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Monday, July 20, 2020

Acquired Tastes LXIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 9 - Late-Night Library

Acquired Tastes LXIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 9
Late-Night Library

Today, we delve into the unique world of Greenleaf Classic's Late-Night Library.

This little imprint (144 books) began as most, back in January of 1967, publishing tawdry hetero-based titles before testing the waters with a lone gay-oriented one. And things continued in this fashion through February of 1968. However, something new was in the air by March of that year, as the imprint altered it's focus to more of a pseudo-psychological / sociological and first-account testimonial direction. Ph.D. suddenly began appearing at the tail of author's names and gone were the lavish pulp-fiction illustrations of old with their leering, luring taglines. The sole exception? Gay-oriented titles. But even those were to disappear by July of 1968. 

The titles that changed it all: Pot and Passion by Del Grayson, Ph.D. (Donald H. Gilmore) and Confessions of an Exhibitionist by Rex O'Toole (Robert Tralins), were published in March of 1968, along with a slew of gay-oriented titles done in the classic pulp-fiction style. Soon to follow were faux studies covering a wide range of deviant, niche interests, such as: incest, child molestation, white slavery, sex work, fetishism, hypnosis, bestiality, vampirism, cults, nymphomania, and E.S.P.

The final gay-oriented title would appear in July of 1968 (save for a gay guide on astrology in November), with the imprint halting completely in December of 1969. 

If you have read the previous eight installments of this series of posts, many of the authors and illustrators will be familiar.

Now, let's take a look at some of the gay-oriented titles, in order of publication, and have a bit of fun at their expense.

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Alan Marshall (Donald Westlake) was an in-house writer for the early Midwood imprint, way back in 1957. He would later leave that publishing house and bounce around a plethora of imprints, including the Late-Night Library offering, shown here. Among his many credits, the iconic Dykes on Bikes

Season in Sodom
Author: Alan Marshall
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Prisoners of twisted passion!"

This is how imagine resort retreats when the Log Cabin Republicans get together. The rich, privileged, closeted white dudes lounge pool-side devising ways to torture up and coming political wannabes. You just know that the dude in the sunglasses is about two seconds away from placing a well-sandaled foot on the backside of our struggling cutie, pushing his ass right into the pool. Well, let's hope it's the deep end... he'll drown quicker. Hee, hee... I bet Lindsey Grahamcrackers is real popular at these events.

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Learn more about Don Holliday (Victor J. Banis) here, here, here, and here.

Stranger At the Door
Author: Don Holliday
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"He came to camp!"

If he came to camp, he's unprepared. No food, no supplies, no sleeping bag. He sure didn't bring much with him. Oh, wait... he did bring a tent - I see it there in the front of his tighty whities. Or is he a door to door salesman? Interesting sales technique - he's working the old 'strip down and hang up your suit' angle. Not sure what he's selling, but I think Blondie is about to buy!

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We've come across the name Julian Mark (best-selling author Vincent Lardo) before. Learn more about him, here and here.

Boy Lavender
Author: Julian Mark
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"He was the darling of Muscle Beach!"

Darling, indeed. Look at those blonde locks! He certainly puts the pomp in pomp-adore. And his muscles aren't the only thing that are bulging -  just take a gander at that cute little white string bikini brief he's sporting. Don't go in the water! Or it's Elizabeth Taylor in Suddenly Last Summer all over again! Something tells me that his muscles aren't the only thing he's pumping there on Muscle Beach.

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Oh, Chris Davidson, once again... you'll remember reading about him here and here.

The Last Cruise
Author: Chris Davidson
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
Dark desire set the tempo for tragedy!

Let's hear it for the boys in the band. I give Blondie there behind the kit a ten. Bet he can drive a hard, steady beat. Yep, appears he sure knows how to handle a mean stick (and we're not talking drumming). Hard telling what 'special request' his number one fan there is whispering in his ear, but the dude's wardrobe looks like it's straight outta the Malibu Ken collection. Hmm, I wonder if they practice the rhythm method? Well, whatever noise they make together, I'm sure there's a big crescendo coming, ending with the crashing of lots of cymbals. 

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Another familiar name, more info on Marcus Miller can be found here, here, and here. Marcus is responsible for Gay Revolution, a title that captures some of the rage unleashed during the Stonewall Riots.

Gay Stud
Author: Marcus Miller
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Lured by lust... Prisoner of passion for a -"

"What's the matter, Bruiser? Got a little scrape on your knee. Here, let me rub some of this baby oil on it. No, no... it's medically proven to help. It can 'help' a lot of things... here, let me show you..." Yep, looks like a scene right outta the golden days of Penn State. Could that dude applying the ointment be a young Jerry Sandusky? Naw. That brunette stud is a way too long in the tooth for good old Jerry. Besides, from what I read, Jerry is more of a 'in the showers, drop the soap' kind of guy.

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Learn a bit more about Alan Fair (Marcus Miller/Len Harrington), here.

The Lover-Boys
Author: Alan Fair
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"He learned about lust and war among -"

You know what else he could learn? How to fill an empty glass. Dude in the background is in need of a little vino! How else is he to digest all the day's news. And don't try distracting him with your little strip tease routine. He's clearly seen it before (and so has everybody else!). He knows it's a little strip and all tease. 

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Sam Dodd is a pseudonym for Samuel L. Dodson.

Donnie and Clyde
Author: Sam Dodd
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Bullets... Banjos... Baskets... Buddies"

This is definitely my favorite of today's bunch. But I gotta warn you, if you're looking for Estelle Parsons to come a screaming out of the gang's hideout only to die in a hailstorm of bullets, you are looking for another version of this story. I love how they avoid the whole gay thing by telling everyone they're 'buddies'. I wonder if when they say it they make the little quotation marks gesture with their fingers. Yep, just a couple of bank robbing 'buddies' hanging out in their boxers, guns in hand. Nothing to see here, folks. Gee... guess which one's the bottom?

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Why, it's another from Don Holliday (Victor J. Banis). This is the final book in The Man from C.A.M.P. series.

Blow the Man Down
Author: Don Holliday
Cover Art: Darrell Millsap
"Yo-Ho and Tee Hee, It's that Man from C.A.M.P. in..."

Those are some sweet tighty whities... or at least that is what our man from Atlantis in the lower right corner is thinking. What is that on his body? Algae? Bad prison tats? And look in the background... man butt, ahoy! Permission to come aboard? Oh! And I just got the title! But can one give head while holding one's breath? I mean, yes, of course, but for how long?

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If the name Aaron Thomas seems familiar, that's because you may have read about him, here, and here

Good Night, Gentle Goy
Author: Arron Thomas
Cover Art: Robert Bonfils

One of my all-time favorite titles. But no tagline? I'm thinking whatever they came up with wasn't kosher. And I don't understand the cover. At first I thought that white thing in the background was a toilet, but then came to realize it is some sort of statue / false idol (?).  And are they in bed or on the floor? That goy is all boy and the Jewish gentleman is portrayed a little too sinister for my tastes. What I really want to know... if they get married will the goy convert? Will the rabbi approve? Will they be married in the synagogue? And, most importantly, who will be doing the catering?
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Well, that's all for this installment. Tune in on Thursday, when we take a look at the remaining eight gay-oriented titles for this series.

Did you like what you saw? Did I get something wrong? Let me know in the comments section. 

Loverboy - Billy Ocean


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Gengle Goy? LOL
My fav covers are Blow the Man Down, Stranger at the Door and Season in Sodom.
I'm going to end up in Amazon buying some of these!


Deliciousdeity said...

'The pomp in pompadour' HAHA love that. And who could not love 'bullets, banjos, baskets, buddies'?? You're very thorough, and I am old enough to remember the pharmacy racks!

John Going Gently said...

I think some of the illustrations rather good
One I would frame !!!