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Sunday, March 06, 2022

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Rita Moreno

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: 
Rita Moreno

In my big gay church there are many, many wings. One such wing is occupied by The Divas of the Silver Screen. These women came up through the ranks of the studio system, taking on whatever was assigned them. They dealt with sexism, racism, and ageism on a daily basis, and did it all with style. While constantly being told by others who and what they were, they would eventually emerge to discover themselves, reclaiming their power in the process. 

One such diva?

The delightful, ageless, multi-talented Rita Moreno.

She began dancing for her grandfather at the age of five.

Classes soon followed, all of which would lead to Hollywood, where, once they realized they couldn't whitewash her, they typecast her. Any role that was not Caucasian? It was handed to her. And every time she opened the script for her next movie, she died a little inside. 

But she survived. Not even a tumultuous eight-year affair with Brando could dim her light. The typecasting, though? That took a toll.

After seeking therapy, she discovered her own worth and put Hollywood on notice - not that she ever stopped working.

She'd go on to become one of those rare performers, winning an Oscar, a Tony, a Grammy, and two Emmy Awards. 

To this day, she's still breaking new ground. Still vital. Still working. 

Still shining bright.

The gospel according to her?

Well, here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips. 

The topic? Aging.
"All my life, I faced sexism and racism and then, when I hit 40, ageism."

"I believe staying young at heart is all in one's personal attitude... you can't instill that in anyone."

"Retirement is just not in my DNA."

"People tell me I look good these days. I look good because I feel good. I know people who are older than I am who are twenty-five... It's all about attitude. To me, age is just a number."

"Maybe it's my age, but I know I look good, so I'm not going to look like another person suddenly because I don't have makeup on - same hair, same person."

"People say that when you get to a certain age that you start to mellow. I have no idea what these people are talking about."

A Boy Like That - Rita Moreno and Natalie Wood/Marni Nixon
from the 1961 film, West Side Story

Everything's Coming Up Roses - Rita Moreno
from the film, The Ritz

Fever - Rita Moreno
from The Muppet Show

And one last parting shot...

"But you really have to learn to be resilient - able to bounce back, pick yourself up, and just keep moving. I am able to get up and dust myself off and keep moving forward. I'm very stubborn. I'm a person who perseveres. You know, you fall down, you get up."

"I live in the moment. The moment is the most important thing. That's my entire philosophy: Make the best of the good moments."


SickoRicko said...

Such a neat lady.

Jimmy said...

Every time I see her I think of her affair and relationship with Marlon Brando. It almost killed her.