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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's Years, My Dears! Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's
Years, My Dears Quiz

"Time, time, time
See what's become of me
While I looked around for my possibilities..."

Ten easy questions... well, they do require a bit of soul searching on your part, but they are straightforward, so don't worry... you've got this!

I kept it positive - I only want to hear about the good stuff (well, mostly.)

I know I didn't delve too far into history... but you? Delve away, dear ones.

Don't worry.... you'll get through these in no time. (Hee, hee...)

1/ Favorite hour of your average day?

Definitely morning... I think from 6:00 -7:00 am. I am up and working by 5:30, but don't get to really stretch into my day until about 6:00. I love my morning coffee. I like the dark. I like sitting alone in silence. I typically write during this time, getting lost in my thoughts, allowing it all to spill out onto the screen of my laptop. I lose all track of time, though I am also monitoring my work laptop at the same time for any developments or needs. 

I like the dark and the quiet. It suits me as much as the prairie, the sun, and my favorite oak tree in summer. A bit of a contrast, but then we are all something of a paradox, don't you agree?

2/ Favorite day of the week?

I enjoy Fridays year 'round. First, they are my short day at work; I'm typically done with my work week by 10:00 am. Second, it means I get to go stay at The Boyfriend's house and be surrounded by our diverse collection of cats. And, in summer, it takes on a special significance, because that is the day I get to spend, good weather provided, at my beloved prairie. 

Yes, I've already begun my annual pining/whining for all things outdoors. Seems the older I get, the less I tolerate winter, as in, I don't want to be out in it. Those who love skiing and ice skating and the like? Good for you. I will be happily seated indoors, wrapped in homemade quilts, sipping a hot beverage, waiting for the day the earth re-tilts and all this horrid snow melts away.

3/ Favorite day of the year?

This is a tough one. I love the holiday season. 

But can't say that Xmas Day or New Year's Eve are the pinnacles of that whole experience. 

I enjoy Valentine's day because, not only is it a pretty holiday, but it's also my birthday.

But I think my favorite day is actually April 1st. No, I'm not a 'fool' for April Fool's Day. Rather, its about the promise of spring. Yes, it seems my whole life is about waiting for the big thaw. I want warmth/heat and green spaces. 

Why I live in Minnesota? 

Well, family. Trust me, if I could convince them and there was such a place, I'd be living where winter lasts the month of December, with spring happening on the first of the year!

4/ Favorite month?


The heat. The sun. The lack of clothing. 

Others complain. 

Never, I. Bring it on, I say. 

5/ Favorite year you have lived?

This is a tough one. But, I am going to pick either 2008, the year I finally graduated from college with a business degree - no one saw that coming. It helped me get my current job, which all these years later continues to support me and help make my life a lot easier. 

My other choice is 2013. I met The Boyfriend. And, while it was not easy, I know, for once in my life, I absolutely made the right choice. I think the road I was on at the time was not a healthy one and I rather fear what would have transpired had I not separated from The Ex. I love them both. They put up with me, which is a lot to ask from time to time.  

6/ Favorite year in all of history?

I'm sure there are a lot more important years, but I am going to choose 2008. I know... selfish. But hear me out... 

Not only was it a great year for me, it was the year Obama was elected president of the United States. It also marks the unraveling of the disguise America had been wearing since day one. We now are aware of the truth - a truth no one spoke about; it wasn't taught in our schools then, and now, that same truth is being buried by school boards throughout the land. We are squatters. We are pirates. We are kidnappers. We are thieves. We are liars. We're terrible. 

This country was founded on crimes against humanity. 

The only thing we ever did right was WWII - and we can't stop patting ourselves on the back for that one enough, am I right? Ugh.

I remember being taught that Australia was founded by convicts and oh, what a terrible country! Ha! They have nothing on the US. Our sense of entitlement and superiority  is based on lies, hate and committing crimes. No wonder the rest of the world hates us. I now understand and I know we can't make it right, but we can fix it. 

That all began with the election of Obama. The racists, the bigots, the far right? They lost their shit and have been in overdrive ever since. The thing is, their initial disgust actually exacerbated the uncloaking of the hateful country we live in. It's like when that person we all know goes from being passive aggressive (well, bless your heart,) to full on aggressive.  No. It's not pleasant. 

But it did expose a lot of truths.

And I, for one... have always enjoyed living truth over living a lie. 

Thanks, Obama!

7/ Favorite decade you have lived.

I should say the 2000's, but nope. It's the seventies! 

They were awesome. I mean, not for me, personally, but, culturally, what a strange ass time. Look at where the world was at the beginning and then look at where we ended up. 

The musical journey alone was worth the price. 

What a great time to be an adult. 

Of course, there were no laptops, no cell phones, no internet.... 

Typing on a typewriter? Sucked.

But there was sugar pop, bubblegum pop, power pop, new wave, disco, punk, heavy metal, funk... etc. 

The bi-centennial, Nixon, Carter, evangelicals, Streisand, drive in movie theatres, inflation, gas shortages, racism, gay liberation, black power, women's lib, Roe vs. Wade, the golden age of porn. 

We were naïve and hopelessly delusional, and ignorantly happy.

Smiley faces. Pet Rocks, peace symbols, Keep On Truckin', elephant bells, polyester...

That is a trade off I am willing to live with. 

I hated what was coming in the next decade, but... we didn't know, now did we?

8/ Favorite era, during which you wish you'd been alive.

Wow. So, I would have been a peasant. Or a farmer, at best. Maybe I could have become a household servant?

If you were rich? It's a whole different story.

I am going with Paris in the 1920's. 

I would do the most outrageous things and dance, dance, dance!

Imagine the people I would ingratiate myself upon. 

(Back then, I might pass for clever. And that was enough to open a few doors.)

9/ A moment in your life you wish you could relive just as it was.

The day I met The Boyfriend. 

I had no idea. 

I remember seeing him at the register of the coffee shop we'd agreed to meet at. So out of my league. I assumed he would lay eyes on me and turn tail. 

Instead, two and a half hours of conversation zoomed by at lightening speed with so much laughter and agreement. 

I remember as I was walking to my car after having said our good-byes... "Oh boy, this one is gonna cause some trouble."

And he did. 

And we're all the better for it. 

10/ A moment in your life you wish you could relive and change everything.

I've made so many mistakes. Stupid choices. Regrettable. 

Or not. 

I don't regret anything. Even the really, really horrible stuff. It got me here, and I like 'here.' 

If I were to relive one thing... I would never have treated my partner Josh in such a careless manner. He was such a good man. And, at the time, I was too busy naval gazing and preoccupied with all things 'me' to appreciate him, or see him for who he was. I chose badly. I behaved selfishly. I was myopic and ungrateful. I couldn't see the life he'd created - for me, out of nothing. And I casually threw it all away. Stupidly. Arrogantly. 

I can't imagine what he thought of me. We remained friends. I visited him in Seattle about eight months before his death. I never owned my shit, though I do remember apologizing - although, there was a lot more I should have apologized for, things I was unware of at the time. 

I don't know that I could change the outcome of anything, but... I do wish I'd been more honest with him. Had, during our last visit, owned up to what an ungrateful shit I'd been. 

For both our sakes. 

He should have died knowing that the world thought the world of him. 

--- ---

Okay. Enough of me.

Your turn. Do your thing. Explain your answers, or not. But leave them in the comments section or post on your blog and leave a link here. 

Until next time...

Thanks for reading... and sharing.

Reelin' In The Years - Steely Dan

Time (Clock Of The Heart - Culture Club


Bob said...

1/ Favorite hour of your average day?

Morning, when it’s quiet and
A new day has dawned. It felt like a do-over.

2/ Favorite day of the week?

I think Thursdays because it begins a three-day-weekend, and I look forward to an end of week celebration.

3/ Favorite day of the year?

Thanksgiving weekend. It’s a time to be with family and friends and just relax and unwind and laugh and share a meal and a cock-a-tail.

4/ Favorite month?
April. Spring. Renewal. Also, it’s the month I met Carlos and life changed.

5/ Favorite year you have lived?

2000. I met Carlos online, and then took a leap of faith and met him in person. Then another leap of faith and moved 3,000 miles away to be with him.

6/ Favorite year in all of history?

I like your answer, but didn’t want to steal it, and then I remember 2012, the year Obama was reelected. There was thought that he would lose and I remember staying up for the results and when they called it for Obama, I literally got out of my chair and cheered, and then cried a little and then cheered some more.
Second fave? 2020. Biden of Thing 45.

7/ Favorite decade you have lived.
The Coming Out 80s when I felt like my true self, every day and everywhere.

8/ Favorite era, during which you wish you'd been alive.
New York. The 1930s. Jazz and Blues. Billie Holiday.

9/ A moment in your life you wish you could relive just as it was.

Coming out to my parents and having my father—my mother, as most mothers, already “knew”—tell me that he loved me.

10/ A moment in your life you wish you could relive and change everything.
I’d say none, because even as bad-difficult-challenging as some times might be, it’s made me who I am, and brought me to where I am, today. I have no regrets, though I do shudder over some past choices, but here I am, still kicking and breathing and laughing and loving, so it’s all good.

Mistress Maddie said...

I'm only surprised I don't have a clock that says I love cock yet.

Favorite hour of your average day? 11pm-3am. I will and always be a nocturnal person.

Favorite day of the week? Fridays. Always have, even when if Im not working that day.

Favorite day of the year? Thanksgiving Day

Favorite month? I think it's June or July also. Much for the same reasons.

Favorite year you have lived? I don't think I have one, although it's not the last two I can tell you that.

Favorite year in all of history? Again, I don't think I have one.

Favorite decade you have lived. I'd have to say 90s into the early 2000s If I could remember!!!!

Favorite era, during which you wish you'd been alive. Edwardian.

A moment in your life you wish you could relive just as it was. The Orient Express trip.

A moment in your life you wish you could relive and change everything. When I met the second live in boyfriend. I would have avoided meeting him at all.

whkattk said...

1. Oh, I think I'm right with you. Early morning, as the sun peeks over the horizon. it's (usually) quiet and peaceful.
2. Since (forced) retirement they days just kind of blend together.
3. The first day (usually early May) I can jump into the pool and float around. otherwise, it June 21st for the long sunlight hours.
4. Yeah. July. The warmth, the sun. The lounging naked.
5. Gonna sound ridiculous.... But 1993-into 1994. Babs in her first concert in 27 years and a job doing something I enjoyed.
6. Can't choose.
7. Probably the 80s. Single for most of the decade, I explored myself and discovered who I am.
8. The era of the literary giants gathering in their favorite watering holes - whether that was NYC or Paris.
9. Finally getting the fuck out from under my father's fists.
10. Throwing away a career for the first wife. That was utterly stupid. I should've taken the assignment --- the career went down the drain and the marriage ended 18-months later, anyway.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG and you start this with The Bangles and end with Culture Club? I LOVE THOSE SONGS!
Oh well. And I'm going to steal these questions, dear Upton. You do have the best quizzes!



BrianB said...

1/ Favorite hour of your average day? 10-11 pm when I get in bed and it's quiet and I read a little bit from a magazine or a book before going off to sleep.

2/ Favorite day of the week? Friday, the end of the work week and the beginning of time for myself and friends and family.

3/ Favorite day of the year? It used to be Thanksgiving but I manage a gift store and with Black Friday and Small Business Saturday that weekend, I need quiet on Thanksgiving Day. So, it's Christmas Day when I am with my brother and his family and it's nice being part of the noise and activity.

4/ Favorite month? December. I do like winter and even though it's crazy busy at work I love to come home and enjoy the Christmas decorations and if it's snowing at night, sit and watch it from the window.

5/ Favorite year you have lived? 1972. I left home on the farm to move to Pittsburgh and go to art school. First time on my own and learning about who I am. The year I started to grow up.

6/ Favorite year in all of history? Maybe 1953, the year I was born? Or because I love old movies 1938.

7/ Favorite decade you have lived? The 70's. For all the reasons you listed and also Art School, coming out, Bowie, disco, starting work as an illustrator. My parents understanding that I could stand on my own 2 feet.

8/ Favorite era, during which you wish you'd been alive. Hollywood in the 40's. Working in a studio art department or stage sets. Entertaining soldiers and sailors.

9/ A moment in your life you wish you could relive just as it was. Two moments that are tied together. In 1974 I saw David Bowie for the first time during the Diamond Dog tour. I did a drawing of him and a friend who met his hairdresser during the tour convinced me to show up at the stage door the night of the show and give Mr. Bowie the drawing. I didn't meet Mr. Bowie but gave the drawing to his assistant Coco at the stage door. I was relieved to find out I wasn't going to meet him because I was way too nervous.

In 2018, at the "David Bowie Is" travelling museum exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum, they added fan art to the show. I found out my art was going to be in the show when I saw a picture of it in the article about the show in the NY Times. 44 years and a week after I gave him the art, I was reunited with it at the show for a few minutes. I never dreamed he'd keep it, I figured it would be given away because who was going to lug it around on a tour? I'd love to see the art again.

10/ A moment in your life you wish you could relive and change everything. Leaving Seattle to move to New Jersey and jump start my career. I was working as a retail illustrator and that world was disappearing fast and sure enough, I was let go of my job with a store in Seattle. I was doing OK freelancing but felt like I was walking without a net after working full time drawing over 20 years, so I left for the big city in my mid 40's to start over. The biggest mistake was leaving all my support in Seattle and going someplace where I knew no one. It didn't work out and I moved back to my hometown. I have found my place here and have a good job, but I am still paying for what I did leaving Seattle without a plan.

I really enjoy reading these quizzes and peoples responses. I have tried to respond a couple times to these but as you can see, I get way too wordy!
