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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Weekend Onesie: Ship This!

Weekend Onesie: Ship This!

The supply chain issue.

The supply chain issue.

Prices going up because of the supply chain issue.

And so I believed it to be true.

But wait!

A report out two weeks ago? The industry responsible for all those shipping containers sitting in the harbor or on the docks of various ports for an extended period of time?

Well, guess who reported a record breaking profit of $190 BILLION? That's something like three times more than what they were reporting pre-pandemic.

Yep. You got it.  

So the next time they try to tell you that all this inflation is Biden's fault or the fault of the Democratic party, or because taxes are too high... set those asswipes straight. 

Good old-fashioned greed is at the root of many of this country's financial woes. And it's the likes of the Koch Brothers (who love to funnel money to elect the stupidest conservative candidates possible) behind this scam, making billions in profit while Americans cry uncle.

Taking advantage of crappy situations - capitalism at it's finest.  

Now hand me the Crisco. 

I think we've let that man in the picture wait long enough....

And still? With all that's going on?
I am relatively happy. And very grateful for every single day.
Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay smart.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

I Can't Think About Dancin' - Missing Persons

1 comment:

SickoRicko said...

American capitalism helps only the rich.