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Monday, January 17, 2022

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 83 - HIS69, Part 12 of 20

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 83
HIS69, Part 12 of 20

Eight more posts in this series.

Today's is a bit more exciting than the others, because the covers featured today display a major change in the imprint's cover art.

The HIS69 imprint remained active from 1971 thru 1988, delivering an astounding 240 titles. Surrey House, Inc. / Surree Ltd, Inc. of San Diego and Santee, California are responsible for this imprint which was distributed by the same company as Trojan Books, Manhard Books, Gay Books and Gay Way Books; the Zorro Distribution Company, also operating out of San Diego.

It should be noted that many of these titles, with original artwork included, were simultaneously republished under the Gay Books imprint and then, later, minus the artwork, were also republished under the ManPower imprint.

The artwork for the HIS69 books would go through only two minor shifts with all the covers featuring ink drawings by various uncredited illustrators - artwork quite similar to what we saw with the Manhard imprint.

Note the 'Illustrated' banner that suddenly began to appear in the upper left corner of the covers. I am not sure if those illustrations are photos or more drawings, as I have yet to purchase one with that on the cover. These are the only four covers to feature such a banner. After these four, the word 'Illustrated' would appear in the upper part of the covers outer border frame.

The other change you'll find, today, is much more dramatic. Apparently the company was not generating enough profit, so, first, there was price hike from $1.95 to $2.25. Then, in order to reduce the amount of ink being used on the covers and back covers, they altered the design. Gone is the 'pill' window and the black surround. It's been replaced by a colored 'tongue' which contains the book's title with a white surround and a tinted border frame.

The pencil/ink drawings remain and the cover color from this point on will change every four books.

Here are the next twelve titles. This week, once again, I was able to track down all twelve, although one of them required a bit of additional digging.

Cream Of Chicken
Author: Samuel West

A truly cringeworthy title.  It makes me think of only one thing...

Campbell's condensed soup is so gross. 

--- ---

The Male-Man's Bag
Author: Rod Hammer

Hey there, wait a minute Mr. Postman... 

I must say, here in my neighborhood, we sure go through postmen. No, they're not all men, but the ones that are sure get my attention. I especially love summer, when you get to see their legs. Those men have calves to die for. 

As to the reason for the fast turnover? I hear it's because some troll in the neighborhood keeps staring at them, giving them the creeps. 

Some bitches got no class, I tell ya!

--- ---

Fast, Hard Trucker
Author: Ed Grosshammer

Ah, truckers. The American road warriors! The other day I was complaining about putting up with big semis passing one another on 94 to Madison, WI. My brother-in-law pointed out that they knew what they were doing: while highways are a matter of convenience for the average citizen, for truck drivers? It's their office. And it's poor form to go into someone's office, uninvited, and try and tell them how to run their business. 

I still find their presence inconvenient, but I do have a lot more appreciation for what they do and put up with when dealing with the average driver. As a matter of fact, I would happily show my appreciation to a number of them at the next rest stop, but they never follow!

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Author: Peter Pepper

Having ridden many a tongue, I must say - now listen up, skanks! - you must be prepared at all times.

Always travel with wet wipes. After all...

You never know when you're gonna have to feed a starving man!

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Trucker's Chicken
Author: Rod Hammer
New cover design, same old trick. 

Well, based on the book's title, not that old (but hopefully old enough!) Eek!

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Big Jock
Author: Peter Pepper

Strange. Big jock? Not a jock strap in sight. 

Me? I'm just a sucker for a man in a jock strap.

I like the classics. BIKE brand with the ribbed pouch. Not exactly flattering for certain body types or men of a certain age, but... worn with confidence? It'll do the trick... so to speak.

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The Cops Are Comin'!
Author: Newt Jennings

I like the style of that arresting officer!

Gee, none of the ones who put the cuffs on me were kind enough to remove their clothing!

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Down, Boy!
Author: Samuel West

Huh. The prone figure appears a bit stocky for this imprint. I like it. 

That command. Very dog-like. 

I've never understood the whole men as dogs comparison. And I'm not talking about pup play. "Men are such dogs!" What does that mean? Born to pee outside? Enjoys marking territory? Likes to lay in the sun? I'm not seeing it. 

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Gang-Bang Boy
Author: Thumper Johnson

I see these videos on-line on occasion. I find the studio versions to be rather antiseptic and boring, but the amatuer ones! Sure, the camera work and editing is crap, and I'm fairly certain we are looking at someone who is well acquainted with Tina (that bitch!), but reality is far sexier than a bunch of gym bunnies standing around waiting to get their turn.

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Pin That Sucker!
Author: James Duncan

I do wish I'd gone out for wrestling in high school. How I would have explained away all my awkward erections, I have no idea. But something tells me the coach would have understood, if my practice partner did not.

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Bathroom Buddies
Author: Samuel West

How I miss those days spent in a bathroom wall peaking through the door crack at the men lined up a the urinals. Looking back, it was quite a waste of time, but it was a lot like fishing... you had to leave your pole in the water for a long time if  you wanted to catch a fish.


Caught me some big ones!

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Chicken Lickin'
Author: Jennings Newt

What an odd thing to do. Licking chicken? Fried chicken? And then putting it back on the platter? Disgusting practice. The Colonel would not approve! Although far wore sins are committed at your average KFC, trust me.

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And that's all for today, my friends.

Next week we will take a look at the next twelve titillating titles.

And keep in mind, we have only 10 weeks to go before moving on to a new imprint.

Thanks for reading.

Truck Drivin' Son Of A Gun - Dave Dudley


whkattk said...

Some interesting artwork.... I'd be curious to know what the "illustrated" means, too. I hope you'll share with us if/when you get one.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Loving the illustrations. So HAWT!
I find beefcake in illustrations quite titillating.

And was Dave Dudley his REAL name? Really?