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Saturday, March 05, 2022

Weekend Onesie: Space Force!

Weekend Onesie: Space Force!

Nothing like marketing rock hard little bricks of sugar as potentially lethal projectiles.

Put an eye out? Hell, this stuff will put a hole right through you.

Oh, well, it's all gleeful fun and games until someone gets killed.

At least it comes with a permit to carry.

And speaking of getting killed with a space gun...

This prompted me to do a bit of follow-up on the orange ogre's pet initiative - The U.S. Space Force. 

Seems it is a thing. And here's a link to their website: Space Force Site.

You can learn things, like the meaning behind the design of their nifty Star Trek-like logo!
Gee, maybe wanna be astronauts Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson could enlist? I'm sure they'd fit right in.

Semper Supra, indeed!

March! Already.
Ah, yes, another step toward spring.
Chins up, dears, and keep your eyes on the skies!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Spaceman - The Killers

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