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Monday, July 13, 2020

Acquired Tastes LXIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part Eight - Nightstand Books

Acquired Tastes LXIII 
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part Eight
Nightstand Books

In today's post we'll take a look at all the gay-oriented titles published under Greenleaf Classic's Nightstand Books imprint. There are only eight (out of 461 titles). The first four were published in November of 1967, with three additional titles in March of 1968 and one in April of that same year. All titles are shown in order of publication.

The authors? Well, if you've read anything else in this series regarding gay pulp fiction, then you're familiar with them. Even that newcomer - J.X. Williams? Why that is none other than Victor Banis, godfather of modern gay pulp fiction. The cover art? Also familiar names: Darrell Millsap and Robert Bonfils. 

To learn more about the authors look here, and here, and here. and here.

The thing that struck me this time around was how tasteful the cover art was back then. Yes, we see the occasional buttock, but even then, it's done artfully, subtly.  A good deal of work, with an attention to detail, went into the cover art for assignments of this nature during the late sixties. This standard, of course, would erode as the industry became more explicit and base, with line drawings and photos taking the place of these rather iconic illustrations. 

One more thing... yes, the inclusion of Gay Treason bothers me. But it is part of a genre found in gay pulp fiction, no doubt inspired by Chis Davidson's very popular Go Down, Aaron, which covers similar ground. We'll be taking a look at that title and its impact in a later post as part of this series.

Now, let's take a look at these books and have a bit of fun at their expense... 

Gay Buddies
Author: Don Holliday
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"A two-way Romeo and his..."

Woot, woot. Check out the circuit boys circa 1967! More like boys in the bland! No need to go to the gym back then... just stay slim by smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and drinking gallons of coffee. What? No, trust me in my twenties - it's a great diet! Hmmm. Men's undies could have used a little color and shape back then. And... are they wearing pajama bottoms? What do you think they are dancing to? My guess, The Supremes. I bet they are singing,  "Erections of the way life used to be..."? Oh, those tacky, tacky queens!

The Beefcake Boys
Author: Aaron Thomas
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap

Our model appears to be a haughty hottie. A slow-roasted perfect 10 with a perfect tan. Oh, you know this bitch is not giving it up for free. Uh-uh. That ascot-wearing photographer is gonna pay real monies to see this one's goods. Poor, silly queen. Can't she see that her replacement is already standing off-stage, just behind the camera? Will our red-haired beauty come to see the light before it is too late, or just go on applying mascara like there is no tomorrow? 

A Masculine Scent
Author: Marcus Miller
Cover Art: Robert Bonfils
"Led on by lust and..."

Oh, I love it. But is he an armpit sniffer or a crotch sniffer? And just how ripe does our little bather like his man scents? Yes, leave that cologne at home, boys. Our little bather wants to inhale a man hearty and hale. Fresh funk? Or that old stunk? And what about that hottie's junk? I can't wait to get a whiff of what happens between these pages!

The Cruising Class
Author: Dick Dale
Cover Art: Robert Bonfils
"Nine dollar scholars learning shame in..."

Hmm. This looks like the woods that surround my beloved prairie on any given Saturday afternoon. However, unlike the prairie, this haven seems to be filled with angels fallen from heaven!  And look at those tans! These boys have been toasting their skin a rich roasted brown on a daily basis. Why, how on earth do they even find time to frolic in the forest? Oh, but do beware of that queen in the pink shirt. I'm thinking she's the source of that nasty case of the clap that is running rampant this summer. Queen! Get your white-hot-pants'd ass down to The Red Door Clinic and get yourself some antibiotics! Nine dollar scholars? Bitch better hope that's all the co-pay ends up being.

A Queen's Fury
Author: Aaron Thomas
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Gay fun and games... a prelude to -"

It's all fun and games, until someone gets mad and brings out their... well, wait a minute. Just what the hell is that thing? It looks like a pair of pliers on fire. If someone can figure out what it is, please leave your answer in the comments section. Go, on... give it your best guess. That said, this scene got cut from Boys in the Band, but you know that it goes down every night. You get in a situation, you're stripped down to your tighty whities and then decide you're not feeling it,  this is not the guy for you and you beg out. Instead of taking it in stride, dude freaks the fuck out and starts yelling at you. That's when you realize... hey, where did my clothes go? Oh-oh! Bet Blondie regrets choosing his itty bitty bikini briefs tonight. Hopefully they're in the Castro or the Village... people walking home in their underwear there? Don't garner a second glance.

The Gay Jailbird
Author: Gene North
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Passion was a one-way street for..."

Oooo... look at her! Acting like his shit don't stink! That jailbird is a dirty-birdy. Hey, have you noticed the influence psychedelia has had on our illustrator, Darrell Millsap. It's there in the background. Check out A Queen's Fury, too.  As for our distraught peroxide blonde contorting oddly in her bra and panties? Hasn't she been barking up the wrong tree? Sort of like Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Poor thing. Didn't Mother warn her about boys who get out of prison? That old adage: Once a prison slut, they only want it up the butt?

Gay Treason
Author: J.X. Williams
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Fair-haired boy of love and war!"

Eeek. I dunno. I am kind of afraid to make fun of this one. One would think there are places where gay angels fear to tread, but then, if you've been in the backroom of a leather bar, you know that is simply not true. Still... a modicum of taste? I don't find this sexy. And I also don't understand the kink. I accidentally hooked up with a dude into Nazi paraphernalia once. Needless to say it was less of a meet and greet and more of a dine and dash. Except the only thing I got a taste of was his leather boots. So I guess, in reality, it was no dine and all dash.

Boy Meets Boy
Author: Marcus Miller
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"He was too gay for his own good!"

Boy meets boy and proceeds to smack the ever loving gay out of him? How else to interpret this cover? Dude on the floor doesn't seem to be enjoying this little role play session, at all. I hope he has a safe word in place. I think the fact that the dude in the tighty whities kept on his boots and leather jacket should have been a tip off for what was to come. Still, I understand... sometimes you get stuck in the middle of a moment you can't get out of. Wait. Are those bars on the windows? And what happened to his clothes?

--- ---

Well, that does it for all the gay-oriented titles for under the Nightstand Books imprint. Like what you see? Did I get something wrong? Let me know in the comments section. 


Mistress Maddie said...

I would know nothing about a queens fury.

whkattk said...

@ Maddie - LOL!!!

Well, those old pot-boilers are quite the trip, aren't they? One hand turning pages, the other stroking the cock. Just like today's "erotica." The thing you start noticing in all of it - old or new - is the guys are always gorgeous, well built, well hung, and well...everything. They know how to fuck and suck with perfection. No wonder we skip the intermediate prose and go right to the sex scenes. LOL.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I wanna read The Cruising Class and A Masculine Scent!
I love the covers!