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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's Going Green Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
Going Green Quiz

In light of the green returning to the planet courtesy of spring, I thought we should take a look at what it truly means to 'go green.' 

I love this planet, but, sadly, she's not doing all that well; rumor has it she's on her way out!

Today, we'll take a look at what we're individually contributing to the salvation of our dear, beloved, much-abused earth, and, in turn, examine what else we might be able to take on to support these efforts. 

Let's dig in...

1/ Do you recycle? What day of the week? What's your opinion of recycling? Does it work?

Yes. Very much so. We recycle everyday and they pick it up every two weeks on a Monday. It's telling that our blue recycle bin is three times the size of our regular trash bin and that the recycle bin is always nearly overflowing, while the trash bin has two tiny bags inside it. 

In the kitchen, we have an old wicker clothes hamper with a hinged lid. A quick rinse and in a suitable item goes. Same at The Boyfriend's, minus the hinge. They both add a bit of warmth to the kitchen, so they don't look out of place or industrial. 

At The Boyfriends? We have two giant recycle bins and one trash. Again, due to all the board games The Boyfriend kickstarts, the recycle bins are always overflowing. 

Does it work? Does it matter? I don't honestly know for sure. I'm not aware of how effective Minneapolis' recycle program is actually; I do wish they'd post information about what they do with all of it. I do know there is a park bench program and that some of the stuff is used to create playground equipment, so there's that. I really should look into it more. 

2/ Do you compost? Every tried it? What's your opinion of composting?

The Ex and I did for three years. What a mess. What bother. The only thing I liked about it was that we didn't have to bag our grass clippings. In the end, The Ex couldn't stand looking at it (although it was well hidden, well kept, and a nice looking compost cage.) When the city introduced their organic materials pickup service, good-bye compost. 

At my Mom's, I continue to compost and she has had quite a bit of success with hers, creating all sorts of lovely top soil full of nutrients. Her raspberry thicket loves the stuff, as do her strawberries. 

Now, all our leavings go in this little ceramic lined metal pot that sits on the stove top. We used to use these biodegradable bags in it, but the bags would dissolve before we had a chance to take them out to the organics bin, so we now do without. It's not an issue at all in the winter, but in summer? Oh, my... the fruit flies. I was never so happy to see winter than this year, for the fruit fly situation was getting out of control. 

I have no idea if Minneapolis' organics program is successful. The main plant is right near one of our rental houses - a giant mound of decaying matter. Never smells. It's just a bit unsightly, but then it's an industrial area near the river, so it fits right in. I have no idea what they do with it. 

3/ What do you think of solar power? Concerns? Do you have solar panels on your house? Would you?

Love solar panels and I wish we could afford to have them. I suppose, at some point, we won't be able to afford not to have them. I know there are all sorts of programs to help you purchase and install them, but we're a bit complacent about it; something new, you know... 

I don't have any concerns about them. They aren't that unsightly and are definitely effective. It's definitely something to think about and look further into. I think a sort of laziness is at the root of our inaction. As the world goes? Can we afford to remain so complacent?

4/ What do you think of wind turbines? Concerns? Any near you?

I haven't seen any in the city, proper, but on the outskirts, like Maple Grove, etc.? Oh, yes. And I don't mind them. I think they look rather majestic. The whole bird killing controversy seems much ado, but, thanks to the orange ogre, that is everyone's main argument against them. 

Keep in mind, they go out and kill birds with their guns, but if even one dies due to a wind turbine, well... then that's reason enough to do away with them? It makes no sense, but then those sort of people rarely do. 

And they say they're unsightly, but... really? I view them as rather heroic. I mean... think of all the crap we visually have to put up with, like the omnipresent Golden Arches ever five feet. I would much rather look at a field of gently turning windmills. 
5/ Do you purchase organic foods? If so, why? If not, what's preventing you?

I will if it is the only produce available, as in, something I need to have... but otherwise, no. 

Why? Expense. And it rots so fast. I would have to shop on a daily basis and I hate shopping. Grocery stores are nightmare experiences for me; my anxiety goes through the roof. And I would shop at one of those co-ops (in fact, I have a lifetime membership at the main one near uptown,) but I don't like the offerings, don't like the prices, don't like the people that shop there, and I don't like the people who run it. They're such snobs. Even the nuevo-faux-hippy sorts with their multiple face piercings and white-people dreadlocks. I don't want to support a bunch of deluded posers. And they're so militant about their food choices. Sorry... I like convenience. It makes me feel like I eat garbage food (do I?), but there are enough other things to feel terrible about in the world, so fuck 'em. 

I'm a concerned citizen of the world. Sensitive, but not a nut job. All those face piercings don't make you more righteous or a superior social warrior; they render you unemployable and ridiculous looking. And scary. (Mostly I find them scary.)

Now... you show me a nice naked hippy and the woods - minus all the coop trappings? Oh, yes, dears, I'm all over that. They always smell so wonderful (except for those that insist on wearing patchouli oil like water.)

6/ What do you think of plant-based foods? Have you tried them? Any favorites?

Adore. This is the wave of the future. Do away with all the killing and industrial animal harvesting. Eat plant based foods. They are delicious. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier. And they keep becoming more available and more affordable. 

I used to assume the worst about all of it, however, once I made a commitment to eliminate meat from my diet - because it's so much healthier to do so and I love animals - I began to experiment. I now love tofu. I've found wonderful tasting plant based substitutes for everything - even fish. Granted, I could make better choices (there is a primo vegan butcher shop in NE which makes the most amazing things, but I'm not a daily sort of shopper, so it doesn't work for me.) 

As is? I'm happy with what I'm eating, which, surprisingly, includes a lot of green salads. Huge ones. And I don't know why. I mean, I am a lazy, lazy person; one who couldn't be bothered to chop and clean things, but now? Monday through Thursday. I rather like it, have it down to a routine. Lots of spinach. Lots of fruit. It makes me happy. 

As for the plant-based stuff. One simply has to try different things. You'll find you spend as much or more on meat based stuff, so why not try plant based items? I don't feel deprived. In fact, I feel like I am getting away with eating what I want... now, the only issue is - portion control!

7/ Do you make a point of shopping locally? Did shopping locally in any way impact the gifts you gave this past holiday season?

I adore small business day pre-holiday season. This year, The Ex, who opened a shop for his organic soap company this year, gathered his favorite vendors from the various farmer markets where he's sold his goods. I went in and had a ball, dropped big coin and had all my gifts before I left. 

I'm now really into soy candles and I don't mind paying more for them when I know the money is going to support a woman and her family. Yes, not a necessity, but for the sake of my well-being? Perhaps it is. 

The Ex threw another event for Valentine's day and I swooped in and finally found the perfect set of bowls for the veggie rice bowls I like to make and eat, among other things. I liked that I was placing my cash in the hands of people who actually create what their selling - no middle man, no bank, no price gouging. 

I haven't figured out how to extend this idea of shopping locally. I do know we have a grocery market in North Minneapolis that grows their own produce in a vertical farming pod. They sell it half-price on Wednesday mornings, so you'd think I'd be more motivated... but keep in mind, I'm a lazy sort. 

Still. Really need to make more of an effort to support such an enterprise... or it will go away.

8/ Do you own an electric or hybrid car. Concerns? Could you see yourself owning an electric car?

I do not and I wish I did. 

My next car? Yes. Either a hybrid or a full-on electric. I am done with supporting an industry which price gouges, destroys the planet and helps fund the GOP. 

Fuck big oil. Send them packing. 

Cut Texas off at the knees, folks. They're arrogant, greedy and evil. They need to be destroyed. 

That's why I'm all for what's happening with electric vehicles. I want in. I think I will make the switch when I retire in four or five years. If something happens to my mini in the meantime, yes... I am prepared to switch.

9/ Mass transit? What services are available to you and which do you use?

Have never been on the train. We don't have a line that comes to North. You have to go downtown to catch it and then what? Go to The Mall of Embarrassment? No, thank you. 

We have a line that is supposed to go to Burnsville, but it is mired in funding issues and construction problems. It's way over budget and, of course, the GOP want to kill it, because it affects the amount of gas people burn and it only serves people in the metro.

The bus lines in Minneapolis continue to get cut back... which is the wrong direction. Ridership is down because it's simply not safe. I feel for the drivers. They put up with so much. And people now get on and refuse to pay - what's to be done? 

So, no. Mass transit in Minneapolis isn't working. It's too expensive and too scary.

I Uber, but that's not the same, is it?

I am biking more in the summer. So, there's that. Hard to go grocery shopping that way, though. Bet I could manage it if I shopped locally...

10/ What do you see as the benefits of going green?

Well, wouldn't we like to save the planet? Not for humans. I think about the polar bears. I think about the choral reefs. Thing is... we're a selfish lot. And I'm no different. I'm certainly not doing all I could. I do the bare minimum and pat myself on the back, saying... good enough. Bah. 

I don't have children, so part of me doesn't care. The only thing I do care about is the welfare of animals and, as it stands, we are destroying their natural habitats at an alarming rate. Humankind's arrogance and indifference is toxic. Destructive. 

I live a tiny life. My impact? Not huge. Still, I could do more, small things, in order to make a micro bit of difference.

I think about how much water I use on a daily basis and am, what? Shocked? Ashamed? I take it for granted, while there are people in Africa who have no water. How do I make sense of that kind of inequity?

There's so much ignorance and stupidity in the world. I sometimes wonder why we bother trying to save the planet at all. Still. Those of us who know better need to continue to do better. Maybe it will rub off. Maybe it will make a difference. It's better than surrendering to stupidity. 

And that's what we're fighting against, folks. Stupidity. Greed - which is simply a form of stupidity. 

So, do what you can to fight the good fight. If I didn't? I couldn't live with myself. How some of these people do? I can't say. I don't know. I suppose stupidity comes with a big helping of denial in order for them to justify all the hateful things they do and pursue. 

But, the clock is ticking. Even for those fools. Me? At this point, I'm resigned to simply run out the clock, while trying to limit any negative impact my existence might pose to the planet. 

My hope is that future generations wake up and make changes sooner than later. 

My generation and those before have been very poor stewards of this big beautiful world. And we have to live with that - and, sadly, so does the planet.

--- ---

Okay, loves. Your turn. Leave your thoughts and answers in the comments section, or post it on your blog and leave a link. 

Thanks for reading, today. 

Make a difference where you can, dears. 

It's all we can do. 

Wishing you all great peace.

Peace - Sabrina Johnston

Peace - O.A.R.

Peace - Depeche Mode


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Wait, what?
So all those people cycle nude? Who knew?
And I do recycle. I am in charge of the trash, so I make sure everything goes in the right container. I think recycling programs work.
I have wanted to compost for awhile. I could do it in the backyard, but have not started that project.
I'd love to have solar panels. When I own a house, I'll have those. And there are tons of wind turbines near Chicago. I don't mind them and I think they're useful.
I don't really seek organic foods. What I want to do is that Ugly Produce thing where you get all the non-perfect fruits and veggies at a great price. I'd like to try that.
I like plant-based foods. I live with a vegetarian and I've tried some that are VERY good.
I always try to shop locally. Always. From smaller supermarkets to bookstores.
I'd love to have a Prius. I think I may get one when my hooptie croaks. And I wish I could use public transportation more, but I live in the suburbs now. It's almost non-existent.
Going Green should be everybody's goal. Really. Poor planet.


Mistress Maddie said...

Do you recycle? What day of the week? What's your opinion of recycling? Does it work? I recycle everything our town takes. It goes up every Tuesday if the bin is filled. And yes I think it does help.

Do you compost? Every tried it? I have never tried it.

What do you think of solar power? If it helps I'm all for it. I have yet to live in a solar home though.

What do you think of wind turbines? Again, I hear good things about them and I actually find them calming to watch. There are a few in PA.

Do you purchase organic foods? Half the food I buy seems to be organic. Most fruits and veggies I buy by season and always local.

What do you think of plant-based foods? Meh. Some good and some taste bad.

Do you make a point of shopping locally? ALWAYS.

Do you own an electric or hybrid car. Nope, not yet, but not opposed to it.

Mass transit? If I can take a train there first, I will and not drive. In the city though, Im a HUGE walker.

What do you see as the benefits of going green? How long you got? If we want our planet animal friends and the planet itself to surive we better wake up. We are still asleep at the table. It was the one thing I loved about the lockdown of the pandemic. It was great to see how quick the planet started healing. Now it's already back to where it was. How could people not find that amazing?????

Jimmy said...

Hi, Upton.

1. We recycle.Our day is Wednesday except for hazardous waste (old paint, electronics). That is collected by appointment at the door.

2 I use to compost when I had a garden. It was an off the ground tumble type.

3. I would not have solar. But, never say never.

4. Wind turbins. I've only seen them once from a train in England. It didn't bother me visually.

5. I do not purchase organic.

6. I have never had plant based food

7. I do shop local. Small businesses get a village alive.

8. I have old cars. My little car will be my last.

9. Other than buses, we do not have mass transit, YET. It is coming!

10. Pollution.

whkattk said...

1. Yes. It's picked up every Wednesday. Does it work? Sort of. Much of what gets put into the recycle bins here is delivered to a landfill, anyway. The company says "There's no market here for that stuff." In other words, they don't want to take the hit on cost to get it where it IS marketable.
2. No. Yep. I guess it's good if you garden.
3. I have solar panels on my house. Now you can get the entire roof as solar. Looking in tot he battery packs - about $10k and need to be replaced every 10 years.
4. I think they're fine. None near here.
5. Depends on what it is. Sometimes, but we don't seek it out.
6. Oh, yuck! I'll eat salads and veggies - love 'em. But the "Impossible" stuff - nope. Taste and texture are pretty awful IMO.
7. We shop local as much as we possible can.
8. Nope. I wish. Just can't afford the $30+k. But, then again, I drive maybe once or twice a week to the grocery and back (total 3 miles per trip).
9. Mass Transit? Here it's a flipping joke. We have buses that are never on schedule. Never.
10. We should all go as green as possible. Humans are the plague of the planet. And the planet keeps trying to weed us out. Someday it will succeed.

SickoRicko said...

What a collection! I had to laugh, though, at the censored one.

Bob said...

1/ Do you recycle? What day of the week? What's your opinion of recycling? Does it work?
We live outside the city limits so there is no recycling pickup service. So, we separate and collect plastic, cardboard, cans, and paper and take it to our local recycling center about once every two weeks. That leaves us very little actual ‘trash’ which we also take and dispose of about once a month.
2/ Do you compost? Every tried it? What's your opinion of composting?
Carlos does some for his rose bushes, but you really need a good composting tumbler.
3/ What do you think of solar power? Concerns? Do you have solar panels on your house? Would you?
Our house wouldn’t work so well for solar because of the way its sited on the lot, leaving very little roof room for panels, and very little space that is treeless for ground panels. Still, it’d be nice to be able to harness some energy from the sun to power parts of the house.
4/ What do you think of wind turbines? Concerns? Any near you?
None nearby, but, again, harnessing the energy of the wind is a good thing.
5/ Do you purchase organic foods? If so, why? If not, what's preventing you?
Produce sometimes, but not packaged organic foods.
6/ What do you think of plant-based foods? Have you tried them? Any favorites?
We should try it, and I keep saying that, but we really should do so. I make a vegetarian meal once or twice a week, so a more plant-based diet wouldn’t be such a stretch.
7/ Do you make a point of shopping locally? Did shopping locally in any way impact the gifts you gave this past holiday season?
We try to shop locally; the local baker is a good spot. And we hit the Farmer’s Market every week when it’s open. I adore small business day pre-holiday season. There are all kinds of arts and crtafts stores here in town to buy locally made goods.
8/ Do you own an electric or hybrid car. Concerns? Could you see yourself owning an electric car?
I do not and I wish I did. My Dad has a hybrid and gets over fifty some-odd miles to the gallon. That sounds good!
9/ Mass transit? What services are available to you and which do you use?
Very little out here; there is a bus line into Columbia, but it’s not convenient to us really,
10/ What do you see as the benefits of going green?
Saving our health, saving the planet for whatever it becomes after we destroy it.

BrianB said...

1. I do recycle. I rent above a funeral home, and I don't have pick up here. Downstairs they take their recycles to their other facility for their pick up. But I gather and sort in bags and boxes (that I reuse) till I can get a ride to the Recycle station. I don't see where the stuff goes once I drop it off but I have to assume they are being responsible so I hope it works.

2. Don't compost due to the apartment living. My ex composted in the 90's when we had a house. Worked really well and the dirt ended up in the gardens.

3. No solar panels here. If I owned I definitely would.

4. I think if they help they are great. There are some on the way north of here going to Rochester and they looks kind of wonderful slowly spinning. And it's not like they interrupt any majestic views. The people bitching about them killing the birds would be singing a different song if those birds were shitting on their patios and cars. I doubt they ever thought of birds before they constructed the turbines.

5. Not a whole lot but I don't eat vegetables and fruits the way I should. I've never cooked the way I used to when I had a better kitchen.

6. I guess gluten free is the closest I've come to that. I have trouble if I eat a bowl of cereal with milk or drink a glass of milk and people say I should try soy milk but it makes me think back to growing up with instant milk which was disgusting. I'll just go without cereal.

7. I manage a gift store, so we promote shopping local all the time with a mind to help all the small businesses in the area. Our vendors aren't local though we have tried consignment items from local people but they didn't move as well as we hoped. We had to finally admit they didn't fit the concept of our business and would have been better in another type of store. As for the public, there is a definite desire to shop local during the holidays and they come back every year. The summer farmers market in the city park is very popular. I think it's a concept most people can relate to and it's relatively easy for them to make an effort to do so.

8. Probably the greenest thing I've done is never get a drivers license. I'm 68 and never learned though in high school I worked in a car wash and moved cars around at times. And ironically I love vintage cars. My biggest question about electric cars is where do you charge them? Is it that easy? I read that they are very fast so once NASCAR embraces them that will really make the tide turn. I'm joking but not too much.

9. I'm in a small town and there are local buses that run a loop around town but it only takes me 20 minutes to walk to work and the supermarket is 2 blocks and on the other side of the bridge. So I don't wait around for a bus. But I'm in my late 60's and the walking isn't as sprightly as it once was and the last 2 days of 32 degree weather has been a drag. I have to depend on the kindness of family and friends to get a ride to a hardware store or when I need a case of water. I've taken buses to the shopping malls outside of town when I need something I can carry back with me but it's a time drain.

I don't fly but have taken Amtrak across country many times and love it. I could have worked on a train.

10. Not taking too much from the planet and not leaving too much behind. As for leaving stuff behind I look at all the crap I have in closets that I've accumulated over the years and what's going to happen to it when I'm gone. I wish I'd figured it out sooner. I pretty much agree with everything you've said. I'm just a speck here and though my impact is small, it's still something.


Inexplicable DeVice said...

1/ Do you recycle? What day of the week? What's your opinion of recycling? Does it work?
- Yes! Like you, we have way more recycling than normal rubbish, and easily fill the bin (whereas the normal bin is barely half full). We have small bins that are collected every other Tuesday.
I think recycling works, but I'd like to see our reliance on packaging reduce considerably - especially plastic - so we don't HAVE to throw away or recycle so much.

2/ Do you compost? Every tried it? What's your opinion of composting?
- Yes! We have two compost heaps in the garden (small ones tucked out of the way), and a larger one up at the allotment. We also have a fortnightly collected brown bin for garden waste that's not suitable (or won't fit) for composting at home.
I think composting is a good way to dispose of a lot of waste, and we end up with some mulch and soil conditioner for the garden.

3/ What do you think of solar power? Concerns? Do you have solar panels on your house? Would you?
- I think solar power is great - I wish panels had been added to our house when it was built (only three years ago). I live in one of the sunniest counties in England, so getting enough sunshine to make solar panels worthwhile shouldn't be too much of a problem.

4/ What do you think of wind turbines? Concerns? Any near you?
- I love them! I think they look quite futuristic. There are two windfarms off the coast here - the turbines poke up just on the horizon, so they're not an eyesore or anything.

5/ Do you purchase organic foods? If so, why? If not, what's preventing you?
- No. Mainly because of the expense and lack of benefits over normal produce.

6/ What do you think of plant-based foods? Have you tried them? Any favorites?
- Like you, adore! I rarely eat animal products anymore except for fish (and I did have a mini sausage roll or two a couple of months ago...). My current favourite is a sweet potato & edamame burger in a brioche bun with salad, cheese and mustard.

7/ Do you make a point of shopping locally? Did shopping locally in any way impact the gifts you gave this past holiday season?
- I try and buy things that are not made halfway around the world, and even stopped drinking New Zealand wine (even though it is DELICIOUS!) because of the travel/carbon footprint involved.
I'm hopeless at buying gifts, so I just get things that someone actually wants to spare the anguish (and waste) - boring, I know.

8/ Do you own an electric or hybrid car. Concerns? Could you see yourself owning an electric car?
- Not yet. Although, the one I've just ordered is a mild hybrid - it should arrive in the summer.

9/ Mass transit? What services are available to you and which do you use?
- Well, a bus comes through the village reasonably regularly (although I've never used it), and the nearest town has bus and train services that are okay at a push, but I wouldn't want to have to rely on them. Although, I may be using the train soon, as I don't trust my current car to make it all the way to my office in the city any more.

10/ What do you see as the benefits of going green?
- A planet that all living things can live on for many, many years to come.

Great quiz, Mr Tonking! Thank you.