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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween! From Wonderland BOO-Lesque

Happy Halloween!
From Wonderland BOO-Lesque

Plans for the evening?

Slipping into something a little more comfortable?

Well... don't get too comfortable, if you know what I mean.


Buckle up, boys...

You're in for a bumpy night!

--- ---

Wishing you all a joyous evening.
However you choose to celebrate...
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
-uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

This Is Halloween
 The Nightmare Before Christmas

Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) - David Bowie
Live - 1997

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Weekend Onesie: The Devil Made Me Do It

Weekend Onesie: The Devil Made Me Do It

I always chuckle when I hear some religious zealot complain about Halloween. 

Modern Halloween has about as much to do with the devil as Xmas has to do with some fable about a magic boy being born in a stable. 

In reality? It's all about the costuming. 

No. I don't mean Halloween. 

Religion: it's all about the costuming. 

The Catholic church is the most egregious culprit. So theatrical, that lot. I spent three and half years cantoring for a pious, bitchy queen who made his own robes. It took me a year to catch on... but yes, for him? It was all about the show, and the show was all about him and whatever fabu muumuu he happened to whip on his little Singer sewing machine that week. Once he had those blue hairs in those pews, I think he felt he had to give them something in exchange for their pension money. 

But they're not the only religion guilty. 

When it comes to prosperity churches its all about designer clothes and what the pastor is driving, because - and the pastors tell their congregation this straight up - the lives of the flock are only going to be as fabulous as the Armani suit the Shephard is wearing. And if you think he and his wife are going to be driving around in his and her Toyota Corolla's, you got another thing coming! So tithe, tithe, tithe. You got a spare kidney? Sell it and give the money to 'god.'

Now, you can dress it up anyway you like, but religion pretty much boils down to just a couple of things: on one side of the equation, you have control and greed. On the other? Fear and magical thinking. For we live in a world of 'you can't get something for nothing' and when it comes to proving your devotion? It better be backed up by a check with multiple digits.

And while there are a few exceptions to the rule? Most religious practitioners - on both sides of the equation - are merely disguising their true motives. At the root of hypocrisy? You'll find at least a little bit of that 'old-fashioned' religion.

And so, every Sunday, all those practitioners show up, masks in place; a bit of theatre where the audience has just as big a role as the performers on stage. Those on the altar? Those leading the choir? Child, they are working! They have to inspire. They have to hoodwink. They have to scare, inflate, shame, demean, divide and conquer. But mostly? They have to separate the flock from a percentage of their hard earned wallet lettuce. 

Yes. All 'god's' children gots to be paid, son!

In a way, it's no different than the little masked beggars who show up on your door step on October 31st, decked out in their finest costumes, palms up, begging for some sugary sustenance.

Trick or treat?

Oh, honey, when it comes to religion? It is all trick.

And the devil ain't got nothin' to do with any of it.

--- ---

On this, the eve of Halloween,
I want you all to have a devilish good time.
-uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque!

Dress You Up - Madonna

Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Fun: Happy National Cat Day!

Friday Fun: 
Happy National Cat Day!

Garnered from National Day Calendar: 

"This day was created by Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige, in 2005. Since its inception, it has helped save the lives of more than one million cats.

National Cat Day is the purrfect day to give extra attention to your feline friends. Cats make excellent companions. They rarely miss you, but when they do, you sure know it. 

Awareness days such as this one urge pet lovers to adopt from a local shelter. The day also reminds us that neutering and spaying our furry companions helps reduce the abandoned population.

Shelters are full of cats and kittens in need of forever homes. These feline fur babies come with as many personalities as they do colors and coats. They curl into our hearts and will just as quickly remind us they decide who they love. Whether they were born in the shelter, surrendered or abandoned, 3.4 million find their way to a shelter.

When considering the adoption of a furbaby, take your time. Each shelter animal will touch your heart, so be sure to find a life-long love.

Consider your lifestyle. Will you have time for an active kitten or will an adult cat be more to your pace?

Make multiple visits before making a choice. Sometimes, the purrfect cat will choose you.
Spend one-on-one time with the cat so you have some bonding meowments and her true personality comes through.

Do other members of your fur family need to be considered? If so, be sure to introduce them to be sure their personalities mesh.

When you bring your new family member home, have a space ready for him to decompress and adjust to his new abode. Don’t be surprised if he hides at first. This is normal cat behavior."  (This also happens with the occasional trick I bring home. I dunno. Do you think it's me?)

I just want to add: Not everyone is cut out to be a pet owner. Animals are not accessories, fashion statements, or adornments. Never give a pet as a gift. They are living, breathing beings with feelings and needs. Be sure you are in a good place in  your life before considering adopting any pet. They deserve a wonderful life, full of security and love. 

--- ---

Have a lovely weekend. 
It all goes by so fast.
Slow down and breathe deeply.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

What's New Pussycat? - Tom Jones

Honky Cat
From The Motion Picture Rocketman