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Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Wonderland Burlesque's 10 States of Mind Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's
10 States of Mind Quiz

Time to take your emotional/psychological temperature.

It's quite simple. I've chosen ten states of mind... what evokes these feelings in you these days?

Be as brief as you like...  

Let's dive in.

1/ What makes you... Hopeful?

The new year... why not hope for the best?

Also that spring will be here in four months. I simply need to keep my head down, my spirits up, and hold on like Wilson Phillips.

2/ What makes you... Wistful?

Winter trees. So fragile against the grey sky, surrounded in snow. They hold such promise. I think it rather sad they must sleep. They look so lonely. Desolate.

And dusk. Each day. I see the day fade away and wonder what more I could have made of it. 

3/ What makes you... Joyful?

The cats. I just love them. I enjoy talking to them and playing with them and watching them.

They are the greatest comfort.

4/ What makes you... Boastful?

The only thing that makes me feel boastful is that I've managed to not get Covid-19. I've tried to do all the right things, limiting risks whenever possible. But it also makes me anxious, because that could all change in the blink of an eye.

5/ What makes you... Fearful?

The 2022 Mid-Terms. What a circus. I can't believe common sense doesn't rule this planet. We're a few seats away from a fascist regime. That the orange ogre is still looming large and has his freedom? A travesty. 

6/ What makes you... Beautiful?

Back lighting and a bit of Vaseline on the camera lens.

And The Boyfriend... he always makes me feel beautiful.

7/ What makes you... Mournful

A world without Betty White. But she had a lovely run. 

And the state of our so-called democracy. Caught us by surprise? Hmm?

8/ What makes you... Grateful

My family. The Boyfriend, the cats, my dog, The Ex, my Mom, my two sisters and one brother-in law.

We really shore each other up, keep one another afloat. It's my community. Very small, but very dedicated.  

9/ What makes you... Peaceful

Reading. Give me a book and I am moved beyond this world. I love losing myself in the words someone else committed to paper. I am forever awed by their dedication, no matter the quality. 

10/ What makes you... Fanciful

I fancy myself a person who writes music, plays the piano and sings a bit. That's pretty fanciful once reality seeps in - a bit jarring, for sure.

I also fancy myself to be a writer, although most days I feel like nothing more than someone clever enough to move words around. 

And my martini glass. It's a thing of beauty and when I hold it I feel like I've arrived and am the classiest dame in the room!

--- ---

Well, those are my thoughts for today. Your turn!

Leave your answers in the comments section or post on your own blog and leave a link here. 

Thanks for reading... and sharing!

Winter Trees - The Staves

Winter Tree - Renaissance


Mistress Maddie said...

I loved your answers! It seems I will have some upheaval coming but knowing I got through it before makes me hopeful.

What makes you... Wistful? Always nature.
What makes you... Joyful? the dogs, and the dogs at the BCASPCA
What makes you... Boastful? The same as yours, I think. And barely ever being sick just in general

What makes you... Fearful? The elections and the current conditions of the country.

What makes you... Beautiful? I like to think my openness and nonjudgmental personality. And like you, lots of Vaseline helps.

What makes you... Mournful. The loss of my aunt and a friend recently.

What makes you... Grateful? Friends, family, the dogs, nature and being in it.

What makes you... Peaceful. Winter candlelit evenings.

What makes you... fanciful? Donning a huge wig and getting into drag.

whkattk said...

Hopeful - Looking forward to Summer.
Wistful - Remembering things like times with friends.
Joyful - Time on a beach (naked, of course).
Boastful - I have a very tough time boasting about anything that has to do with me. I boast of other's accomplishments.
Fearful - The state of this country. The upcoming midterms that will find the rethuglicans in power from local to federal.
Beautiful - Perhaps my personality.
Grateful - The wife.
Peaceful - Music. Give me Babs on the stereo and I'm calm.
Fanciful - Actually seeing my work, either in print or on the stage.