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Monday, December 21, 2020

Acquired Tastes XLIII: Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 30 - Brandon House Books / 3 of 4

Acquired Tastes XLIII: 
Gay Pulp Fiction, Part 30
Brandon House Books / 3 of 4

This is the third of four posts dedicated to Brandon House Books.

Brandon House published works between 1935 and 2007 (the ones shown here - 1967 & 1968) and were one of the three largest adult publishers in the late 1960s. You can learn a lot more about them, including an inside look at how they conducted business, in my previous post, the first in this series of four.

Here are 11 more great titles...

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The Naive Homosexual
Author: Phil Michaels

Phil Michaels only has two books to his name, this and Whip Song, published by the folks at Command Books.

This title. Could be my autobiography. But then, that is true of so many of us clueless sorts. Well, at least he's wearing some fabulous pants! I bet Miss Maddie would kill in those slacks.
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Two Gay Sleuths
Author: H.R. Kaye

H.R. Kaye has nine titles to his credit - three of which are shown here. All are gay-oriented except for one missive published by Brandon Books, The Maid. Here's it's tagline: "Devastating in its compulsion to hold the reader in horror... in the classic tradition of The Servant... a shocking story of sexual maladjustment wherein an entire household is destroyed by one person. 

Pity she didn't work at the White House during the last four years. 

Although, that group seems to have done a great job all on their own.

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Author: James Colton
"He'd been beaten and robbed, left naked to die in a dirty alleyway. Whether or not to go back and learn the truth... or give in to the love of a young man... became his terrifying..."

We learned all about Mr. Colton (Joseph Hansen) last week.  

So that person who controlling people on a string... male or female? I am thinking female... those lashes, those eyebrows. ?

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The Psalm of Sodomy
Author: George Anthony

George Anthony has three credits, all published by Brandon Books. Two are listed here. The other, we took a look at last week.

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The Flesh Mast
Author: Rod Sawyers

Rod Sawyers has six novels to his credit, three of which you may have seen when we were taking a look at Greenleaf Classic's offerings.

This title. SMH 

Hath they no shame? (Well, of course not. They're trying to sell dirty books.)

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The Hitchhiker
Author: H.R. Kaye
"The hitchhiker seemed to loom up from the night itself, but then he was in the car, manipulating Arnold's life - urging it to mayhem, crime, and unthinkable sex."

Really? Unthinkable? Then how is it I think about it 24/7? And am I alone? Oh, hell no. 

So, they say picking up hitchhikers is a dangerous proposition. And.. if you've ever seen the film with Rutgar Hauer? You know exactly what 'they' are talking about. 

Poor, Jennifer Jason Leigh!

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The Anal Compulsion in Homosexuality
Author: Victor J. Samuels
# 6015
"An understanding and comprehensive study that reveals - at last - the secrets of the sexual underworld!"

Butt lust. This a book about butt lust. Poking holes. Going in through the out door. 

Maybe they eat it, too. I dunno. 

Been so long. 

I done forgot.

(I gotta get vaccinated, so I can refresh my memory!) 

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The Perverted Triangle
Author: H.R, Kaye
"Jack was safely entrenched with his transvestite lover, but he couldn't stay away from being a peeping tom..."

So, if this book sounds familiar... that is because it is the same plot in at least two other titles in this genre that I have come across. They have different titles... but that same tagline. The others, the 'Jack' character is involved with a woman, but can't help but peep in windows to watch men. 

By the way... the author is most famous for A Place in Hell, which is 
an autobiography of Wild Bill Henderson - a member of the Hell's Angels motorcycle gang. Published by Holloway Books in 1968, it caused quite a sensation, as it detailed all the drugs and sex going on in the organization. Sort of an insiders look? It sold a lot of copies. Mostly at truck stops!

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My Boy, My Lover
Author: Harry Paul
"Rome is the city of lovers. To Peter, it also meant a succession of young, willing boys..."

Oh, this? This doesn't sound pedo at all.

Although, come to think of it... this is how George Rekers travels. 

Go on. 

Google him. 

I'll wait...

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Mother's Fruit
Author: George Anthony

Why, I do believe this is a biography about George Rekers!

Or is this about Mike Pence and his 'mother'? 

Funny thing about fruit. I mean, it can look perfectly fine on the outside and be rotten to the core on the inside.

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Well, that's all for this week.  I know, not a deep dive this week... 

But hopefully you all now know who George Rekers really is (hee, hee). 

Lord knows those folks at Family Research Council and NARTH sure didn't.

Next week, we'll explore the last 11 Brandon Book gay-oriented titles. Then view a few from Brandon Book's Barclay imprint. 

Until then...

Thanks for reading.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ok, so The Psalm of Sodomy and The Flesh Mast? I'd read those in a second. Also, a whole book on anal compulsion? Well, yes.


Jimmy said...

Just got a page error so I hope this doesn't post twice.

I wonder what year "Anal Compulsion" was written?

whkattk said...

Nice collection. I'm intrigued with the pen names as I attempt to come up with one of my own.... Rod Sawyers : Rod Sawers : Sawing Rods?

Hot guys said...

Never have I ever seen any of these 🤷‍♂️