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Monday, January 31, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 85 - HIS69, Part 14 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 85
HIS69, Part 14 of 2

And the countdown continues... Six more posts for this imprint. The HIS69 imprint remained active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve.

Note: These titles were published in 1976.

Teenage '69 Memoirs
(Second Printing)
Author: Curt MacLean

A rare reprinting for this imprint. Oh, all of these books would reappear eventually, with the original artwork intact under the Manpower imprint. But this is actually a second printing of HIS6927, with altered artwork. Whether book two gets a second wind, we'll have to wait to see.

Oh, my! Full wiener alert! How rare.

(First Printing)

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Hung Straight
Author: Stuart Rowen

I like mine with a bit of a curve, thank you very much.

Oh, hell, who am I kidding? I'll take 'em as I find 'em. (Can't afford to be picky.)

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Tied Chicken
Author: Franz George

The concept that just keeps on giving.  I've noticed that when these books come up for resale on eBay, any title containing the word 'chicken' goes for quite a bit more than the average. That's true of anything related to wrestling and cops, too. Well, everybody's got to have their peccadillo of choice,  now don't they?

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Blow The Horn
Author: Scott McBride

Is this about band camp? I imagine the tuba player to be the one to give the sloppiest blow jobs. Or a trombone player. And, while it may tickle the fancy of some, I don't think I want someone who plays the oboe anywhere near my man package. Though, I get it. Some prefer a really tight fit. 

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Hot, Hunky Cruiser
Author: Len Thomas

I love the myth vs. the reality of cruising. Pictured is what you hope to come upon. However, the reality is... well, let's suffice to say that THAT is not what you come upon. Not literally or figuratively. And still, we put ourselves out there. Why? It's the thrill of the hunt. The one time you do come upon something like that pictured is enough to keep you coming back again and again. Hey, you do it long enough and the odds are eventually in your favor! Happy hunting!
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Ream The Team!
Author: Ward Michaels

This one was up for auction on eBay just two weeks ago. It went for $20.50 - a real bargain. There's another in this series, entitled Pin That Sucker. It was up for auction at the same time. That title? It fetched $80.00! So, you never know. When a collector sees something that he absolutely needs to complete his collection, he will go to great lengths to secure it. Me? I am not collecting this imprint, although I am devoted to collecting three other imprints. Time will tell if I succeed. 

As for those boys pictured? Well, I think their both winning, don't you?

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Prison Pluggers
Author: Larry St. John

If you thought the whole fantasy of prison sex was something invented in the 1980's, you've got another thing coming. This, like truckers and cops, is a very popular gay trope. But some things should remain a fantasy. The reality of prison sex is something I hope never to experience. 

I happen to like my teeth.

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Coach's Big Jock
Author: Newt Jennings

So, does the title reference the coach's favorite athlete or the size of the coach's jock strap?

Either way, he's an athletic supporter.

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Hot Butt Eager
Author: Peter Pepper

This title sounds like the shortest gay personal ad ever placed.

Short and to the point.

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Chicken Trainer
Author: Lyle Jennings

I have heard that chickens are very smart. An article from February of 2018 stated: "From anticipating future events to recalling the trajectory of a hidden object, chickens are incredibly smart. They even possess self-control, holding out for a better food reward, and can assess their own position in the pecking order - both characteristics of self-awareness."

The more you know!

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Cock-Eyed Cruiser
Author: Thumper Johnson

I think their definition of cock-eyed, in this context, is much different than Webster's Dictionary.

Maybe they we're using Webster's Dick-tionary?

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Tricking The Chicken
Author: Samuel West

Again, I would like this imprint to define its terms. I mean there is tricking someone, as in fooling them into doing something. Or there is tricking, which is when you hook-up with someone for mutual sexual pleasure. Give this imprint's history... I think I am going with the latter.

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And that's all for today, my friends.

Next week we will take a look at the next twelve titillating titles.

And keep in mind, we have only 6 weeks to go before moving on to a new imprint.

Thanks for reading.

Come Blow Your Horn - Frank Sinatra and Tony Bill


whkattk said...

Full-frontal on the front cover? That must've been VERY rare for those days.

Change, "This one time, at band camp..." to "Every night, at band camp...."

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Wait, those first two are totally different?
And I love the beefy guys in the illustrations. And Ream the Team away!