropped 20-cents a gallon in the last two days!

The Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics
China is a horrid place under a horrid leader.

Russia on the Ukraine Border
Putin's showing off his dick again.

Mistress Maddie said...

When it comes to crime/justice U.S. Politics,The Environment, and The Fate of MANY MANY animals....I am not a happy camper and just about over all of it! Im putting and keeping my passion with the animals and sanctuaries and volunteer work. I have never seen such piss poor conditions and the way humans act. Especially when it comes to treatment of the animals and the environment. So, I cannot pretend I didn't love the virus decreasing the dumb half of the surplus population. And when it comes to Joe Biden with me currently it's been a love hate with me. But Ill still take him. But I haven't been as impressed with Harris as I thought I would be. I will have to wait and see what were offered in 2024. Every election scares me more and more what we are offered. And I can think of even some dems who are getting on my last nerve. All of DC has become nothing more than a bunch of corp. brough politician whores.

I'm definitely getting back to my bad side again. Can you tell?

SickoRicko said...

Terrific post!

whkattk said...

Love the photos! And, thanks for the Elton John / Dua Lipa! Kisses.

jobj69 said...

Hi! I recently stumbled across your blog (love it!) and this is my first time commenting...

I am certainly on the same wavelength with you on all of these issues. However, I wanted to remark on the electric vehicle portion. I recently saw a report on NBC Nightly News about the environmental effects of mining for nickel, a necessity for manufacturing batteries for these vehicles, translating to more devastation for rain forests and other ecosystems. I am all for reducing carbon footprints but we can't just move forward replacing one harmful practice with's hoping that some bright visionary can develop a solution that doesn't have us continually destroying our beautiful planet!

Thanks again! Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season!


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh totally agree with you here.
I deplore the Kenosha Killer. Such a stain. But Karma IS a bitch. She'll be back.
Adore how Uncle Joe is plodding ahead even though the Repugs keep trying to kill half the country and gerrymander the other half to make him look bad.
Adore cars that do not depend on fossil fuels. They will be the end of this planet because people like money more than the environment.
Love your lists, Upton.

XOXO said...

Soy de Peru, tus comentarios sobre China y Rusia. Si crees que son dos paises en desgracia, entonces porque tu el gobierno de tu pais se preocupa. Si crees que son paises incultos, subdesarrollados, no deben preocuparse, ni por afganista, iran o venezuela. Dejalos seguir su linea politica que ellos eligieron. Si tu pais ee.uu. dice que apoya la democracia, dejalos que piensen diferente a tu gobierno, eso es democracia o no? Tu gobierno quierte que todos sean satelites de washington. Como dice Stevie Woods, no puedes ganarlas todas (1981). saludos y no te molestes porque pienso diferente a ti. Enseña a ser tolerantes,democraticos y libertad de pensamiento e ideologia.