Weekend Onesies:
Christmas Is Such A Drag!
Tree up? Got your dress? A trip to the beauty parlor and you are all set to get your polaroid on!
And why go at all, unless you go big? Big hair. Big curls. Bright colors. Sparkle pretty, baby.
Remember... you're competing with that damn Christmas tree.
You can win this one, hon. A little fur trim. A feather boa. Sequins. A pair of cha cha heels.
And don't go easy on the make-up. They sell it in certain quantities, so think of that tube of lipstick as a single-use size.
Take risks, be bold. The baby jeebus didn't get born in a damn cow barn just so you could half-ass it, dear.
Yes, do it up right.
Because after all... Christmas is such a drag!
However you choose to celebrate... do it with style.
Who knows? One day, your holiday moment...
Could end up living on the internet forever!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
Dressing For The Holidays - SNL
It's hard to believe that women actually dressed like that.
Les Belles de Noël.
Leurs coiffeurs et leurs robes sont aussi élaborées que leurs arbres de Noël.
Vive la 1960's !
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