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Monday, December 04, 2023

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 176 - Black Knight Classics, Pt. 2 of 4

Acquired Tastes XLIII
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 176
Black Knight Classics
Pt. 2 of 4
Today, we take a second look at the Guild Press imprint, Black Knight Classics.

As per usual, very little is known about the publisher.

All of the titles are attributed to anonymous authors, most likely due to the censorship laws in place at the time.

The publisher, Guild Press Ltd., operated out of Washington D.C. and had several imprints. Under this imprint, they published 39 titles 1969-1970.

Black Knight Classics were distributed by Potomac News Corporation which had a post office box at Benjamin Franklin Station in Washington D.C. 20044 - P.O. Box 7410.

They use the pamphlet form, which means the books are folded and stapled in the middle and lack a spine. Originally $1.95, they would eventually raise the price to $2.25.

There is no numbering system, so no way to determine what order they were published. I have listed the books in the order they appear on Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List, no matter the year of publication.

The covers are all the same: Gray background with black picture frame border featuring the Black Knight Classics distinctive knight on horseback logo. Bonus points for creative use of fonts! In red.

Some of the titles were also published by Monkey Publications and Centaur Publications - but, because they were sometimes published the same year, it's hard to say who got there first. That said, all the books claim to be copyrighted.

Note: This imprint seems to specialize storylines about underage boys and their early sexual explorations. 

And that's all I have on them. If you know anything more about Guild Press - and we will be getting to their other imprint soon - please leave the info in the comments section. I'm always excited to learn more about these slices of gay history.

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 Bail Out
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

According to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List, this one is about the "survivors of a plane crash at sea ­ strong development between an enlisted man and an officer."

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 Boys & Their Male Lovers
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

Something a bit different for this imprint; an illustrated storybook! Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List describes this one as, "large, stapled, photographically illustrated." Note the uptick in price.

This is an advertisement for said title.

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 The Boys of Muscle Beach
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight

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A Crack in the Wall
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight

 According to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List, this one is the "story of a young man who peers into the bathroom of his rooming house to see the teenage boys who also live there experimenting with each other and later the voyeur finally decides to participate."

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Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

According to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List, this one is about a "teenage motorcycle gang."

Available as a downloadable PDF or ebook at Hommi Publishing.

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 The Hitchhiker
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

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 I Found What I Wanted
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

 From Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List: "Bill Jones-our happy horny freshman says 'if you’re gay it must be natural even if society doesn’t approve of it.' In the end all the hot action makes the reader wonder whether there are any straights left."

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 It’s So Hard
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

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 Ken Babcock’s Cherry
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

According to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List, this one is about "15 year-old Ken’s adventures."

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The Lifeguard / A Night to Remember
Author: Anonymous
Black Knight Classics

According to Hommi Publishing's Big Ass List, this one contains "two short stories previously sold underground about a lifeguard & teenage sexual appetites."

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And that's all for now.

Next week: Ten more tantalizing titles from Black Knight Classics.

Until then...

Thanks for reading!

So Hard - Pet Shop Boys


whkattk said...

The thing that jumps right out at me is the D.C. address and the publisher's apparent lifting of the middle finger to obscenity laws. Love it.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I LOVE the PSBs!!!!!
And what happened to the sexy covers? The only one is The Boys with a pic???


Xersex said...

Gang bang makes me smile!