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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip: Lizzo

Sunday Diva/Three From The Hip:

In my own personal big gay church there are many wings. In one such wing reside those who have forged careers by marching to a beat only they can hear. They are originals - unlike any other. Their styles created archetypes upon which many careers were built, but it all began with them. They created it. They own it.

One such diva?


No mistaking her.

Time Magazine's Entertainer of the Year, 2019.

A little help from Prince, but no, honey... this one? She made it on her own.

She is her own woman.

Her own dynasty.

All hail the new queen!

Fresh. Refreshing. Good for the soul.

This woman is here for the long run and she's got the chops and moves to prove it.

She writes with conviction and a fierceness and truthfulness rarely heard in popular music.

Long may she shine her light. 

Follow her path? You will find salvation.

The gospel according to her?

Here are three from the hip, dropping from her lips.

The topic? Loving Yourself.

"I’m doing this for myself. I love creating shapes with my body, and I love normalizing the dimples in my butt or the lumps in my thighs or my back fat or my stretch marks. I love normalizing my black-ass elbows. I think it’s beautiful."

"Even when body positivity is over, it’s not like I’m going to be a thin white woman. I’m going to be black and fat. That’s just hopping on a trend and expecting people to blindly love themselves. That’s fake love. I’m trying to figure out how to actually live it."

“"t’s like, you’re not gonna wake up and be bigger or smaller or lighter or darker; your hair’s not gonna suddenly grow down past your knees. You’re going to look this way for the rest of your life. And you have to be OK with that."

"I’ve never been ‘sample size.’ I’ll never be ‘sample size’ … And I ain’t ‘plus-sized’ I’m MY SIZE."

"Self-care is in the little moments — bathing, sweating, washing your hair.. it’s in laughing so hard you can barely catch a breath, your lungs expanding on a morning jog… now more than ever we need to enjoy the quiet within ourselves."

"I don’t think that loving yourself is a choice. I think that it’s a decision that has to be made for survival."

Good As Hell - Lizzo

Lizzo - Truth Hurts

Rumors - Lizzo feat. Cardi B.

And one last parting shot...

"I just want everyone to remember if you can love me. You can love yourself. Every single day. If you can love my big black ass at this tiny, tiny little desk, you can love yourself."

1 comment:

Mistress Maddie said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LIZZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!