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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's What's On Your Agenda? Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
What's On Your Agenda? Quiz

Ah, yes... take me through your day. And beyond!

It's quite easy: you can list actual things/events you have to coming up, or what you hope will be taking place.

Ten questions and done. No muss, no fuss. 

Think of this as a 'getting to know more about you' exercise.

Let's begin!  

What's on your agenda...?

1/ This afternoon?

I will be working from home via my work laptop and working on my blog via my personal laptop. I will drop in on The Boyfriend to check on the cats and do a work out in his basement. Back home, I'm back on the laptops until 4:00 pm, at which time I cross the street to visit with my mother. We watch Judge Judy and I quiz her about her day, check to see what needs to be done around her house, and make sure she's eating something relatively healthy for dinner. 

2/ Tonight?

It's my typical Monday-Thursday schedule: I feed the dog, then I start making my dinner while watching Lester Holt on NBC News. After I eat and listen to the local weather, I go back down into my bat cave to play piano. An hour later, I am working on this blog and checking into work to take care of any remaining business or respond to new requests and questions. Then I read a bit before turning out the lights to try and sleep. 

A tad boring. Very predictable. But it suits me these days. 

3/ Tomorrow morning?

Coffee is the thing that motivates me out of bed. I must have it. Especially in winter. Coffee has always struck me as the height of adult activity. And since I like to think of myself as an adult, I make a point of having at least two cups right out the gate. But only two. More, and I become a bit of a prickly pear.

Work begins at 5:30 am. Wednesdays tend to be my quiet day. I get a lot done on the blog and typically catch up with all the blogs I follow, leaving comments. It's become important to me, to remain social (in a way) and part of a community. 

Plain oatmeal with a handful of raisins thrown in. Love it. If I'm not in the mood, I'll simply have a protein drink. 

And then I write. Tap, tap, tap. 

4/ Next week?

Probably won't be any different than my regular winter schedule. I go over to The Boyfriend's house on Friday afternoon and start cleaning. And stay with him until Sunday evening. Love my time there. 

I don't have any appointments next week or special errands. I like uneventful weeks best. Anything out of the norm? Ruffles my feathers. And I'm a bit of a Henny Penny on a good day, so best keep things on an even keel as much as possible. 

Boring? Perhaps. But I'm merely biding my time until summer. Until then...

Don't rock the boat. 

The boat's got enough to deal with, as is.

5/ Next month?

Another birthday. Oh, dear. Is that possible? I'm determined to ignore them as much as I'm able. That number? It has no significance.

I am ageless and evergreen... ain't that right, Babs?

I plan on asking of myself and my body the same things I have come to ask... work out, eat well, limit toxins, everything in moderation. Remain flexible: mind and body. 

And, please, do try to keep a positive outlook, dear.

Nobody likes a gloomy Gus.

(Though I hear he gives great head... just saying!)

Oh. And... Covid-19 willing - I will be spending five nights in Cancun at a ritzy all-inclusive, thanks to my youngest sister. The sister who is a year younger than I will also be going. It's a trip we've been planning - to celebrate our birthdays, but, due to Covid-19, keeps getting pushed out. Well, we're hoping February will be a nice clean month and worry-free. 

One can dream, can't one?

6/ In six months?

I will be parked beneath my favorite oak tree as naked as my surroundings allow, I will take occasional strolls around the perimeter to check what is what, although, these days, all the action is down by the lake. 

Summer. I am in my element. I'm like a pesky, unattractive butterfly flitting from flower to flower. 

No one pays me much attention, so I get to drink it all in like the glutton I am. 

It's far too early to begin pining and white knuckling my way to the season, so, I've said enough. 

Just know that my tan will be spectacular!

7/ Next Year?

I have no idea.

It all depends on Covid-19 and what my work will allow. 

Honestly, I can't imagine another year of hiding out in the bat cave. Or can I? 

It needs a deep clean. And that has to happen sooner than later. 

It also needs a bit of renovation, something that would have been done by now, but every time I find a contractor/handy man I think up to the task, I end up getting foul reports about his work or work ethic, so I stall. 

I will have one less rental house, fingers crossed. We've been selling gradually. The city of Minneapolis has made huge mistakes when it comes to rental properties. Their policies are driving out small businesses like my own, leaving the field to large, out of state, companies. Thing is, they don't care about their properties the way the smaller operators do. And eventually, it will all bite the city in the ass. They're creating future slag holes, right and left. 

Well, they can have it. I have no intention of living out my life here.

8/ Five Years from now?

I will have paid off all The Ex's debt and have no mortgage. 

I will retire. 

I will travel. Big trip. Overseas. By that point it will be my third, as I plan on going to Europe again in 2023 or 2024. I also want to go to a gay clothing-optional resort. Or maybe a gay beach. 

I don't know where I will be living, but it will be a huge transition. Very excited. 

And that's it... that's as far as it goes. 

I am open to whatever comes my way...

9/ What is your agenda?

It's the same one I adopted eight years ago: 

I do my best to play piano, sing, and write music.

I do my best to write. This blog. Or whatever.

I would like to get to those boxes of old writing, but... I also wonder if that's a trap. Maybe new is better? Maybe the past should stay boxed?

I plan on being kinder to people. And myself!

And travel until I have no desire to do so. 

Simple man, simple dreams.

10/ Do you have a hidden agenda? Spill!

I do. Only, it's not all that hidden, as I've started dialogues about it with others.

And it's really quite selfish.

I need my younger sisters to care for my mother. 

Yes, I love my mother, but... I've done enough. It's time someone else take on the responsibility. 

I did all I could for my dad. And I've continued to do so for my mother, but... I constantly wonder what my life might be like if she weren't there, needing all she needs? 

It's not like I don't get to live my life as I wish, I realize that. However, she's getting to be a certain age and I'm tired (as is The Ex) of being the go-to person for everything. 

Is that terrible of me? I love her, but... I need to be independent of her, again.

And, of course, if neither picks up the gauntlet? Well, then it will be on me to soldier on. Though I fear I'm not big enough a person not to let the unfairness of it color my world.   

--- ---

And that's enough of me.

Your turn. You know what to do. Leave your answers in the comments section, or post to your blog and leave a link here. 

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading... and sharing!

My Agenda - Dorian Electra

Agenda - Emma Blackery

Hidden Agenda - Craig David


Mistress Maddie said...

This afternoon? Working at the shop.

Tonight? Dinner at home, blogging, maybe watch a movie.

Tomorrow morning? Ill blog a bit in the morning, them working at the shop.

Next week? Much the same. During this time of pandemic and winter, I get-gotten very routine, and hibernate for the most part. I do do too much on a whim or go out like I used to. But I do get my booster next Friday!!!!!

Next month? Much the same for the most part. I too have a small birthday party to attend.

In six months? Hopfully back outdoors enjoy nature. Glamping and the beaches.

Next Year? I hope I'm back to almost being my social self again and traveling. Although I have learned to say no more so I have time to myself, and no a overcrowded social schedule.

Five Years from now? Oh who knows. Maybe I will have given in and Ill marry Daddy Warbucks, making me Mistress Borghese Warbucks and living in Budapest

What is your agenda? I hope to be back in my field of work sometime soon and look for a two-bedroom apartment in my area. I do think an extra room would be nice.

Do you have a hidden agenda? Spill! Nope not really. The only thing hidden might be once my little family like my mother uncle and other aunt is all passed on I have considered moving to the west coast in CA. But not sure, I love me my change of seasons.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, hello Craig David.
And as for my agenda, I may need to make a post about it! LOL
But I can tell you that today I was supposed to go back to work but they moved the date for next Monday. Today and tomorrow I'll have to scratch all my prep and change dates on EVERYTHING I planned. Yep. A bitch.
And we'll have to celebrate your bday! Woot woot.
I traveled to see my sister but the stress was way too much. I don't think I'd like to travel again soon. But going to a ritzy all-included would make me brave airports, that's for sure.
In five years? I'm with you. I hope I can travel internationally by then...


whkattk said...

Agendas? Plans? Not an abundance of either, I'm afraid. This afternoon will be preparing to prepare dinner. Tonight will be a couple of TV shows (This Is Us, New Amsterdam). Tomorrow I will stick to my routine: Blog rounds and then working on my own. Next week, sadly, will simply be a repeat. Seems that's how things keep going in these years of pandemic. Same for next month. Six months? Well, we are trying to plan a trip to Death Valley to look at and photograph the Milky Way (a trip that kept getting postponed). Next year, if the Rethugs win in Nov, we'll be living on Bonaire. In 5 years? Living the life of Riley.
No agenda, really. Just keep on keeping on.

SickoRicko said...

This afternoon I will try to track down the special food for my 17-year-old cat. Supply shipments, ya know...