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Monday, January 03, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 81 - HIS69, Part 10 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 81
HIS69, Part 10 of 20

We are halfway through this imprint!

The HIS69 imprint remained active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

We've got 10 more weeks to go!

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve!

Dick Jockey
Author: Jimmy Browning

Huh. This course was not offered at Brown Institute when I attended in order to become a radio disc jockey. Otherwise, my work career would have an entirely different trajectory, for, given the title, I would have most certainly graduated top in my class, with honors and inundated with offers! Below: find a sample of what lies within this missive.

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Dick And Peter
Author: Peter Pepper

I don't know that I've actually had the pleasure (well, you know what I mean) of meeting a couple named Dick and Peter. How likely such a couple exists? Very! Considering all the gays out there. 

I wonder if they make a point of calling attention to it or if its one of their 'couple' in-jokes?

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Barebutt Rider
Author: George Wilson

I like this cover. And this particular activity. BB (barebacking) has its detractors, but I know which team I bat for. And when it comes to having 'skin in' the game? Why play any other way? Don't judge, Mary!  

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Horse Hung
Author: Lynn Savage

Another cute cover. Ah, size queens! They're sort of like talent scouts - always on the outlook for that next 'big' thing. This is a lovely illustration. Note the lasso in blondie's downstage hand! He's either a real cowboy or a boy scout about to get his knot tying merit badge. Dude on the left best watch his step or he will soon find himself hog-tied and ready for branding!

And something tells me blondie is packing quite the red-hot poker!

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Big Red Waggin'
Author: Peter Pepper

Huh. So, I imagine this is how 'Red' (center) signals to those in the shower room at the gym that he's good to go. 'Red' wagging what? How fun. I would answer that call! Nice illustration. I only have one issue... his knee - between the legs of that man on the right? It doesn't quite match up with the rest of him. It's a minor complaint, but I do like my fantasy men to be anatomically possible.

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Truck Jockey's Shorts
Author: Clay Caldwell

Oh, dear... I must confess. I do have a thing for mens underwear. I have a fantasy where I arrive and get to do a week's worth of laundry in the home of a swarthy gentleman who pushes all my buttons. I think it's from when I was a kid babysitting and I would go through the underwear drawers of all the dads. Well, it's a common kink, but one that still makes me blush. What? Oh, not that kind of shorts... but?? 

Never mind. 

More reading material below...

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Chicken Farm
Author: George Wilson

Another one. Now I could go on and on about the loathsome conditions most chickens must endure before they end up on your table... but I don't believe that is the type of chicken being raised on this particular farm. As fantasies go, it's a skeezy, if harmless one. Now, I've never understood men who only like the young ones - I find the whole thing dicey. But as long as everyone is of age and everyone is consenting... who am I to judge? Have fun.

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Locker Room Lads
Author: Chuck Howard

Have you ever purposely timed your workout at the gym so that you'd end up in the shower room at the same time as a certain someone? I used to do it all the time at the Y in downtown Minneapolis. I know, I know... a bit of a creeper. It typically came to nothing other than a couple of quick peeks at what 'could have been.' But on occasion... let's just say I was late getting back to the office!
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Ski Buns
Author: George Wilson

Nice bun pun. I went skiing - downhill. I took to it immediately. It may have been one of the only sports for which I demonstrated even a nibble of aptitude. It flowed so naturally and I loved the feel of the skis in the snow. But, it's an expensive little sport, so... not for me, I'm afraid. Not in the cards. Not when I was a young one. 

The one thing I did keep? The socks! I love thermal socks - you know, those grey ones with the red top - the thicker the better. So sexy. 

Not so sexy? Sweaty winter outer garments. I remember trying to peel off my long johns (also very sexy) feeling all wet, tight, hard and cold (my skin dears, nothing else). I'm not saying I didn't immediately jerk it, but it was like jacking off a living doll. Talk about an out of body experience.

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Teen Tonguer
Author: Josh Benton

Eating ass is something I learned to appreciate rather late in life... but then, for me, that is true of most gay sex acts. And, as a teen, the only thing I ever got to tongue was a metal gate in sub zero temps (have no idea what compelled me to do it.)  For those of you who were getting it on at an early age... how lovely. I imagine such fantasies have fueled a number of hot role playing sessions. 'High School Sleepover' would make for an excellent addition to books of this sort, provided one was pervy and disciplined enough to actually commit such acts to paper!

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Greek Initiation
Author: Phillip Pinnis

I've often wondered about all those fraternity initiation rituals. They seem very homoerotic in nature, as well as borderline psychotic. It's all the nudity and bare butt spanking; not necessarily something that interests me, but I can see the attraction (actually, I love spanking a nice firm ass.) There are one or two gay porn sites that specialize in fraternity hazing. From what I've seen, it involves a lot of drinking, a lot of hoopla regarding taking sexual advantage of a given pledge, proceeded by a couple of the brothers following through with a sort of half-hearted gang bang. From the stills I've seen? Oh, no, honeys - they are not selling it. If there's one thing I loath it is porn that is staged and this sort appears so stilted they should be in a parade.

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Tight-End Ream
Author: Gabe Garrett

Oh, footballers eating ass! That's pretty sexy. I've written quite a bit on this blog, in the past, about my time as a 'football manager' (towel boy.) during my youth. Adored it. Wouldn't change but a couple of things about it. Rather pervy of me to keep those memories going at this age, but, well... we work with what we're given in life, right? This is a great illustration. I would happily inspect all those jock straps... for holes and loss of elasticity! Or at least that's what I used to tell all the boys!

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And that's all for today, my friends.

Next week we will take a look at the next twelve titillating titles.

And keep in mind, we have only 10 weeks to go before moving on to a new imprint.

Thanks for reading.

Big Red (1985)

Big Red (1988)

Big Red (1992)


whkattk said...

I remember that gum. That and Blackjack. Yum.
The titles sound fun.... And I like the cover artwork.

SickoRicko said...

I love the titles and the covers.

Anonymous said...

“Horse Hung” was a personal favorite in the mid-70’s. I had newly come out, and it was still not very easy to get gay porn in Denton, Texas where I was in school. A friend upgraded his stash of paperbacks and I bought four or five from him, one of them being this juicy little story by “Lynn Savage.” Good scenes of young cowboys doing what comes naturally!