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Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Fun: It's National Athletic Training Month!

Friday Fun:
It's National Athletic Training Month!

Strap up, gentlemen! It's time to get serious about athletic training!

Yes, March is National Athletic Training month, so it's time to pump those muscles!

Cardio! You bet! Make me lose my breath.

Training hard pays off big dividends (especially for those surreptitiously checking out all those bulges parading about on the gym floor!)
But one must be eager for it and willing to get sweaty. Yes, there's nothing like having it just dripping off you, now is there?

And when it comes to group efforts? Be willing to take one for the team. Me? Oh, I am so willing, sometimes they have to restrain me!

Also: remember to keep your personal goal in mind. 

That big reward at the end? That's what it's all about. 

And when it comes?  Let everybody know it. Yes, don't be afraid to toot your own horn. 

Not that there aren't many standing by to blow it for you.

Need motivation? Here are 101 reasons to get you inspired.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead... start pumping those muscles right now!


However you choose to celebrate?
Dig in and have a great time.
You are your own greatest reward!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Play Hard - David Guetta feat. Ne-Yo and Akon

Pump It - Eskimo Callboy


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Well, if this does not motivate you to start practicing something, I don't think anything would. The choices are almost too many!


Mistress Maddie said...

I'm returning home tonight and will be getting together tomorrow night with lumbersexual. You never know what we may do...athletic training and pulling muscles indeed.

Jimmy said...

Kneeling ass up head down was always my favorite workout in college.

SickoRicko said...


whkattk said...

Some of them have done a mighty fine job of pumping up!