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Monday, January 24, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 84 - HIS69, Part 13 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 84
HIS69, Part 13 of 20

Seven more posts in this series.

The HIS69 imprint remained active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve.

Hard-Ass Hardhat
Author: Len Thomas

Construction workers! They are known for being very handy and good with their hands, but this illustration seems to drive that point home in a whole new, unexpected way! 

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Bangin' Buddies
Author: John Richter

I can't imagine a better kind of buddy. I have not been so blessed, but I have a feeling some of you have! I hit on all the boys on Grindr looking for FWB (Friends With Benefits) and have met a couple of them, but nothing has ever panned out for long. But, I shan't give up. I definitely like the idea of having someone there with a shoulder to cry on and his dick out when you need one. 

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Tailpipe Trucker
Author: Clay Caldwell

Great title and a fun illustration. The artwork has been amazingly consistent, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the publisher. At some point, a book featuring all these drawings was published (see below.) I, for one, would love to get my hands on it and see if there is any info about the illustrator. If you happen to know his name, leave it in the comments section. 

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Rigid And Ready!
Author: Manny DiCarlo

Is there any better way to serve it up?  

Also: alliteration!

Slapping Balls
Author: Thumper Johnson

Great author/title combo. I happen to be a fan of giving a dude's balls a bit of a tap. Especially when they're moaning and whining about coming soon. I'll have none of that. Your dick is in my mouth... you come when I tell you to! As for CBT (Cock & Ball Torture?) - no. Not a fan. Can't recommend it. If you don't know what you're doing, one can really do some serious damage down there. So, if that interests you, do your homework!

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Suck It, Slave
Author: Len Thomas

I tried to be someone's slave once. It got old real fast. You role play that for an hour and, trust me, you're looking at the clock on the wall wondering what it is that you suddenly remembered you have to do or a place you have to be five minutes ago and... will he buy it?

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Big Dick
Author: Peter Pepper

A police detective is known as 'a dick.' But they don't get to wear the cool uniform. They dress in street clothes. So, I'm not understanding this illustration. Don't get me wrong... it's very well done - that is one hot cop (I especially like the way his shirt is falling open with his sleeves rolled.) And the sling of his weapon! And I am not talking about his fire arm... or am I?

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Blow Boy
Author: Samuel West

This illustration clearly indicates which 'boy' pictured is the subject of this book. It's that guiding hand on the back of his neck that gives him away. The story is clear: Dude on the right got invited for a sleepover and dude in the middle discovered Blow Boy's particular talent. Dude in the center is so impressed, he wants to share this gift with his friends. Dude on the left is definitely listening and interested. The question remains... is Blow Boy on board with being pimped out? 

I may have to track this one down to find out.

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Forced Entry
Author: Len Thomas

Oh, bad idea. Forced entry. Can lead to all sorts of problems down the road. And not just for the bottom.  Always use plenty of lube...

And consent! Lots and lots of consent.

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Cocky Cruiser
Author: Ward Michaels

I do believe that confidence is a deciding factor when it comes to cruising. The bold ones? They hit on enough dudes, they will get what they want. That focus, though? It must be spread across a wide field. There's nothing more annoying than the dude who won't take no for an answer or stalks you while you're cruising. That's when cocky cruiser swiftly becomes creepy cruiser.

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Bang The Boy
Author: Larry St. John

The gay community's use of the word 'boy' is somewhat problematic. It certainly is something those opposed to our kind like to seize upon, painting us all as pedophiles. Fact is, the percentage of gay men who are pedophiles is the same percentage found among the straight population - so much for that argument. But our use of the term 'boy' to describe men who are of age seems to give a bit of credence to their odious position. Let me clarify by offering an example: our own Miss Maddie. I have a feeling that if I met them in person, I would have no problem labeling them a boy, even though (I assume) he is well of age. It's more about a quality someone possesses, an energy, or a role one plays. I, personally, know of boys who are well past a certain age, yet continue to pull off the role effortlessly. So... there you go. 

The more you know...
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In Tight Twins
Author: Peter Pepper

Ah, twins. Another gay fantasy trope. The secret life of twins. We always wonder, don't we? I know of ones who despise each other. I know of a pair that are as different as night is from day, though they look identical. And I know there are number of who appear in professional porn. So, in the end, it takes all kinds to make a world, huh? What's your fantasy about twins? 

My favorite twins? The ones that live at The Overlook Hotel.

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And that's all for today, my friends.

Next week we will take a look at the next twelve titillating titles.

And keep in mind, we have only 7 weeks to go before moving on to a new imprint.

Thanks for reading.

BLOW - Ed Sheeran
with Chris Stapleton & Bruno Mars


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

240 titles!
Quite prolific, no? And I'm still loving these covers. I find them quite sensual. Very Tom of Finland.


whkattk said...

The twins at The Overlook are your fav? Oh, my.... LOL.