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Friday, January 07, 2022

Friday Fun: Celebrate National Bubble Bath Day

Friday Fun: 
Celebrate National Bubble Bath Day
Tomorrow, January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day. 

But why wait to enjoy all that luxurious, steamy fun? 

Go ahead. Pamper yourself, and perhaps that special someone else.

Sink into it. Lather up. Allow your mind (and hands) to wander. 

Drink in the sumptuous feeling of losing yourself in all that delicious, lush warmth .

Go ahead! Dive in, today!

Have a lovely weekend.
Indulge yourself, just a little.
You deserve it!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Splish Splash - Bobby Darin

Splish Splash - Barbra Streisand


Mistress Maddie said...

Just in time too! I just got a bunch of bath bombs for Christmas. Except the Lad won't be here to help sink my battleship.

I love a nice hot bath too. I love how when you get out, your balls are down to your knees.

whkattk said...

I always did love me a nice long, relaxing bubble bath. Extra points for the Bobby Darin and Babs! Kisses!

SickoRicko said...

I had never heard that song by Babs!

BatRedneck said...

To me a bubble bath belongs to one's own personal moments, a time for relaxing alone, not to be confused with pool plays with sexually oriented options.
I consider the discovery of a partner's body - body scents included - way more interesting and arousing prior to a common bath/shower which I would reserve as a final relaxation.
This must be the Neanderthal in me speaking :-)

BrianB said...

Oh my God I remember watching this on Dick Clarks' evening show when I was a little kid! This is literally the first time I've seen it since then! I never lost my lust for Bobby all this time even though back then I was too young to know what it meant, but it felt like lust for sure! All I could think was, what's under that robe! He looked like he'd be so much fun without it!

In a family as big as mine having the bathtub to yourself for any extended length of time was extremely rare but I remember one time having the tub full of bubbles when I was about 8 or 9 and squirming around and having fun but playing that I was Shari Lewis! I guess she was the most feminine person I was aware of at that time!

It was stuff like this that got me through childhood! LOL
